My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Fight against IS in Iraq and Syria

Soldier instructionA large-scale military campaign against the Islamic State (Daesh or IS) is planned for Mosul. The terrorist militia should be expelled from their last stronghold in the Iraq. The inhabitants of the city are now faced with the choice: If they stay, they expect air raids and a possible siege. If they try to flee, they would get threatened punishment by the fighters of the IS.

Hundreds of thousands of civilians are preparing for the offensive, which is being planned. There are still discussions about the execution at the international level: Iraq rejects the participation of Turkish troops. There is a consensus that the action against the Islamic State will get carried out in Mosul.

As the British "Guardian" reports, the IS keeps the residents from leaving the city by checkpoints along the exit roads. The houses of those who had already escaped were blown up, as punishment and deterrence for others.

The escape itself is life-threatening and often means a journey through minefields. Those who remain must be prepared for air raids and street fightings. Also a possible siege of the big city threatens, and last but not least the danger, as a human protective shield to be abused, as the IS has already done in other conflicts.

The Muslim cowards from the Daesh need some civilians, women, children, etc. where they can hide themselves behind. Such people don't have any honor and they will end up in hell for getting tortured from the Satan instead of playing with 72 virgins. What else can you expect from the "peaceful" Islam? In the Quran is murdering, men slaughtering, rapes, slavery, etc. of unbelievers allowed. But in this case the Muslim cowards are using innocent Muslim civilians, women and children as protective shield.

Iraqi soldiers and Peshmerga prepare themselves before Mosul. IS fighters should have retreated already in residential areas. "The children are crazy because the US jets bombed IS positions in residential areas. The sound is terrible, the windows are broken, the whole house is shaking and people are hysterical", the "Guardian" quotes a man from Mosul, who recently escaped with his family. In Mosul itself, people prepare themselves by building makeshift shelters and collecting food supplies.

While the Iraqi Mosul is still waiting for the big offensive, Syrian rebels with Turkish support have already launched an operation against the Daesh in Dabik. The Islamists there were preparing for an "apocalyptic battle" on Saturday, reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. More than 1,200 IS fighters are also on the road from other fronts to "defense Dabiks". Dabik, controlled by the Terrorist militia, lies north of Aleppo near the Turkish border. According to reports, Turkey is involved with tanks and fighting planes against the terrorists.

The 3000-inhabitant village is not of strategic, but of high symbolic importance: According to an Islamic tradition, an important battle between the Muslims and their opponents will take place here at the end of time. Not least because of its ideological importance, the IS named its English-language propaganda magazine after the city.

Dabik also plays an important role in Turkish history. Here, the Ottoman Sultan Selim I defeated the Egyptian Mamelucke Sultan, laying the foundations for the conquest of the Arab world.

With the support of Turkey and the USA, the rebels recently took several villages near Dabik.


Muslims call it law: Legal assistance only at the time of judgment

Seinab Sekaanwand, (alternative spelling: Zeinab Sekaanvand)That Muslim judicial processes have nothing to do with law and order gets shown from the reports of Amnesty International. In the case from the child pride Zeinab Sekaanvand gets shown that women have no rights and the judge is only bloodthirsty. Why they need in this case make a show of a trial? Are they otherwise shaming themselves for their bloodthirstiness?

Since last Thursday morning the 22-year-old Iranian Zeinab Sekaanvand (alternative spelling: Seinab Sekaanwand) can get executed on the gallows. For a murder, which the former children's bride has probably not done at all, as the human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) emphasizes. Iran is silent on the allegations.

Amnesty International has been fighting for Sekaanvand for four years. At that time she was sentenced as a murderer to her husband, with whom she had been married at the age of fifteen. In Iran, girls and boys are considered to be adults from the age if puberty, which is accepted by courts for girls in the age of nine years. But it is not just a death sentence against a minor at the time of the crime. Over the years, new details have emerged about the investigations that make Sekaanvand's fault doubt.

Sekaanvand's conviction was based solely on a written confession, which she had filed in police custody after twenty days. According to her statements, the then 17-year-old was forced to do so by beatings and other ill-treatment. She withdrew her confession in the trial, which was irrelevant to the court, as was her statement that the brother of the man was the culprit and had forced her to confession.

According to Iranian law, the next family members of a person killed can pardon the perpetrator. The brother of the man, who is said to have raped Sekaanvand several times, promised her a pardon, according to her statements, if she admits the act. The court ignored this information and did not investigate its allegations of ill-treatment by the police.

What makes the case even more outrageous: the verdict would also have to be abolished according to Iranian criminal law. As Amnesty told the independent British newspaper Independent, her age should at least have been regarded as a mitigation ground. Furthermore, the court should have sought an opinion on Sekaanvand's state of mind and, in the event of a reduced liability, be entitled to a maximum sentence of imprisonment. According to the British BBC, she has been suffering from depression for a long time.

Above all, Sekaanvand had only contact with a lawyer for the first time on the day of the conviction. The defendant, who was established by the state, also failed to provide information on possible remedies against her conviction. Their execution had been postponed only because she had become pregnant in prison, where she married a fellow prisoner in 2015. The child was born dead last month, after which the Justice declared the postponement of their execution to be over.

UN human rights experts demanded an immediate abolition of the death penalty as well as physical chastisements for minors. In a recent report on the situation of children in the Gulf States, the UN Committee on Children's Rights criticized laws that would allow the death penalty and serious ill-treatment such as stoning, amputation and spanking for minors. The experts urged the Arab countries to suspend immediately the execution of those who are currently living in the death row, who were supposed to have committed their crimes as minors. Laws, which allow stoning, beatings or amputations in children, should be abolished.

The story about Zeinab Sekaanvand makes the Islam to a barbarian tradition of uneducated, inhuman and bloodthirsty murders, child abusers and rapists where even the victim gets prosecuted. How can someone call the Islam to be a religion in such a case?


Should the Burka get banned in all Western societies without exception?

BurquaIn the Quran, there are only two passages that indicate the veil of the Muslim women. However, without precise specifications, how exactly this has to look. Everything else has been added in the course of time by Islamic theologians and women's conspirators, and served only to keep the woman in check and make her more controllable.

The most important question should be: What does it matter, whether this is so in the Quran or not, and whether this is true in Islamic law as prescribed?
Freedom of religion does not mean having to tolerate inhuman and anti-democratic matters in the name of religion because this has been demanded since 1400 years by a religious founder and his ideological descendants and is still regarded as exemplary by Orthodox Muslims (Sunnah). In a secular European state, universal human rights are the basis of our ways of thinking and laws, and the main reason why European states became democratic. Also blind adherence to Islamic rules is not contemporary. If reason and individual freedom are rejected as pagan by orthodox Muslims, the logical consequence must be: The modern democracy based on reason and freedom is also rejected by them.

The insistence on the traditions such as the burqa is the inroads within a European State in a reactionary Islamic parallel society. Needless to say, how little our concept of human rights is similar to an islamized conception of the same. We are so far that the women finally found their equitable place next to the man. At the same time, however, accepting burquas or other whole body veils can only be regarded as a mockery of all achievements in the area of women's rights. Already the sight of this form of concealment can cause in an enlightened man only misunderstandings and violent shaking of the head, since our modern image of freedom strongly contradicts it.

The modern European has its own history, which also speaks of a dark time, in which the "voluntary" submission to the Christianity of the churches was so advanced that almost all of the ancient knowledge from Plato to Pythagoras fell victim to it. It was hard to believe that there was an era when Islamic caliphs attempted to reconcile the Hellenistic secular knowledge with Islam (but eventually failed because the dogmatism of Islamic orthodoxy prevailed against reason and Reversed everything). But what is happening today, almost one thousand years later, no longer corresponds to this enlightened image of the caliph from this ancient time. Even today dogmatism is preferred to reason and a strong turn to Islam is preached. What is supposed to mean the salvation of Islam has always led to its decline in history and is now intended to lead to the rise of Muslim countries. The Islamic countries are scientifically and economically on the ground despite huge revenues from the sale of oil and their location on geostrategically important routes and seem to be incapable or unwilling to allow these billions of income to benefit science and their own population. As is often the case in Islamic history, wealth is divided within the ruling class. Magnificent palaces and mosques often adorn the cityscape. What the average Muslim can experience of this richness is the prayer among the vaults of the material wealth of decorated mosques.

In order to obscure this social injustice and the failure of Islamic societies, an external enemy gets used, which is sometimes rightly called, but often wrongly, as the cause of all existing problems. This is only to be explained by an anti-knowledge and authority, which alone recognizes the Islamic discourse as the only authority and fights discourses as "foreign" and liberal, Islam-threatening ideas. Thus the oppressed by the Islam becomes the greatest advocate of his own oppression, without understanding it. The fanatical belief in the inviolability of Islam makes him a blacksmith and a preserver of his own misery. The lack of rational thought led to a lack of self-critical thought makes him incapable of recognizing this.

The expansion of Islam over the whole world was the goal of Muhammad already 1400 years since he viewed Islam as the successor religion of all monotheisms known to him. Never was it as easy as today, one could think of spreading such an intolerant movement. And this, although the people (in the West) were never as enlightened as they are today. In the middle of Europe, a pretext for why this is to be tolerated is the reason why Islam is said to be good, although history could never confirm this. The criticism of Islamic imperialism and its goal of bringing Western societies under its influence is generally regarded as racism or "Islamophobia" - which seems completely absurd in the historical context. Several Western groups and ideologies based in Europe seem to have found an ally in Orthodox Islam, which has been lost in recent decades. In order to combat the alleged US imperialism, for example, Islamism is preferred as a partner, who now speaks openly about the world as soon as the chances for it exist. But there will not be much left of democracy, freedom of opinion and freedom of religion. The only common ground between Islamic and European anti-Western ideologies is the common enemy image. There can be no question of common values, since they do not exist.

It is worth pointing out the particularly high interest of the policies of various European countries with a relatively high proportion of Muslim immigrants who can play a decisive role in democratic elections. Once again, Orthodox Islamic associations, which are entitled to represent the Islamic municipalities, are once again the contact point. As a clientele they are granted a certain immunity in the form of religious propaganda. In order to win the Muslims votes, they are hardly openly criticized, even if there are obvious reasons for this. Thus the attempt to procure the majority necessary in democracies is weakened very consciously. This in turn means that trust in democracy is dwindling.

So why it is important to pronounce a burqua ban is now clear. As a visible element of Orthodox Islam, a prohibition would be an important sign. A clear denial of intolerance. A rejection of the obvious suppression of the (Muslim) woman and the religious immaturity of the Muslims, which here too are increasing proportionally and, as the majority creator of various parties, this rampant backwardness can spread unhindered to the whole society. As a further step, it will be necessary to provide the large group of secularized people from Islamic countries of origin with the possibilities and the help to organize and decisively oppose Islamic orthodoxy together with the enlightened Europeans. Up to now, these aid is only guaranteed to the Islamic associations, since religion, however serious it may be, enjoys state protection and is given an inviolable status in our democracies through the so-called "blasphemy paragraphs". Although it is usually no racism to reject intolerant religious representatives, Islam criticism is today used synonymously with racism and agitation and rejected.

Anti-Western racism among Muslims is widespread and leads to the secular "Muslims" being prevented from joining together with secular Europeans and forming a broad front. The most intolerant representatives of Islam are only too glad to rely on the "racism" against Europeans, in order to suppress any criticism of their approach and to prevent a necessary shoulder closure among the secular ones. With the pretext of racism, they live their own racism against Western, because non-Islamic ways of thinking. If they do not drive a wedge between people, they lose their own importance.

This assumption of racism is seldom questioned and gladly taken up by "anti-racist" groups in politics and media. These groups live from racism. If there were no racism, these groups would not exist, and they would lose their importance. All their campaigns are based on real but often also invented racism. For example, the already mentioned equality of all Islamic criticism with racism. In some cases even the self-evident requirement of a burqua ban is declared a racism.

As long as burqas and other conflicting symbols of extremist thinking are not get prohibited, they continue to remain as propaganda instruments of dubious groups, which are used only as pretexts and overshadow really important debates, while they at the same time they are weakening the democracy.

Alone in a so long to debate why the burqa, the symbol of backward thinking, should be prohibited at all, should show us that the anti racism debates of the "anti-racists" and Orthodox Islam societies drifted off already long ago in the absurd and is missing any enlightened thinking. That are only apparent debates and red herrings. Those who are boundlessly tolerant of accepting even the most intolerant ideas will ultimately only promote intolerance and give up tolerance.

If a man is not able to stand the view of a woman, he should wear blindfolds and not the woman a veil!!!


India: Violence against Dalits is increasing

Since the takeover of the Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi and his party BJP, the violence against the Dalits - also called "untouchables" - has constantly increased.

The data of the National Crime Record Board, which was presented at a Dalit meeting in Delhi with over 7,000 participants, reveals this finding. according to a report from the Roman news agency "Fides" a "Massive reconnaissance" about the difficult situation of Dalit is urgently needed.

For 2015, the Observatory records 7,144 cases of criminal violence against Dalits alone in the state of Rajasthan, including murder and rape; Gujarat (6655 cases) and Chhattisgarh (3,008 cases) are also among the biggest conflict centers. Often, Dalits would be victims of arbitrary and illegal expropriation of arable land; Nearly three quarters of all Dalit families in rural areas are affected, according to a social and economic survey of 2011.

credits to Reuters/Amit Dave

About 45 percent of the Dalit families do not have land ownership or have to give up an important part of their livelihood. This inequality leads to poverty, malnutrition, health problems, illiteracy and backward development.

According to Bishop Theodore Mascarenhas, "the most important advocate for the Dalits and the tribal peoples is the Catholic Church", and: "What the Church did for the Dalits in the field of education, welfare, development and support even did not get done by the state."

Specifically runs the support over an Episcopal Commission specially created, dealing with the social support of the Dalits and the combating of discrimination. Discrimination of this population group are given the prevailing mentality remains common and Christian Dalits as a result of a decision of the President from 1950 still "Additionally disadvantaged", so the Bishop: "We demand that Christian and non-Christian Dalits have the same rights."

The Indian government is called upon to take measures to combat violence against Dalits, including a ban on groups of violent groups who are bombarding Dalit. There is also a need to create jobs with permanent contracts, distribute land to the landless and counteract discrimination against Dalits in schools," Mascarenhas said.



Intelligence is not available for purchasing - even not for a Sheikh

Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-LuhaidanThe Saudi Arabian Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaidan needs to be happy that stupidity does not hurt, because otherwise he would yell day and night.

The useless Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaidan, a Private Attorney General and the Psychological Advisor of the Psychological Association in the Gulf states, stated:

Driving could have a reverse physiological impact. Physiological science and functional medicine studied this side [and found] that it automatically affects ovaries and rolls up the pelvis. This is why we find for women who continuously drive cars their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees.

Such a statement shows the missing and miserable education from Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaidan. I wonder myself how he is able to survive with such a mental illness, which seems to be a result of inbreeding and child marriage. Buy the way in the civilized world gets a sexual interaction between an adult and a minor called and prosecuted as a rape. Only in stone age cultures is such an interaction between adults and minors allowed.

Arabic newspaper Sabq reported in this case:

Al-Luhaidan stated that in the days of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), muslim women who were his companions used to ride horses and camels as means of transportation but never rode alone and were always accompanied by a ‘mahram’.

Al-Luhaidan further explained that there are exceptional cases that allow women to drive in Saudi Arabia such as when a husband is driving accompanied by his wife and daughter and an accident occurred. It is then allowed for women to drive due to the urgency of the situation.

Al-Luhaidan added that driving could have a reverse physiological impact on women and could affect her ovaries and push the pelvis higher as a result of which their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees.

He further stated that 33% female drivers caused car accidents in Arab countries as opposed to 9% male.

If I read such statements then I think that I need to include into my next prayer: "Oh God, please throw brain from heaven. Here are some people who need it very urgently".

The kingdom "reduces women to the status of children, unable to make important decisions about their lives," Human Rights Watch said in a statement and Amnesty International said that the driving ban is "discriminatory and demeaning to women and must be overturned immediately".

Here is a video about this sensational proof of missing intelligence:

Transcription of the video:

a saudi arabian sheik as noted a study from a religious organization indicating
that women in Saudi Arabia shouldn't drive because they don't damage their
pelvis and their
ovaries these are simple have to bear children I mean that's the only thing
they're good for
so we can't have them driving in cars that's terrible
up now of course this study has absolutely no
scientific research or scientific merit but the ship did say
that yet of course physiological signs and functional medicine study decided
found that
automatically affects over reason rules up the pelvis
I roles up but I love for me to get pregnant this is crazy
this is why we find for women who continuously drive cars their children
are born with clinical disorders a varying degrees
well look this he's very very scientific its varying degrees of disorder
okay so let me take your chances you roll your ovaries and pelvis
you never know what comes up when america little difference over there K
he said the Rebbe is the only country in the world that doesn't allow a manager I
know it's incredible I mean you have so many other countries that
severely violate human rights and especially women's rights
yet Saudi Arabia still the only country that doesn't allow women to drive any
women have been protests in Saudi Arabia for the last four years
for the ability to drive and some have been arrested someone has dealt with
lashings as a result and I hope we continue to fight back
but I just find it laughable that anyone in Saudi Arabia would take this study
from a religious organization seriously no one's buying it oh why would even try
so several things on that first will the person you're alluding to shine my
just the Neo's 34 who sent us that 10 lashes they whipped her
for the grave offense of driving a a car
but that was all the way back in 2011 okay so just two years ago that happen
and then the Saturday be amazingly
only finish the 130 other 134 countries
on gender parity cheeses who's worse on gender parity the Saudi Arabia
so that's amazing but so in order to avail this
if you will a.m. the the cloak of sigh so they could say like alter scientific
over a sprawling over is gone damage trade
they brought in former professor at King Fahd University so you know is that
come also be he didn't think I'm opposed to be the guy was valued at over so
there's that they're fucked
didn't well in order to get pregnant I guess they're packed
pedicure a it's a 0 this is the same
alleged for professor who earlier had testified that
well if you allow women to drive obviously we will have increases in
pornography and homosexuality and that's usually how it works he's got got a
point there
whenever I see a woman driving I lean over to bob and I see guys wanna make
you how insane is that
if you let women drive well obviously
dudes will turn your no but thank you how easily emasculated and how terribly
the men in saudi arabia I mean I'm sure there are men in saudi arabia that are
in favor of allowing women to drive
I'm talking about the religious leaders that are so scared the think that if
they give their women a little bit of freedom
there immediately gonna do crazy shit because they're so unhappy with the
relationships they have with these pathetic losers
if they think they'll turn to prostitution doctor for Tyree because I
was they would want guys who wanna porn
and then a it's a will lead to more divorces another thing by
alleged professor sue be %uh okay and
and then ultimately they'll turn to other women because I like well
obviously since we're pathetic
and we can never keep a woman all this week keeper literally wrapped up
and literally in the home so she can even runaways Cape to the mall
okay but will obviously she leave us cuz we suck
an that's what the leadership saturday via saying love course among the young
Saudi Arabia
as in a lotta countries they rebel against the speakers so
they find it out as outrageous as we do an egg I have to live in it let not just
the women but the men as well
I'll but this is it that to catch it in science
is whole larisa layers in just one final thing that they like to fear monger
about within 10 years the ban being lifted
the report's authors others claimed there would be
quote no virgins in the Islamic Kingdom
I you thought I it's
in space I'm not sure they understand what the word virgin its
you see when I what happens as soon as the baby is born
feel like ten years ago we let somebody drive
I expect
hug every no more purchase its its it's absurd on two fronts yes because of what
you're saying
and also because I mean it lot just the idea that
being able to drive is gonna convince women to go out there and just have sex
with everyone
and that's the only word that they have if they're not virgins well then they're
right that's the only thing that you should emphasize about that and one
final point
apparently they believe that they're wrong that
if you if they do not restrict your freedom
that you will choose an alternative path if they believe that if you're
completely free
then you would follow the path that they have laid out the mission be worried
about cars or kinda clothing et cetera
women would naturally be just as religious as Saudi Arabia wants them to
be there were following the path of God et cetera right
apparently you think well they're not going to do that cuz obviously were
and so we can allow them to have any freedom
because if we do then they'll realize were jackasses and then what was in
there was any more
can you imagine not being able to go anywhere unless you have some sort of
like chauffeur
or some some guardian who like takes you to where you need to go
and a look super final point that's exactly
the subjugation that they desire that everything that a woman does she must
check with either husband her father
her brother like so you must get permission for
every single thing you do and
to these prophetic guys editors
interim leadership is an area where they think well
I mean that's only going get them to ever love us right
I like if we give them a choice they obviously wouldn't choose us
so weak

Here another video about the same case: