My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

The true face of Facebook

Facebook CensorshipRegularly hear the accusation that Facebook practicing censorship. This is not about racism or incitement to violence. But practice to blocked profiles of persons criticism of Islam or immigration policy. Or to certain visual content, such as to the body, which are displayed in the "extremely adverse" way: So Facebook founded in May 2016, the deletion of a photograph with the obese US model Tess Holliday, who had campaigned for bikinis in oversize.

Facebook as an aesthetic education police? The social network as a machine which controls our perception, programmed by social engineers with connections to the elite of our countries? One is not paranoid if one sees Facebook as a global media power - at its 1.6 billion users. What allows this platform or not, democracy and cultural policy relevance.

Algorithms shape our perception long, and when the blocking of certain views or aesthetic variations to come, vigilance is required. Whether it is a cartoon of the "New Yorker", which was censored in 2012, because the nipples of a woman could be seen. Or to a Russian photo with kissing homosexuals that had to disappear along with a Turkish side that showed images of the Prophet Muhammad after the attack on the satirical magazine "Charlie Hebdo".

Or the latest example from Germany: The Catholic theologian and Islam critic David Berger commented after the assassination of Orlando critical of Islam, after his side was blocked. Berger told a Christian media magazine: "In Orlando a fanatical Islamist directed a bloodbath among gays, and Facebook disables users who criticize the Islamism." And further: "was the Inquisition compared to Facebook, a refuge of fairness and justice.”

Bergers reaction is understandable but exaggerated. There are no pyres for uncomfortable users. Also you can Facebook no homophobia or pro-Islam policy reproach. Rather, it seems as if depending on the country just a certain mainstream preferred. In the US and in Europe Facebook promotes integration devout views that want to provoke any division among Muslims in the West, no matter how many deaths the last stop cost. One preferred images that speak for a productive public health and obesity. And of course favored Facebook "pro choice" and "pro gay", including nearly 100 gender options offered to us the network gender conformity.

It should be clear that everything that disturbs here disappears from the platform.

No, this is not a conspiracy. Facebook shows its true face, ironically against the initial vision. Mark Zuckerberg sought a platform to show the human face. He wanted the "Face" of our world, to share around the globe hopes, beliefs or concerns. Now it becomes clear: on Facebook man should not show his true colors, because it is in the end not to the people but to support and projection of very specific ideas and interests.

This makes Facebook a reflection of today's society, which constantly motivates us, corrected and optimized. The ideal of the present: the voluntary self-exploitation. The productive psyche from the creative team of the company. It should be clear that everything that disturbs here - too personal, too bulky to integration critically - disappears from the platform. And not just from Facebook. There we find it easy even to, at least temporarily.