My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

What information might open the eyes of people who want to join terrorist groups?

Terrorist GroupTerrorist groups are not solving problems of the world - they are the problem by themselves. The leaders from these groups are nothing else than cowards which likes to empower themselves by hiding them behind some "religious scripts" for building up their own religious dictatorship. So why you should give your life for such idiots? You have only one life! Life is not a video game, which can get started over again and again. Do you like to give your life for cowards by killing innocent people?

No "hero", but a criminal career is waiting

Participation in a terrorist organization does not solve complex political problems. Thousands of people - religious minorities as well as Muslims - suffer from terrorist regimes like the IS, Boku Harum, Abu Sayyaf, etc.

Extreme brutality also against "own" people

It is already known that any insubordination against the Commander of the extremists in Syria or the Iraq as a betrayal is handled and sometimes immediately will be punished with death.

Loss of humanity

Anyone who is a victim of the radical rat catcher can easily end up as a murderer, a rapist and a robber. How can these crimes ever be reconciled with one's own conscience when this once awakens again?

Destroying one's own future

Radicalization can have criminal consequences. Whoever has decided to go the path of violence and become guilty, the return to a regular everyday life is almost impossible.

No ticket to paradise

Even from the Islamic point of view, crime can not be justified. Whoever thinks of attaining a high position in the hereafter on this way, is seized by a following fallacy. Every alleged leader who promises paradise for this or that act commits a presumptuous blasphemy.

War is not an action movie

What affects some people become so cool like a real computer game, is leg-harsh reality. Whoever gets into it, is not only playing with his own life and anyone else's, but also playing with his soul. As for violence everyone gets made responsible for his deeds at the latest in the hereafter.

Sexual exploitation

For girls it is not the return to the somewhat transfigured early days of the Muslims, but the cruel reality of sexual exploitation. They are married to jihadists and passed on to the next one at their death. It must be clear to them that their men have cruelly killed people when they go to bed with them and see women of the "enemy" as religious and ethnic minorities as "prey" who can rape them.


How can teachers of religion and Muslim clubs counteract terrorism?

Quran SchoolHumans like normally living in peace. Cowards like hate preachers and terrorist leaders like only to empower themselves by hiding themselves behind holy scripts. These idiots even don't know the meaning and the full content of their own scripts the are preaching about. I think that nobody like that his children risks their lives for such stupid war preachers. Responsible people and teachers have to create the opposition to such eggheads for creating a better world in favor for our children. Only educated and critical thinking people can lead the world to a better place.

Support for "diagnose position"

Religious teachers, especially when they are well integrated into the teaching body, can be of assistance in the classification of certain phenomena. If it is to assess conspicuities, they are particularly suited to make a cautious initial assessment of the situation.

Religious knowledge as an immunization against extremist thought

In the analysis of the manipulative methods and in the Islamic arguments, why extremists go a complete misdirection, the key is where to begin the reconnaissance and prevention work first. In this, a work assignment point by point (see the immediately preceding questions) is to assert the interpretative authority over Islamic doctrine through elucidation and information, and to reject extremist thought.

Competence-oriented teaching supports maturity

A teaching style in which it is not only a question of making knowledge reproducible, but rather of developing solutions to it, helps young people to become more mature.

Critical lighting of conspiracy theories

Simplified justifications for complex problems and lump-sum blame assignments to persons or groups provide enemy images that can harm the peaceful coexistence and obscure the view on realistic solutions.

Make the spiritual side of religion experienceable

Behind religious rituals, their spiritual core must stand out. This strengthens the individual in the perception of his own potential and conveys an attitude of love to the world as God's creation, which must be preserved. Extremists, on the other hand, lose their "soul" because they kill this side at themselves.


Above all, groups which themselves prefer a very orthodox lifestyle are particularly challenged to distinguish ideologically from the extremists.

Deconstruction of "longing images" from the past

The extremists are working on an emotional level by addressing longing images of a transfigured early age of Islam. To present this Islamic early history historically more precisely in the Muslim education work helps to deconstruct false notions about the "caliphate".

Living the peace order of Islam

In their inner diversity Muslims agree on the peace order of their religion. These can best be pursued through personal effort, a jihad in the best sense, in their own environment. This also includes peaceful conflict resolution models. Violence begins in the family and in education, as well as in the mosque.

Prospects for own responsibillity for a fairer world

Young people must be taken seriously in their needs. The desire for justice for oppressed people in crisis regions can be positively channeled into options for participation in humanitarian programs, donations, and similar civil society and political activities.

Self Reflection

As already stated, sectarian phenomena can occur in a weakened form, even in "normal" social dynamics. The points "authority faith" and "selectivity" must be considered particularly self-critically. Own complexes due to being excluded from the pulpit: "As Muslims we are the better people" to deepen the complexes and prevent social cohesion in a pluralistic society. Rather, Muslims must take their overall social responsibility and make a positive contribution. Likewise, religious authorities must be careful not to strive towards an absolute bond to the dependence of the faithful, but rather to convey the idea of maturity as value.

Accepting religion as a private matter

All religions got created from peoples and for peoples. A real, almighty and omniscient God does not need humans for fulfilling his wishes. He has more possibilities than all humans together. So accept religion for the reason it got created - as the first law that humans should not kill each other in their greediness and power hungry behavior. The creators of the religion only used a God for avoiding endless discussions. The mighty ones from the ancient time have used and formed the religion into their own favor for increasing their own influence.


"Alarming" - Vienna: Every 3rd Muslim places religion above laws

Vienna, St. Stephen's CathedralThe results of a youth study commissioned by the City of Vienna on the topic of identity and radicalization are alarming: 27 percent of Muslim respondents reject the West and make their religion through the laws in force in Austria. Homosexuals and Jews are also denied.

On behalf of the City of Vienna, young people aged between 14 and 24 were interviewed. More than half of the young people are Muslim, 36 percent are Christians. There are two similarities: They are getting accustomed in youth centers and are from socially weak families. Therefore, the study is also not representative for Vienna. The numbers are speaking for themselves anyway.

59 percent of Muslims reject homosexuality. Among the Catholics there are 24%, the Christian-Orthodox 50%.

A total of 33% were negative about Jews. Among Muslims, anti-Semitism is seriously high (47%).

Female adolescents evaluate according to the survey of rare and less strong than male. Young people with higher education are also more tolerant. Clear correlations shown therefore between the tendencies of prejudice and concern for the future of vocational and scholastic education.

One focus of the study was the radicalization of the Muslim teenagers. 27% therefore sympathize with jihadism, affirmative violence and hostile to the West.

Should someone soothe that it is only 27%? These are those who are cared for in youth centers, how does it look with those who are not looked after? They openly reject the West. Why are not their applications for asylum rejected? Why these stupid Muslims have been going to a country which they hate and not respect the culture? What are they doing in Europe? What attracts them to the "unbelievers"?

It looks like these uneducated people don't know that they have to accept the local law and order of their host country. They like to take the system with them from which they have been escaping. It looks like they are so perverse and in need to get suppressed and cannot handle any freedom.

The city councilor Sandra Frauenberger said: "Young people talk about things, which they have not yet grown. No risk out of them, on the contrary, they are endangered. We must give protection".

In view of the results, Frauenberger now wants to consider how to reach those affected even more - so that they can defend themselves against the calls of radical adults. The instruments already exist, they should now be sharpened. Thus, topics such as anti-Semitism and homophobia are to be dealt with more strongly by young people.

In addition, young people who were previously difficult to reach, will be addressed by using their community. Especially young people from Chechnya or Afghanistan fall into this group, as it was called. The contact with the parents should get also intensified. The work has been coordinated since 2014 by the Viennese network for deradicalization and prevention.

27% it should be according to a much-publicized study in Vienna. So every fourth. Endangered to slide down in the violence, murder, terror, Jihad. Seduces and indoctrinated, but always voluntarily. Well, and since I now have a problem...

With the term "endangered". For example doctors without borders in war zones and areas of the disease are endangered for me. Or buddy's outdated mines. Or Red Cross workers in Iraq, in Syria. And more recently dealer in Manila.

But not every fourth Vienna Mohammedans, who whistles on integration, our culture neither accepted nor respected and is of the opinion that Islam must defend themselves against his "subjugation" by the "West" by all means. No, these people are not endangered. We are it. Their host country, their fellow citizens, their neighbors, perhaps even our friends.

Because these people, namely plain and poignant - are dangerous. This is the only correct term. But: Endangered sounds just less threatening as dangerous. And, of course, the old left-lined position is based on the fact that the victims are the perpetrators.

The survey, with the result that 27% of Muslims place religion above national laws is a confirmation of a similar survey from Germany. In Germany, naturalized migrants (i.e. German) Turkish origin were interviewed and the result was still devastating with 37%. For realists, there is no question in which direction the train will take in the future. The political leaders will find themselves again only in the history books if there will be this freedom still available.

These migrants are against the West and against the western culture. But they have no problem to take the money from unbelievers which they receive as social assistance. Send them back home if they are not happy here. Oh, yes, there the religion has already destroyed everything or is just happens now. Their rules do not work in their countries of origin (uprisings, civil war, etc.) and will also tear the Western World into the abyss.

But at some point must it even get the dumbest one, that the Western World is sitting on a powder drum where fuse is already burning a long time. The spiral of violence turns faster and faster since the Muslims arrived in the Western World.


Abducted, Abused, Discriminated

MuslimThat the Islam is getting only used from the uneducated ones for empowering themselves gets shown in the case from the Nigerian girl Aisha Moussa, who got kidnapped and converted under pressure to the Islam religion. That a conversion under force has no real value shows already the missing education of the Muslims and their barbarian style of living. Only idiots are thinking that the end justifies the means.

For ten months the Nigerian Aisha Moussa thought her life would end at any moment. The 15-year-old was abducted in February of last year of Boko Haram Islamic terrorist militia. One night the extremists invaded her village Gulak in the Federal State of Adamawa and kidnapped Aisha and other young Christians and brought them to a camp in Sambisa forest.

Aisha recalls: "I was buried up to the waist. So they wanted to force me to convert to Islam". After three weeks of torture, she gave up her resistance. She denied her Christian faith and was forcibly married to one of the fundamentalists - a man she estimates at the beginning of 30.

Many other girls and young women in the camp suffered a similar fate, says Aisha. "Some were just eight years old," she says. During the day they were forced to work in the camp. "But what we feared most was when our husbands returned in the evenings, because that meant abuse and rape," says Aisha. Tears run down her cheeks, when she recalls countless coercion in revolver holding in.

The terrorist group, which wants to establish a so-called "god-state" with a strict interpretation of Islamic law in the north-east of Nigeria and the neighboring areas and the neighboring countries of Cameroon, Niger and Chad, has been dragging away women and women for years. Similar to the crude ideology of the terrorist organization Islamic State (Daesh) in Iraq and Syria, Boko Haram calls the enslavement of women of different faith as a religious duty.

According to Amnesty International, at least 2,000 women and girls have been confined to the Islamists' captivity. They are forced to marry, kept as sex slaves, have to transport weapons or getting forced to suicide bombings.

The United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Coordinator in Nigeria, Fatma Samoura, believes that even up to 7,000 girls and women are in captivity of the terrorists. The world's most famous case is that of the more than 200 girls who were dragged from the dormitory of their school in the city of Chibok in northeastern Nigeria.

Aisha can can consider herself lucky. She is one of the few women who have managed to escape from the hands of the terrorists. After months of imprisonment, she slipped out of the camp one night and ran ten days through the forest until she reached the border to Cameroon. In the border town of Mora, Aisha was taken up by soldiers and taken to a refugee camp in Minawao.

There she has lived since the beginning of the year - but the other refugees still look at the girl with suspicions. "Boko Haram"women might be spies or suspected suicide bombers. "I'm treated as if I had a contagious disease," says Aisha. "When I come, the others turn away."

"We just can not trust these girls," says a security officer from the refugee camp who wants to remain anonymous. The mistrust is great, because Boko Haram forces more and more children to blow themselves up as an assassin. More than 40 minors committed suicide attacks in Nigeria, Cameroon and Chad last year, according to the UN Children's Fund agency UNICEF. Three quarters from them were girls. In attacks and attacks by the group, at least 14,000 people have died since 2009.

According to UNICEF, the calculated use of minors has created an atmosphere of fear and suspicion. Especially girls who can escape the captivity of Boko Haram would be considered potential security risks and therefore excluded and discriminated. "One thing must be clear: these children are victims, not offenders," said the UNICEF Director for West and Central Africa, Manuel Fontaine. The children were systematically deceived and instrumentalised, according to Fontaine.

Despite the harsh treatment, Aisha is glad she is here. She feels safe in the refugee camp for the first time for years. Even in Gulak, before her abduction, she lived with her family in constant fear of terrorist attacks. What costs Aisha the sleep is the concern for her family in Nigeria. She fears that her parents and siblings might have been killed on the night of their kidnapping by the fighters. This concern was worse than anything that had happened to you in the past few months, Aisha said. "These thoughts kill me inwardly," she said.


Fight against IS in Iraq and Syria

Soldier instructionA large-scale military campaign against the Islamic State (Daesh or IS) is planned for Mosul. The terrorist militia should be expelled from their last stronghold in the Iraq. The inhabitants of the city are now faced with the choice: If they stay, they expect air raids and a possible siege. If they try to flee, they would get threatened punishment by the fighters of the IS.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians are preparing for the offensive, which is being planned. There are still discussions about the execution at the international level: Iraq rejects the participation of Turkish troops. There is a consensus that the action against the Islamic State will get carried out in Mosul.

As the British "Guardian" reports, the IS keeps the residents from leaving the city by checkpoints along the exit roads. The houses of those who had already escaped were blown up, as punishment and deterrence for others.

The escape itself is life-threatening and often means a journey through minefields. Those who remain must be prepared for air raids and street fightings. Also a possible siege of the big city threatens, and last but not least the danger, as a human protective shield to be abused, as the IS has already done in other conflicts.

The Muslim cowards from the Daesh need some civilians, women, children, etc. where they can hide themselves behind. Such people don't have any honor and they will end up in hell for getting tortured from the Satan instead of playing with 72 virgins. What else can you expect from the "peaceful" Islam? In the Quran is murdering, men slaughtering, rapes, slavery, etc. of unbelievers allowed. But in this case the Muslim cowards are using innocent Muslim civilians, women and children as protective shield.

Iraqi soldiers and Peshmerga prepare themselves before Mosul. IS fighters should have retreated already in residential areas. "The children are crazy because the US jets bombed IS positions in residential areas. The sound is terrible, the windows are broken, the whole house is shaking and people are hysterical", the "Guardian" quotes a man from Mosul, who recently escaped with his family. In Mosul itself, people prepare themselves by building makeshift shelters and collecting food supplies.

While the Iraqi Mosul is still waiting for the big offensive, Syrian rebels with Turkish support have already launched an operation against the Daesh in Dabik. The Islamists there were preparing for an "apocalyptic battle" on Saturday, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. More than 1,200 IS fighters are also on the road from other fronts to "defense Dabiks". Dabik, controlled by the Terrorist militia, lies north of Aleppo near the Turkish border. According to reports, Turkey is involved with tanks and fighting planes against the terrorists.

The 3000-inhabitant village is not of strategic, but of high symbolic importance: According to an Islamic tradition, an important battle between the Muslims and their opponents will take place here at the end of time. Not least because of its ideological importance, the IS named its English-language propaganda magazine after the city.

Dabik also plays an important role in Turkish history. Here, the Ottoman Sultan Selim I defeated the Egyptian Mamelucke Sultan, laying the foundations for the conquest of the Arab world.

With the support of Turkey and the USA, the rebels recently took several villages near Dabik.