My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Muslims call it law: Legal assistance only at the time of judgment

Seinab Sekaanwand, (alternative spelling: Zeinab Sekaanvand)That Muslim judicial processes have nothing to do with law and order gets shown from the reports of Amnesty International. In the case from the child pride Zeinab Sekaanvand gets shown that women have no rights and the judge is only bloodthirsty. Why they need in this case make a show of a trial? Are they otherwise shaming themselves for their bloodthirstiness?

Since last Thursday morning the 22-year-old Iranian Zeinab Sekaanvand (alternative spelling: Seinab Sekaanwand) can get executed on the gallows. For a murder, which the former children's bride has probably not done at all, as the human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) emphasizes. Iran is silent on the allegations.

Amnesty International has been fighting for Sekaanvand for four years. At that time she was sentenced as a murderer to her husband, with whom she had been married at the age of fifteen. In Iran, girls and boys are considered to be adults from the age if puberty, which is accepted by courts for girls in the age of nine years. But it is not just a death sentence against a minor at the time of the crime. Over the years, new details have emerged about the investigations that make Sekaanvand's fault doubt.

Sekaanvand's conviction was based solely on a written confession, which she had filed in police custody after twenty days. According to her statements, the then 17-year-old was forced to do so by beatings and other ill-treatment. She withdrew her confession in the trial, which was irrelevant to the court, as was her statement that the brother of the man was the culprit and had forced her to confession.

According to Iranian law, the next family members of a person killed can pardon the perpetrator. The brother of the man, who is said to have raped Sekaanvand several times, promised her a pardon, according to her statements, if she admits the act. The court ignored this information and did not investigate its allegations of ill-treatment by the police.

What makes the case even more outrageous: the verdict would also have to be abolished according to Iranian criminal law. As Amnesty told the independent British newspaper Independent, her age should at least have been regarded as a mitigation ground. Furthermore, the court should have sought an opinion on Sekaanvand's state of mind and, in the event of a reduced liability, be entitled to a maximum sentence of imprisonment. According to the British BBC, she has been suffering from depression for a long time.

Above all, Sekaanvand had only contact with a lawyer for the first time on the day of the conviction. The defendant, who was established by the state, also failed to provide information on possible remedies against her conviction. Their execution had been postponed only because she had become pregnant in prison, where she married a fellow prisoner in 2015. The child was born dead last month, after which the Justice declared the postponement of their execution to be over.

UN human rights experts demanded an immediate abolition of the death penalty as well as physical chastisements for minors. In a recent report on the situation of children in the Gulf States, the UN Committee on Children's Rights criticized laws that would allow the death penalty and serious ill-treatment such as stoning, amputation and spanking for minors. The experts urged the Arab countries to suspend immediately the execution of those who are currently living in the death row, who were supposed to have committed their crimes as minors. Laws, which allow stoning, beatings or amputations in children, should be abolished.

The story about Zeinab Sekaanvand makes the Islam to a barbarian tradition of uneducated, inhuman and bloodthirsty murders, child abusers and rapists where even the victim gets prosecuted. How can someone call the Islam to be a religion in such a case?


Islamization or secularization?

ReligionsIn Germany, the church receives 19 billion Euro annually from the state. Why? Because they are churches and religions in this country have always been financed by taxpayers, although their assets are estimated to be about 500 billion euros (all property, land, property, etc.).

The Islamic associations are now yelling: STOP STOP, NOW I SPEECH! And also demand money and are immediately screaming discrimination, if they do not get it. Since the two Christian churches are trying to prevent any debate about the legality of this welfare-State benefits, they figure dairymaid-like, it is still most profitable for them if you mass tax money also the associations of Islam get (they don't pay it finally), that they voluntarily give up "their" money.

This is the main reason why the Islamic associations are pushing open doors, and the churches are at the forefront of equating Islam in every respect before they give up billions of euros in taxpayers' money. This also means that the Islam in the schools will be that imams and Islamic religion teachers will get financed by the government and of course, that they eventually get their own Islamic labor law and legally covered, who is not a Muslim, which simply doesn't get the jobs allocated by them in their institutions. Against this nothing can get done otherwise the Christian churches will loose their privileges too.

The state is thus trying to breed its own Euro-Islam, which he believes he can direct. Only the Islamic associations, however, are firmly linked with the foreign countries, with partly anti-democratic countries and governments, which are only too willing to use this privilege to subvert and influence. And also here the state will not intervene, because he would tangle in this case with the churches, which don't want to renounce no cent of tax money. Anyway others are paying it and with the often negative effects the population must come alone clear. If not, they are supposed to be "Islamophile" or "Islamophobia", in order to make them guilty and subordinate intolerance.

Even if Christians do not like it, the churches are mainly responsible for the fact that there is an Islamization. And with Islamization, we do not understand that all are forced to Islam, but that Islam is going to clash all the privileges that the churches already have. Including the non-criticism of their practices. The only rational way against Islamization and the excessive influence of foreign Islamic governments is therefore secularization and rethinking the privileges of the religions. All religions!

The bottom line it looks namely, that as Turkey gets here a big co-right and this co-right get even paid from the German tax payers, because many associations of Islam by the dominance of the Turkish members are Turkey enslaved. Germany, however, does not have any co-right in Turkey and other Islamic countries. In such a case it would get spoken about colonialism, Hitler and any right of scrutiny gets rejected.

As long as the churches are only keen on the tax money, they will always look away, whenever everywhere else Christians are getting persecuted, while they themselves contribute to this, that Islamic groups, who are advocating the Christian persecution in their homelands are rising their influence.


Should the Burka get banned in all Western societies without exception?

BurquaIn the Quran, there are only two passages that indicate the veil of the Muslim women. However, without precise specifications, how exactly this has to look. Everything else has been added in the course of time by Islamic theologians and women's conspirators, and served only to keep the woman in check and make her more controllable.

The most important question should be: What does it matter, whether this is so in the Quran or not, and whether this is true in Islamic law as prescribed?
Freedom of religion does not mean having to tolerate inhuman and anti-democratic matters in the name of religion because this has been demanded since 1400 years by a religious founder and his ideological descendants and is still regarded as exemplary by Orthodox Muslims (Sunnah). In a secular European state, universal human rights are the basis of our ways of thinking and laws, and the main reason why European states became democratic. Also blind adherence to Islamic rules is not contemporary. If reason and individual freedom are rejected as pagan by orthodox Muslims, the logical consequence must be: The modern democracy based on reason and freedom is also rejected by them.

The insistence on the traditions such as the burqa is the inroads within a European State in a reactionary Islamic parallel society. Needless to say, how little our concept of human rights is similar to an islamized conception of the same. We are so far that the women finally found their equitable place next to the man. At the same time, however, accepting burquas or other whole body veils can only be regarded as a mockery of all achievements in the area of women's rights. Already the sight of this form of concealment can cause in an enlightened man only misunderstandings and violent shaking of the head, since our modern image of freedom strongly contradicts it.

The modern European has its own history, which also speaks of a dark time, in which the "voluntary" submission to the Christianity of the churches was so advanced that almost all of the ancient knowledge from Plato to Pythagoras fell victim to it. It was hard to believe that there was an era when Islamic caliphs attempted to reconcile the Hellenistic secular knowledge with Islam (but eventually failed because the dogmatism of Islamic orthodoxy prevailed against reason and Reversed everything). But what is happening today, almost one thousand years later, no longer corresponds to this enlightened image of the caliph from this ancient time. Even today dogmatism is preferred to reason and a strong turn to Islam is preached. What is supposed to mean the salvation of Islam has always led to its decline in history and is now intended to lead to the rise of Muslim countries. The Islamic countries are scientifically and economically on the ground despite huge revenues from the sale of oil and their location on geostrategically important routes and seem to be incapable or unwilling to allow these billions of income to benefit science and their own population. As is often the case in Islamic history, wealth is divided within the ruling class. Magnificent palaces and mosques often adorn the cityscape. What the average Muslim can experience of this richness is the prayer among the vaults of the material wealth of decorated mosques.

In order to obscure this social injustice and the failure of Islamic societies, an external enemy gets used, which is sometimes rightly called, but often wrongly, as the cause of all existing problems. This is only to be explained by an anti-knowledge and authority, which alone recognizes the Islamic discourse as the only authority and fights discourses as "foreign" and liberal, Islam-threatening ideas. Thus the oppressed by the Islam becomes the greatest advocate of his own oppression, without understanding it. The fanatical belief in the inviolability of Islam makes him a blacksmith and a preserver of his own misery. The lack of rational thought led to a lack of self-critical thought makes him incapable of recognizing this.

The expansion of Islam over the whole world was the goal of Muhammad already 1400 years since he viewed Islam as the successor religion of all monotheisms known to him. Never was it as easy as today, one could think of spreading such an intolerant movement. And this, although the people (in the West) were never as enlightened as they are today. In the middle of Europe, a pretext for why this is to be tolerated is the reason why Islam is said to be good, although history could never confirm this. The criticism of Islamic imperialism and its goal of bringing Western societies under its influence is generally regarded as racism or "Islamophobia" - which seems completely absurd in the historical context. Several Western groups and ideologies based in Europe seem to have found an ally in Orthodox Islam, which has been lost in recent decades. In order to combat the alleged US imperialism, for example, Islamism is preferred as a partner, who now speaks openly about the world as soon as the chances for it exist. But there will not be much left of democracy, freedom of opinion and freedom of religion. The only common ground between Islamic and European anti-Western ideologies is the common enemy image. There can be no question of common values, since they do not exist.

It is worth pointing out the particularly high interest of the policies of various European countries with a relatively high proportion of Muslim immigrants who can play a decisive role in democratic elections. Once again, Orthodox Islamic associations, which are entitled to represent the Islamic municipalities, are once again the contact point. As a clientele they are granted a certain immunity in the form of religious propaganda. In order to win the Muslims votes, they are hardly openly criticized, even if there are obvious reasons for this. Thus the attempt to procure the majority necessary in democracies is weakened very consciously. This in turn means that trust in democracy is dwindling.

So why it is important to pronounce a burqua ban is now clear. As a visible element of Orthodox Islam, a prohibition would be an important sign. A clear denial of intolerance. A rejection of the obvious suppression of the (Muslim) woman and the religious immaturity of the Muslims, which here too are increasing proportionally and, as the majority creator of various parties, this rampant backwardness can spread unhindered to the whole society. As a further step, it will be necessary to provide the large group of secularized people from Islamic countries of origin with the possibilities and the help to organize and decisively oppose Islamic orthodoxy together with the enlightened Europeans. Up to now, these aid is only guaranteed to the Islamic associations, since religion, however serious it may be, enjoys state protection and is given an inviolable status in our democracies through the so-called "blasphemy paragraphs". Although it is usually no racism to reject intolerant religious representatives, Islam criticism is today used synonymously with racism and agitation and rejected.

Anti-Western racism among Muslims is widespread and leads to the secular "Muslims" being prevented from joining together with secular Europeans and forming a broad front. The most intolerant representatives of Islam are only too glad to rely on the "racism" against Europeans, in order to suppress any criticism of their approach and to prevent a necessary shoulder closure among the secular ones. With the pretext of racism, they live their own racism against Western, because non-Islamic ways of thinking. If they do not drive a wedge between people, they lose their own importance.

This assumption of racism is seldom questioned and gladly taken up by "anti-racist" groups in politics and media. These groups live from racism. If there were no racism, these groups would not exist, and they would lose their importance. All their campaigns are based on real but often also invented racism. For example, the already mentioned equality of all Islamic criticism with racism. In some cases even the self-evident requirement of a burqua ban is declared a racism.

As long as burqas and other conflicting symbols of extremist thinking are not get prohibited, they continue to remain as propaganda instruments of dubious groups, which are used only as pretexts and overshadow really important debates, while they at the same time they are weakening the democracy.

Alone in a so long to debate why the burqa, the symbol of backward thinking, should be prohibited at all, should show us that the anti racism debates of the "anti-racists" and Orthodox Islam societies drifted off already long ago in the absurd and is missing any enlightened thinking. That are only apparent debates and red herrings. Those who are boundlessly tolerant of accepting even the most intolerant ideas will ultimately only promote intolerance and give up tolerance.

If a man is not able to stand the view of a woman, he should wear blindfolds and not the woman a veil!!!


Most refugees will not integrate themselves

Syrian RefugeesThe lack of common values makes integration of Muslims almost impossible and their self-imposed demarcation probable.

As the first refugees arrived, many welcome clappers stood at the stations and cheered the new arrivals as a great enrichment. Many of these refugees got teddy bears as a gift, because teddy bears are probably exactly what people need most, after crossing the entire Balkan part by foot.

After all, most of the refugees thought they would be given a house, a car, and a well-paid job right away, and they would soon catch up their families. The whole Refugees Welcome banner, the self-esteem with the German Chancellor, their promise to let everyone into the country and no one to control, while no one will be pushed off, even if his asylum application is rejected, has helped to attract more to Germany as Germany and other EU countries can cope.

In order to increase acceptance, for the millions of refugees, nice stories or better described as simple lies got designed to calm down indigenous people. Supposedly, only academics and highly trained specialists would be the ones who would catapult Germany's economy to the world's peak. So to speak, each Syrian an atomphysicist. It turned out, however, that very many of them were neither atomphysics, nor Syrians. After it became known that Syrians no longer get deported, everybody wanted to be a Syrian and purchased a Syrian Passport at the black market. Syria is therefore probably the only country on this planet, where a quarter of a million people have been murdered in the last few years by Assad's regime and Islamic groups, but the number of citizens is still rising sharply.

In order to take the fears of the population, police reports are being dressed. Thus it is stated that 10% of all refugees (in Germany) are punished at least once, but one should not be worried, because these are only minor offenses, such as black riding or shoplifting. Ten percent of a million will be a whole lot! In other places, there is talk of organized prostitution in some refugee shelters. At the very least, they have learned quickly that supply and demand are related and how to implement it properly. Some of them are business-minded, yes, but someone should finally explain to them that they can not claim to be recognized as a refugee, to flee from the Islamic state, who also kidnapped girls and made women to sex slaves, by doing here exactly the same.

If 80% of all refugees are men, the refugee women will not have it easy. Especially here one can see the differences in the way of thinking. While in Europe women are legally equal in all respects (although some men may see differently, the woman can fight well against real oppression), many of the refugees are thinking that women are subordinated to men and considered of having a lower value. Since fewest of these refugee men are feminists, their image of women should be so simple. Here the man, there the submissive woman who serves the man. So how has it been with Mama always, when they did not have to bend at home a single finger. In refugee shelter, this image is continuing partially. Volunteers, many of them are females, smearing breads and hand out clothes during their leisure time. Many refugee men get boring in the meantime and are making nonsense.

Formed in their home country from Mommy spoiled and disfigured, it continues in Europe. Even the refugee women are even consider as too stupid for such a job and not one even trust them to introduce themselves and to make themselves useful. Smearing sandwiches and distribute donated clothes may seen by some men as low activity. As long as there are Eurpean women who intensify this attitude (unconscious?), we cannot expect that the image of women will get modernized quickly. The angry awakening will come. For the most European (and other living women here) it is indeed too stupid to wear his ass behind the man. Welcome to the Western World! This is usually the case here, even though some refugee assistants may declare the refugees as immature and try to stifle independent behavior from the outset, only for the reason to self congratulations and to celebrate themselves to be a good human, who help these savages not to starve, Because they are probably would go in their home with bow and arrow for hunting and would immediately starve here, if not getting spoiled from prosperity children who are smearing bread for them.

As said already, among the refugee men, not all, but probably damn many from them, are the gender roles simply knitted. The hetero-man and the hetero-woman, who serves him because the hetero-man got already raised from his hetero-mother to be dependent on his mother, who is therefore afraid of women because he is dependent on her care.

And that is only the beginning of all these reasons, why especially immigrants from patriarchal and archaic (Islamic) societies are even not trying to integrate themselves here or somewhere. Either because they are not understanding it all (what you can understand well) or because they feel it ridiculous and cling rather to old traditions or Islam and there get their simple answers to complex questions. There is the man still man and the woman just woman. Everything else is simple and easy to understand.


The Quran: Fantasy and Reality

QuranAlmost everything get found in the Quran: compassion and hate; Peace and violence; Tolerance and intolerance; Forgiveness and revenge; Coexistence and expulsion of other believers. By using the Quran, any assertion can either be defamed or disproved. This is also known from the Bible: as better one is familiar with one or another holy script, as better he would be able to underline his arguments with the appropriate quotation.

It begins with a historical classification and explains the emergence and spread of the Holy Scriptures of the Muslims. The Quran, composed of 114 chapters (sections with a different number of verses), is divided into a Mecca and a Medina period. That first one produced the peaceful verses and the one have produced the violent passages, is not quite true, the sections are only a rough classification. Muslims believe that the Quran was dictated to the Prophet Muhammad by an angel (Gabriel) as the direct word of Allah. Unlike the Bible his chapters follow no thematic or narrative structures.

The Quran is a work that is strongly embedded in its period of development: the respective political and social circumstances influenced the "recitations" of Muhammad (he did not write them down, but dictated them). However, as more time passed from the time of the Prophet as more untouchable became the Quran.

Statements and regulations were no longer subject to necessary revelations. In addition to this, different from the Jewish and Christian sacred texts, which are regarded as revelations but which were written down by men (...), believing Muslims are taking the Quran as an "eternal book", available in the same language and with the same content since creation, and has been kept with God.

The Quran arose in several phases, which brought a more or less quarrelsome or even xenophobic orientation in the Holy Scriptures according to the situation in which Muhammad and his community found themselves. Many, detractors and proponents of Islam, nevertheless "understand these divergent passages not as a mirror of their period of origin."

Most of the Quran's rules are concrete responses to certain events of the past. One can say that Allah did not create Mohammed according to his model, but Muhammad had put those sentences that were just fitting for him in his particular life situation into the mouth of God.

The prophet had changed his attitude towards the "unbelievers" several times. As more women Mohammed had, as more the principle of equal rights disappeared which has been available in former chapters. It also looks that Mohammad has been shaming himself about his much younger wives as he has been coming in the age of 60, because at this time he started with the topic of veiling for women.

Only when we understand the Quran as a human work with everything that belongs to humans than then the negative aspects of violence can get neutralized and the positive aspects of the spiritual passages that the faithful believers need to feel comfort and love can get emphasized.