My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

New poll shows that people trust banks more than Facebook and Google

Facebook met with the Libra project across Europe strong resistance, whether in politics or business and the citizens of the countries. A new survey reaffirms these results, pointing to continued high levels of people's trust in traditional institutions such as banks.

Between Facebook's Libra project and Google's new Google Pay-linked checking accounts, the tech giants are showing big plans to integrate into the digital finance world of Bitcoin and Co. But not many tech and financial experts will seize the opportunity to leverage such services, according to a new survey by Blind, an app-based "anonymous social network".

The published results show that more than 5,000 professionals from various companies, including Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Uber, are skeptical. The study found that the overwhelming majority of professionals, around 62 percent, trusted "traditional banks" as "big tech" even earlier in their financial data. Of the tech professionals surveyed, 57 percent said they trust banks more than big tech companies, while nearly 70 percent of those working in finance said they favor traditional institutions.

In addition, some technology company employees do not even trust their own company with their financial information - least of all on Uber and Facebook. Of the 186 surveyed Facebook employees, only 21 percent said they trusted their data to the social media giants. (Uber scored even less - bleak 16 percent, though only 45 Uber employees took part in the survey.)

The results suggest that even Facebook employees would not trust Libra. Cuire Kim, Blind's brand marketing manager responsible for conducting the survey, made it clear that the survey did not specifically ask about Libra. However, given Facebook's collaboration with Libra, it is not a big leap, despite the company's efforts to separate itself and its reputation from the project.

Libra has experienced a very different response since its creation in June this year. While some saw Libra as a way to capitalize on the crypto-mainstream and legitimize the industry, others, especially the regulators, were reluctant to accept the project as the noble effort it claims to be.

Both Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, and David Marcus, head of the company's blockchain division, have been briefed by members of the US Congress on Libra and its perceived potential to combat money laundering and other white-collar crime in recent months silent about the concerns raised by the project regarding data protection.

Given Facebook's many published data scandals, including Cambridge Analytica's fiasco last year, it's not surprising that even its own employees are not too keen to pass on sensitive financial data to the company. Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, also says that Facebook has a fundamental trust problem and that trust is actually the foundation of all further steps and actions in a sensitive market such as the financial market. Garlinghouse believes Libra's vision is good, but the company would first have to convince politicians and businesses worldwide that Libra is 100% secure and does not collect data and share it with third parties.


Misinterpretation - Freedom of Religion: "O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) ..."

Every religion/people think that their religion is superior. Why can't we respect our differences and be respectful? Is religion the only thing what the people have learned in some parts of the world? Is it in this case religion not a brainwashing? If you read in the international news additional about the prayer from the Imam of the Great Mosque in Mecca, what is beginning with "O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) ...", then you know as a normal person the intentions of the followers from this Imam with the name Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais.

Recently I got an invitation to show which reputation the Islam has for the remaining part of the world. The nature of the people is that bad news keeping longer in memory than good ones. The Islam is a totalitarian system and does not really know the word freedom. Examples for the totalitarian system can get found in masses by browsing the news sites where the leaders of the Islam are getting cited. In the same way you’ll find negative news in masses about the crime coming in the name of Allah to the countries of the "non believers".

As everybody participating in the social networks is speaking English and can find understandable news in the Internet and my mother tongue is German, I have decided to bring up an actual case from the German mainstream news sites. Mainstream news sites are the opinion makers of the crowd. The result has been the an article, which I have distributed with the following description and link at the social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter):

Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke?

Some claim that Islam is a religion of peace, and the jihadists are just wacky fringe groups. Extremists precisely. This especially in the West cherished by non-Muslims was wishful thinking now, corrected by Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam and Quran reciter from the "Sacred Mosque" of Mecca. The Salafist and Wahabit Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais applies Sunni Muslims as one of the most reliable and popular interpreters of the Koran.

The basis for the report of the main stream news sites is a prayer from the Saudi Imam Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais of Mecca's Grand Mosque, which is a war declaration from Saudi Arabia against the rest of the world and got live distributed from the Egyptian TV station:

The good news are coming from an Egyptian TV commentator who roasted the Wahhabi Imam of Mecca's Grand Mosque, Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais. As bad news are riding on a jet plane while good news are taking a snail are got this good news, which are showing that not all Muslims are from the same kind, not published in the main stream media. The business from the media site is done with their headlines. Bad news are bringing more readers than good ones. Here is the video of the Egyptian TV commentator:

Here is a transcript from the English sub-titles:

TV Commentator: What does he say in his prayer?

Prayer: O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) in Yemen, in Sham (Syria) and Iraq and everywhere.
O Lords of the Worlds grant them victory over the godless Rafidah (Shia Muslims), grant them victory over the treacherous Jews and over the spiteful Christians and over the untrusted hypocrites.
Oh Allah, grant them victory, help and strength.

TV Commentator: Rafidah (Shia Muslims), Jews, Christians?!!!
And then you wonder when a Mosque is exploded in Najran?!
A Shia’s mosque in Saudi Arabia?!
All the people around the world are their enemies!
All the people are enemies to Salafis!
They are the only saved group!
They’re the only true Muslims, The Wahhabis and Salafis
All the other people are enemies and should be defeated
Rafidah (Shia Muslims), Jews and Christians
We will kill them all. We will fight them all
They’re talking about Muslims and about Jews and Christians in general
Not even the American coalition in which they are part of
No. No.
And then we ask ourselves how Daesh (ISIS) was created. Are you ridiculing us?
Then you say "we will fight terrorism!"
Fighting terrorism?! Are you ridiculous?
You are the source of terrorism. You are the terrorism itself.
Let’s have a break

Here are some links from news sites with a good reputation which have reported about this case in the German speaking countries (Austria, Germany and Switzerland):

The same way as the Muslims do not differ between the subcategories of other religions from the World nobody else will differ between the subcategories of the Islam. Main stream news sites and TV stations are the opinion makers and a war declaration to the rest of the world, which gets done from the Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca is nothing what can get ignored. Such leaders are promoting the image from the Islam to the rest of the world. In civilized countries such hate preachers would end up in jail and would not find some audition any more. Freedom is one of the base values in the Western World. There is also a Freedom of Religion included, but each freedom ends there where the freedom from others will get limited or influenced. Everybody has his right of freedom and not only some.

Abdul Rahman Al-SudaisSuch hate preachers and wannabe warlords like the Imam from the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, are the reputation of the Islam. They like to distribute their totalitarian system all over the world and are stupid enough to think that they can do everything without punishment. Does anyone think that other countries will use millions of dollars everyday for making a firework by throwing their bombs against the Daesh (ISIS) as the Muslims are not able by themselves to stop the terrorists and such preachers? Don't forget the Islamic terror started 1983, more than 33 years ago and not with the Syrian conflict. At WikiPedia you'll find an incomplete list from the Islamic terror attacks. That list and the speeches and hate-prayers from the leading Imams are making the reputation of the Islam in the mainstream media of the world. Such news are remembering others about their own dark history. Each child of the Western World is learning in the school about the history and all children of the Western World have to visit the schools for at least 8 years. This rule is forced by law.

If we take a look at the Muslim Population of the world from the year 2014, then we see that a minority likes to rule the world. The Muslims are even not able to make peace under each other, how they will be able to rule the world?

CC BY-SA 4.0,

As we have seen from the comments from the of the Egypt TV station seems it come to the same situation like the world has been before World War II as Hitler has declared his war against the Jews. I think everybody knows how the story has ended. You need only compare the prayer from Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais with the ideology from Hitler and you'll not find any difference.

Under such circumstances I expected a real shit storm for my article in the social networks. Only in the LinkedIn group Better Future4Earthlings a discussion about the topic has started and got a lot of comments.

The first comment made Zaheer Mirza, the moderator of the group Better Future4Earthlings. I fully agree with the following comments he wrote:

Zaheer MirzaHi Rudolf Faix ... thank you for posting this ... I urge calm discussion in this ... those who agree give reasons rather than be swayed by emotions ... and those that disagree please give reasons based on Quran and Hadith (life of prophet Muhammad PBUH) ... this is not easy ... but essential dialogue if we are to reduce/eliminate divides.

What people believe in is their personal matter ... we should only talk about how it impacts us ... we are not here to discuss merits of theologies and doctrines ... but rather the actions of others that are making our lives unbearable and then understanding the root causes of the behaviour.

An comment which describes situation in the best way has been coming from Pam Stofle:

Pam StofleIt's a difficult conversation. Period. I was raised to believe the holy book of Islam says it is ok to kill infidel. Without anyone to ask, because separation was the way in my neighborhood. It just stuck. Bring in media and it's easy to believe. Dating back for me to fear of leaders in Iran 70s and Libya, we had evidence to perpetuate the belief.
It wasn't until I made a pen pal , OBVIOUSLY before the internet, that I realized the news is not fact. My little friend was from a tiny island Qatar. She asked me the most amazing questions. Do all of you wear cone heads then burn black face people on fire? Do all of you wear mini skirt and show your cleavage to men? Do all of you kill babies? Why to Christ followers hate and kill bombing everyone everywhere? Why does America favor one small place and take land to give to Jews.? Do all Americans kill each other and dance naked at musical events? Why do Americans shoot their police. Why do the divide by white and everyone else?
You get the point
I was in 6th grade.
Sad and certain there was no hope for world peace. As media became more powerful, I questioned everything.
I protested every war, and also became agnostic for decades.
I am back with Christianity, only because I saw the possibilities for mutual aid when Islam and Christian helped after earthquakes or floods.
I'm sorry for us all.
My answer is simple, just keep being you. The light in you shines through. Yes your head coverings may scare us here, but also are you afraid our smutty dressed girls will influence your daughter's. We must find a way to let our children heal. Know, read watch the truth. Just a grandma remembering my little friend

The comment from Pam is correct describing the situation from people, who don't know how everything started - a war which started 33 years ago with terror attacks from a few idiots, who have been thinking that they can rule the world by killing innocent people. Isn't it time to stop this war for the favor of the next generation? Are such power hungry Imams like Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais, whos like to continue a war, which they cannot win, only for killing their own boredom, so important for their followers that they are not able to use their own brain? Are all the Muslims already brainwashed that they even not try to stop their dirty henchmen? After 33 years of terrorism is there no other way available than to put all these terrorists and their leaders into jail. That is the only reason for the alliance fighting against terrorism. If you take away this reason then the alliance has no reason to continue their bombings, which hits innocent people too. There is no way to make some capital out of it. Years ago I have been reading sometimes that the bad US alliance are only fighting for the available oil in the Arabian countries. The problem is only where shall get the oil used? The leading car manufacturers are all already promoting electric driven vehicles. It has been only a wishful thinking from uneducated people that the reason for the war is oil.

A very good comment, which explained how people can coexists with each other has been coming from Dave Aubin:

Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in. I am new to this, before i only listened to what was available. I will admit that it has been a challenge to understand. I have asked and have recieved some insight from friends on this site that are helping me. To understand i found that i had to remove all preconceived thought and start over. Here is what i found to date.
That we are all just human beings. We all have basic needs to live. Human beings who have been abused and/or marginalized will feel and react in a simular way. Here we have many Religions, too many to count, but each retreats to their own group and basically operate and live together but yet isolate themselves as they believe only they know the real truth. I think i do not care that they behave this way as long as they are not harming anyone else. Should they choose to fight among themselves, so be it. I will just watch as i have no interest. My interest is only that all people are the same and i do not condone...

Mistreatment of anyone. Any animal will fight if cornered and feel threatened. I do not expect any less from Human.
The question for me is that at what point did we begin to seperate and believe that we were above nature or could control nature. To understand our mental limits. To move forward we must look in the mirror and ask ourselves some very serious questions. If we were created in her or their image than we must work to prove that we are worthy. To date we have failed. And that is the ultimate challenge. She is not going to help us. She expects us to use the gift she gave us to rise above the primitive. To date we have proved that we have the power to destroy ourselves. Hardly a step in the right direction.

Another comment is showing that some people are thinking that they can make someone else guilty for the fails from their own rows. Some people are searching the failures from others instead from taking a look into the mirror and start by themselves:

Zaheer MirzaDear Rudolf Faix ... why are there refugees in the first place? Could Germany, other European countries or US done something to stop this from happening? Were some of these governments partly responsible to create this situation?

We need to stop addressing symptoms ... we need to go to root causes. What roles did various governments play to stop people becoming homeless?

The refugees are victims from a war started from Islamic terrorists against the rest of the world. It is humanity for taking care for these people. Asking for the root causes is nothing else than a joke. The Islamic terror started during the early 80ths and continues until now - 33 years. It is a problem of the Islamic world to stop these terrorists who are killing in the name of Allah.

Zaheer MirzaThese refugees were living in environments very different to what they have found themselves in post migrating to Europe. It does not take a scientist to conclude that you can't expect very controlled people to find complete freedom and have no negative consequences.

In the above comment gets even confirmed that the Islam religion is a totalitarian system without any freedom and controlled from the religion. Sure that people who are relocating from such a system have problems to find their own way in a free world.

Zaheer MirzaThis is similar to another simple reality that so many seem unable to comprehend - you can't eliminate terrorism by war. We all have seen the picture of the child who was dragged from the rubble - what will he become?

The terrorists have started with their attacks the war against the Western World. Like you see in the prayer from Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais supported from the highest Imams. That shows why the Muslims are not acting against the terrorists, who are killing in the name of Islam. Shall the Western World wait until they are getting slaughtered? Why did you not use it if you know a better method stopping the terrorists? As you don't have any working method found during the last 33 years why others shall wait in fighting against the terrorists? Don't forget that there is a way to reduce the terror coming from one region. The end of the second world war has shown it. The result will be not only one crying child. A lot of innocent people would lose their life and the area will be a desert for thousands of years.

Any comments on comments made by Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq? He made a lot of effort to answer the original question.

Dr. Mohammad Omar has completely failed the topic. Here is the discussion about how to make a better world for all and not about understanding the Islam. Deeds have more weights than words and everybody is free in his own decisions and beliefs. Nobody will ask if the intentions are sincere if someone kills himself with a bomb in the middle of a crowd by yelling "Allahu akbar". The result is still the same. Whom do you like to explain the Islam in this case?

Some others like Nazim Ali misunderstood the topic of the posting and of the group completely wrong:

Nazim Alithough I usually refrain myself the posts and commenting in this group but as Zaheer Mirza has named me so its my responsibility to respond about this .. first of all I would like to as Mr. Rudolf Faix about a few words he used... wahabbism..? what exactly wahabbism means about and how it was originated..? how wahabbism is associated with the roots of ‘house of saud' ..? what the term jihadi, jihad means in comprehensive way..? what is the context of particular phrase in which the word used by imam in a prayer during such communal gathering..?
please answer me these few questions and then I will start explaining it...

well after reading a blurry and staggering response from the person claiming that imam invoked jihadist and prayer for them.... I m done.... because you are also inspired by the similar problem of relying in media though urging others to deny that.... next time before raising a question please take a thorough look on the things you going to post...

The group is named Better Future4Earthlings and not discussion about the exact meanings of some words. It does not matter what I'm understanding about some words. Important is what the crowd is understanding by the named words when they are reading them in the international press. I wish Nizam Ali good luck by explaining some words to the masses while the terrorists are making his explanations to a lie. With neglecting the news from other countries and other opinions nobody can win something. Such comments got expected from narrow minded people. Simple to summarize: "I simple not believe it and for this reason it cannot be".

Dr. Mohammad Omar FarooqA little bit better has been the comment from Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq, but still far away from the real topic. He tried to convince me about the Islam religion. Sorry, but the crowd has a negative view about the Islam, because the actions from the terrorists, who are killing in the name of the Islam are speaking louder than any words. Victims from the Islamic terrorist and their family members are not interested if the terrorist has been a true Islamist or a fake one. That does not change something for them. The result is still the same. These actions are the problems and not the real teaching of Mohammed. Whom do you think you can convince that the Islam is a peaceful religion if your leaders are praying for power for the Jihadists for killing others? Do you think that the crowd in the Western World is the same way uneducated like in the countries of the Islamic world?

One comment from Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq is for me very strange:

Salam, Mr. Faix. If the Saudi Grand Mufti made such a statement, it is something to be deeply concerned. However, before we jump to conclusions, I opened the link and visited the site. Quite interestingly, the "About" button is disabled. Even more interesting is the fact I could not identify a single such report from any of the mainstream media. If it was said, it would be a big news not to be picked up by others. For the credibility of this report, it would be helpful if alternate sources from mainstream media is provided. Thanks and warm regards.

My article has no links inside and my website does not have an About link. My website has a disclaimer box and a link to the full disclaimer including my contact details. As he even did not mention which link he has followed I'm not able to know about which About button he is writing. At this time got provided from only one link to a WikiPedia article and one link to the Austrian newspaper, an old newspaper company with a good reputation. As the content from is written in German, there cannot get an About-Link found. Other links to my sources got provided at the end of the discussion. So I really don't know which website the guy is meaning.

Even some very narrow minded people have left their comments to the posting. One from these people who are believing something only for the reason it is written somewhere is Robert San Miguel / Vasquez. This guy has even not been reading the full article and even don't know the name of the group. He think that he needs only to write some statements and everybody will believe and agree with him. The professional golfer Robert San Miguel / Vasquez is even contradicting himself in his statements. He is simple starting with the words "This is nonsense" without the knowledge what is really written in the article. He like to compensate his missing knowledge with big words:

Robert San Miguel / VasquezThis is nonsense ! Islam isn't the culprit. The true catalyst to all world conflicts are the fake lying Ashkenazi Jews. The real imposters. They love to cause " social disorder ".

These f kers are the filthiest of all in humanity.

Why ? Because they love to cause " social disorder " then they get the boot ... But now with them stealing / occupying a state they are centralized to cause havoc across the Middle East like a wolf in sheep clothing. Isis is Israel ... Israel is Isis.

The world is blind or easily mislead by pure propaganda .... The Hebrew Jews left dark skinned from Israel and now returned " white " ! Really world wake up ! Speak up ! Stop this nonsense of " white washing " history.

We have more than enough American wealth to have them removed its their venom of fangs are biting into all other countries ! They are vile... the children of Satan " their father is the King of lies and deceit.

The Jews declared war on Germany ! Not Germany declaring war ! They lived in Germany and wanted to conquer! Hitler saw it growing up so yes it was his personal mission to rid those vile people off the earth ! And skin color is the racism all humanity is taught daily. It makes a huge difference! It's called being an impersonator to deceive the world with their bs " emotional ideology " of nonsense main stream media propaganda.

John 8:44

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

And the truth isn't hate ..its those that hate the truth that are in denial

The end of humanity is in Revelations and guess who is the culprit causing " social disorder "

Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Even in the Quran they are the evil ones ! Sorry it's in all the holy books of the vile ones in humanity the great imposters of lies and deceit.

Rudolf Faix bro I didn't kill Jesus or any of the holy prophets ..... But I can tell you who did and show you through the Torah Old and New Testament or even the Quran.

Ponder ??

Jesus = Muslims love and recognized Jesus as…

The truth isn't an insult brother ! I love God ! God knows what's in my heart I refuse to conform what others deem correct in society. God lives through me so I will always do my best in speaking and seeking the truth.

Rudolf Faix the holy books are not a lie but they do tell of the " great liars in humanity "

99 percent of Islam is super peaceful and that other 1 percent that are bad are driven by those that cause the social disorder. The world the UN has displaced thousands and thousands of people from the regions of the Middle East so yes cultures will clash but it's all premeditated pre-orchestrated by those occupying Israel !

Religions are man made up first of all. That's the issue for those practicing organized religions. Islam and Christianity are not religions !'s a way of life not what the main stream media ( idiot box / tv ) feeds the masses to indoctrinate.

Rudolf Faix who caused the displacement of those Muslims in Europe ? Of course there will be huge cultures clashed they knew that when they caused the displacements !

I lived for over 10 years of my life serving my country over in the Middle East and when I say I lived .. I adapted to their culture I walked amongst them and even pray with them. Do not believe what you read or see fed through main stream media

As I have asked him: "Robert San Miguel / Vasquez, which Islamic war do you mean with replacement of the Muslim from Europe? Between 1423 and 1878 had happened 10 unsuccessful wars initiated from the peaceful Muslims against Europe. Sorry that Europe did not welcome them." I got the following reply from the deadbeat:

Rudolf Faix heading to play golf I'll catch up with you later. Have a blessed day 🙏🏻

I did not hear something again from the fake profile from Robert San Miguel / Vasquez - the professional golfer who likes to be from the US. LOL

Here you can download the full thread with all comments: Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke.pdf (901.75 kb)


European Union: Posting of links could be subject to a charge

Here gets shown how inflexible and hostile to innovation the big magazine publishers of the European Union are. Instead of watching the signs of the time and adapting their own business model the German publishers are trying to continue their ride on a dead horse.

These stupid magazine publishers are thinking that they are mighty enough and can force others to pay for linking to their content by using short text snippets from their content. That shows only that these magazine publishers are so dumb and resident against learning that they don’t understand the functions of the header tags <title> and <description>. As soon as you are looking at one of these German site from these magazine publishers you'll find out the reason why they are acting this way. Their full content of their journalistic work fits normally already into description. The text length of the description tag is not limited, but Google takes normally a maximum of around 150 characters for describing your link in their search results. As they journalists from the German magazines are lazy, their content is nothing else than a pic with 2 or 3 sentences under it. How can get made a short description for such a poor content? Their print media is not better, it contains big page filling pictures with not more than 2 - 3 sentences description. As I have seen it the first time, I have been thinking that the German people, who are buying such a newspaper can only be illiterates. If you are searching for real journalistic content then you have to visit the free websites from the big TV stations like ARD and ZDF.

Instead of searching the failures for their losses got these morons of magazine and news publishers the idea that search engines and the social networks have to pay for listing their sites together with the short text snippets. With other words of being happy about a free of charge promotion others shall even pay for making promotion for them. I think these cretins are overestimating themselves.

European Union Commissar Günther OettingerThese self-proclaimed opinion found support for EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger. And now the copyright law shall get renewed and should become EU law. Actually, only Internet companies like Google should be asked to pay, but also private individuals would be currently affected.

The European Commission has published the official proposal for the planned reform of the copyright law on Wednesday (1-2016-593-EN-F1-1.PDF (359.78 kb)). The contents of the 33 pages of long document is somewhat similar to a working paper gel files in the run-up to proposals. Striking: While specific rules on controversial topics such as Geoblocking, or freedom of panorama, it focuses in particular on an extension of the controversial Intellectual property right of the European Union. This law stipulates that Internet companies such as Google and Facebook would have to pay for a link preview, for example, in a Facebook posting or for an excerpt in Google News.

Such laws already exist in Germany and Spain, but these did not bring the hoped-for effect so far. The media companies argue U.S. platforms such as Google or Facebook would benefit from the link previews, so called "snippets". They especially complain Google and co. would earn money with third party content, not cut them but on the advertising revenue. In the future, for a period of at least 20 years on news articles shall apply. Google, Facebook or an other Internet group linked in this period on the item and displays a preview (for example, with title, image and teaser), would have to pay for it.

The media giants hope so that the losses from traditional ad business can get replaced. The EU Commission expects a ten per cent increase for the Media Industry. This is a calculation that seems very doubtful in view of the negative example of Germany. The collecting organization called VG Media could collect since her introduction € 714.540 of the performance rights in Germany, but not a single euro of which was distributed to media companies. Instead, the revenue were used for legal proceedings, carried out violations of the copyright. As costs with 3.3 million euro increase over the revenue, publishers had to even step in and pay – the copyright became thus a negative business.

The proposal is attacked from multiple sides. The governing body of the Austrian Internet providers (ISPA) called the law: "Start to throwback". ISPA Secretary-General Maximilian Schubert, who is also Vice President of EuroISPA, shows angry on copyright infringement in particular about the copyright, the missing unification of the freedom of panorama, as well as the now mandatory review by the hosting provider.

Julia Reda, MEP of the Pirate Party, described the design already in advance as "beyond of good and evil" and called #SaveTheLink under the Hashtag for the resistance. The criticism joined several EU members, including Marietje Schaake, Brando Benifei, and Daniel Dalton. The President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker stressed in his speech that journalists must get paid, "regardless of where they work and whether it offline, from the copier or linked". Thus copying of printed works he equates the linking of articles, be compensated for the authors and publishers about collecting societies.

"There is a danger that search engines remove journalistic texts from their search completely. The Web would poorer," warns the managing director of IT industry association Bitkom, Bernhard Rohleder. Among especially smaller publishers would suffer because their offers are not to be found and the user instead accessed only on the news pages of the well-known publishers.

Digital Commissioner Günther Oettinger (CDU) don't want that search engines or other Web pages to display even shortest article extracts in the form of "Snippets", when they refer to journalistic texts. Also, even the copy could fall under the new rights. This would be the case when search engines are indexing articles. That case shows that Günther Oettinger does even not know the function of robots.txt. Such a guy likes to be the Digital Commisioner?

Feiler, expects the European Parliament several amendments with clearer definitions, but even sharp criticism on the intellectual property right. "The Intellectual property protection right has already shown what's it can - not very much", said Feiler. "This is a classic case of 'policy laundering': something that did not work at a national level, will be tried on another level again." Feiler compares the approach of the media conglomerates that the music and film industry, who defended in the past decade yet fierce DRM measures. "The reaction is understandable, but thanks to the digitization, it needs new business models."

The initiative, European digital rights (EDRi) complained that the proposal "not worse might have". It was "Poison" for the freedom of expression and creativity. The Commission had ignored all the facts and wants to avoid a genuine reform at any cost.

The new rules could lead to a deal between Google and the corporate media as politico notes. So Google in the United States have presented already 2014 a micropayment system with "Contributor", which could serve as an additional source of income in Europe. The user paid while a self-selected monthly amount between 1.99 and $ 14.99 on Google. If the user visited Web sites that participate in the "contributor" program, all advertising is hidden. At the end of the month, the subscription fee is divided among the visited Web sites. The system is similar to that of Peter Sunde of developed system called Flattr and is currently being tested, among other things by the satirical Web site "The Onion" and the tech blog "Mashable".

How intelligent the EU comedians (politicians) are, gets shown in the draft from the intellectual property right. Give them a lesson and remove all links from your sites and watch them crying until they are coming up with an paid offer (per click) for linking to their sites.

Everybody knows that politicians are useless for everything. They know everything from nothing. They can speak hours without saying something. Politicians are only actors which can get replaced at any time. The real content of the politics gets done in the background. Politicians, who are useless and dangerous at the national level, are getting sent to the European Union.


"Allahu akbar" - and what an unbeliever thinks about it

KaabaI can understand how bad it must be for a peace-loving, believer when murdered somewhere in the world in the name of his god. "Allahu akbar" means "God is great" and is simply an act of faith, which probably pronounce every Muslim at prayer or at different occasions.

Every time a suicide bomber calls "Allahu akbar!" before he ignites his explosive belt or with the machete man starts, like a stitch must for a believer feel the heart. One harmless but important religious phrase is robbed the innocence, it is made to their war cry. The situation is already as bad as you cannot bring the sentence itself, without getting suspicious.

If you once whisper innocently "Allahu akbar" in the tram, bus or at a public place, all the bystanders wince overlook a suspiciously or take even panicky flight. No, it cannot be pleasant. Probably wants to be on some days when ruling on all channels the terrorist messages prefer crawl home.

I can also understand how much it must annoy a peace-loving, devout Muslim, to be pushed back again and again after each attempt to distance himself from the assassins. "Well, what do you say?", You will probably demand a challenging tone several times a day - from close friends as well as by casual acquaintances, in the work break in the cafeteria, in the school yard and on Facebook.

So, as if you are related to the terrorists, like as if one had only yesterday phoned them or as it is otherwise responsible somehow for the behavior of wild strangers. I can understand why the questions getting asked. Why should have a devout Muslim to violence a different opinion as a devout Christian, a staunch atheist or else a normal sentient human? Assuming that not already the question is from a kind which makes a Muslim co-responsibility and pushes him accusingly in a corner from which it is hard to disentangle, without getting moral scratches?

What I completely cannot understand is that not much more vigorously defend the million peace-loving, righteous, devout Muslims throughout the world against what terrorists do with their faith.

I imagine ungodly before, strange guys would kidnap my God, in his alleged order to commit the most atrocious crimes, they would all that I hold sacred twist, pervert and abuse for their own destructive purposes and then then even claim they have the for "all Muslims", i.e. done for me - then you can make it happen without objection that yet! If one has because if one is a believer, not the heartfelt desire to take his God in protection?

Will you not defend your God against his perverted fans? Is it not necessary to protect your God and his name against the murders and rapists? Why are you allowing to burn down in his name? "Nobody kills in my name!", takes a stand on the banners that Muslims around the world millions of times held in the height (at least where it is safe to do so). "Our God is not your God!", would preachers, politicians, scholars or other tribunes call the IS. Or: "You are not Muslims!"

People of faith will not do all this to make themselves popular to unbelievers or distance themselves from their God. They would do it because their God and their religion would be so important for them. Are people not only using their religion for their own purpose if they are not distance themselves from terrorists and criminals? Which value has the religion really for such people? Which value can have a religion with such a kind of followers? Who will trust into the teachings from such a religion? Isn’t it a nice kind of promotion for a religion?

But perhaps all that follows merely a logic that can occur only from an unbeliever…


The true face of Facebook

Facebook CensorshipRegularly hear the accusation that Facebook practicing censorship. This is not about racism or incitement to violence. But practice to blocked profiles of persons criticism of Islam or immigration policy. Or to certain visual content, such as to the body, which are displayed in the "extremely adverse" way: So Facebook founded in May 2016, the deletion of a photograph with the obese US model Tess Holliday, who had campaigned for bikinis in oversize.

Facebook as an aesthetic education police? The social network as a machine which controls our perception, programmed by social engineers with connections to the elite of our countries? One is not paranoid if one sees Facebook as a global media power - at its 1.6 billion users. What allows this platform or not, democracy and cultural policy relevance.

Algorithms shape our perception long, and when the blocking of certain views or aesthetic variations to come, vigilance is required. Whether it is a cartoon of the "New Yorker", which was censored in 2012, because the nipples of a woman could be seen. Or to a Russian photo with kissing homosexuals that had to disappear along with a Turkish side that showed images of the Prophet Muhammad after the attack on the satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo".

Or the latest example from Germany: The Catholic theologian and Islam critic David Berger commented after the assassination of Orlando critical of Islam, after his side was blocked. Berger told a Christian media magazine: "In Orlando a fanatical Islamist directed a bloodbath among gays, and Facebook disables users who criticize the Islamism." And further: "was the Inquisition compared to Facebook, a refuge of fairness and justice.”

Bergers reaction is understandable but exaggerated. There are no pyres for uncomfortable users. Also you can Facebook no homophobia or pro-Islam policy reproach. Rather, it seems as if depending on the country just a certain mainstream preferred. In the US and in Europe Facebook promotes integration devout views that want to provoke any division among Muslims in the West, no matter how many deaths the last stop cost. One preferred images that speak for a productive public health and obesity. And of course favored Facebook "pro choice" and "pro gay", including nearly 100 gender options offered to us the network gender conformity.

It should be clear that everything that disturbs here disappears from the platform.

No, this is not a conspiracy. Facebook shows its true face, ironically against the initial vision. Mark Zuckerberg sought a platform to show the human face. He wanted the "Face" of our world, to share around the globe hopes, beliefs or concerns. Now it becomes clear: on Facebook man should not show his true colors, because it is in the end not to the people but to support and projection of very specific ideas and interests.

This makes Facebook a reflection of today's society, which constantly motivates us, corrected and optimized. The ideal of the present: the voluntary self-exploitation. The productive psyche from the creative team of the company. It should be clear that everything that disturbs here - too personal, too bulky to integration critically - disappears from the platform. And not just from Facebook. There we find it easy even to, at least temporarily.