My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Would God choose a criminal as his ambassador?

Muhammad receives his first revelationAn omniscient and omnipotent God will never choose an uneducated illiterate as his ambassador, who is also a child-molester, robber, and mass-murderer, and who can prove his divine mission with nothing other than his own words.

Supporters of such a degenerate, with the name of Muhammad, try by all means to establish the lies and false accusations spread in the Koran. They also want to use the galactic year, which lasts between 220 and 240 million years of earth. That is, the Sun is moving in orbit around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, at a speed of 267 km per second (961,200 km/h).

Inside this article the English translation from "The noble Quran" gets used. Another 13 English versions from different translators and from different epoches, the original Arab version and a literal translation to English gets found and can get compared with each other.

In the Koran, the following verses getting found on the topic of earth, sun, moon, and stars:

The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.). (55:5)
And He has made the sun and the moon, both constantly pursuing their courses, to be of service to you; and He has made the night and the day, to be of service to you. (14:33)
And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating. (21:33)

The word "floating" in the above verse is expressed in Arabic as "sabaha" and explains the movement of the sun in the universe. This word has the meaning that the sun is not uncontrolled while moving in the Universe, that it revolves around its own axis and follows its path at the same time. Also in another verse it is mentioned that the sun is not static and that it runs on a definite path:

And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. (36:38)

If, as in this Koran translation, the sun moves to a fixed location, it does not run around an orbit, and there is no galactic year of 220 to 240 million earth years. If you look at the other translations, then only the translators Ahmed Ali, Asad, Muhammad Sarwar talking about an orbit and the others (Khoury [German], Ali Ünal, Amatul Rahman Bubenheim / Elyas [German], Omar, Daryabadi, Faridul Haque, Hamid S. Aziz, Malik, Pickthall , Shakir, Yusuf Ali) are sending the sun like "The Noble Quran" to a fixed place!

What omnipotent and omniscient God can not express unequivocally and unambiguously against man? Someone who is considered omniscient must also be cautious with the consequences of his words. The verses of Muhammad look rather like they were invented by ordinary mortals.

In Sura 36, verse 40, we find the following information which is more or less confirming the Stone Age conception that the moon and the sun revolve around the earth:

It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit. (36:40)

After only the moon surrounds the earth and the earth surrounds the sun, how shall there be the possibility of the sun to catch the moon? This would only be possible if they would orbit the earth.

In Sura 10, verse 5 is also highlighted that this heaven points to serve Moon and Sun of the era:

It is He Who made the sun a shining thing and the moon as a light and measured out its (their) stages, that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create this but in truth. He explains the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail for people who have knowledge. (10:5)

The galactic year naturally has no meaning for mankind. Nothing and no one can do something with a period of 220 - 240 million years, since our life expectancy is simply too short for it.

The Koran recalls repeatedly that "God has placed sun and moon in the service, each of the two stars passes through his orbit in a certain time."

Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see. Then, He Istawa (rose above) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He has subjected the sun and the moon (to continue going round)! Each running (its course) for a term appointed. He regulates all affairs, explaining the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail, that you may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord. (13:2)

The same information gets additional found in the Suras 31:29, 35:13 und 39:5.

According to the laws of physics is no energy source endless. Therefore, also the source of energy which made life on Earth possible, will dry up also in the future. We ourselves will not really recognize it. Probably the mankind has eradicated itself until this time by religious wars and/or pollution.

According to current knowledge, our solar system was created about 4.6 billion years ago by a gravitational collapse of an interstellar gas cloud. With an age of about 12.5 billion years, the sun will probably have turned into a white dwarf surrounded by a planetary nebula. For the case that the humans will not destroy the planet earth earlier there will be a life on Earth only be possible for around 900 million years.

As one of the most important heavenly bodies for mankind and earthly life, the sun enjoyed observing before the beginning of history. Cultures such as Stonehenge were built to determine the position of the sun at specific times, such as solstice. From different cultures, the daily course of the sun including the seasonal fluctuations as well as solar eclipses were carefully observed and documented.

Up to 500 years before Christ, the sun was revered as a god. Only Xenophanes (Greek philosopher, ~ 570 BC - 470 BC) presented the hypothesis that the sun is a natural object. Aristarchus of Samos postulated in the 2nd century BC that the sun was the center of the world. Further advances in astronomy have shown that the sun does not occupy an outstanding position in the universe. Rather, it is one of several hundred billion stars of the Milky Way, which in turn is part of even larger structures of the cosmos.

If one assumes how quickly astronomy has developed, which knowledge has already been gathered in the 1,100 years until the appearance of Muhammad, then one does not need to wonder about the fact that the Qur'an is reported by a deadline which indicates the expiration date of the living conditions at the Earth. Since the moons, planets and stars (sun) are moving, it is also assumed that the galaxies are also moving.

However, Mohammed simply packed the familiar knowledge of his time into his very own invention, the Koran. This would provide further proof that the Qur'an is not a "holy scripture," but was composed only by a normal mortal. An omniscient and omnipotent God has it not necessary to lie to ignorant people.

One of these ignorant scholars of Islam, Sheikh al-Fauzan, has even written a Fatwa (legal opinion) with the number 10348 on this subject in 2008, claiming that the sun is turning around the earth. Because of said fatwa, Sheikh al-Fauzan was made responsible in front of the Al-Azhar Legal Committee, and the fatwa was declared invalid.

Another ignorant scholar and joke figure, Bandar al-Khaibari - a "theologian" and "lawyer", did even not know it in February 2015. He claimed in a mosque on a previously submitted question as to whether the earth is rotating or standing still: "It stands still" and "Of course, the earth does not revolve around the sun, which already got found out from some higher-ranking Islam scholars".

This Fatwa has been so important, that she got translated into German language. At the moment is only a report at the blog from Michael Mannheimer (German language) and in the Google cache (Screenshot from in German language) of this Fatwa still available.


Is the Koran merely hate propaganda?

TerroristsOn September 25, 2002, a group of armed Islamists entered the office of a Christian charitable organization in Karachi, Pakistan, bound seven workers to chairs and then brutally murdered them. According to Muslim witnesses, the Muslims showed no hurry and took a good 15 minutes to separate the Christians and ensure that each of their goals suffered the most terrible death.

The murder of non-Muslim humanitarian workers by religious followers of Islam often happens. While there is rarely a celebration on the side of other Muslims, there is also not much indignation by a community known for their weakness.

While rumors of a Koran desecration or a Muhammad cartoon produce deadly protests, riots, incendiary fires, and image fires, the mass murder of non-Muslims does not become a real passion. In the eleven years after September 11, nearly 20,000 Islamic terrorist attacks were perpetrated, but all of them do not provoke the kind of indignation on the part of most Muslims, such as the mere mention of Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo.

This critical absence of the moral perspective confuses many Westerners, especially those who try to reconcile this reality with the politically correct assumption that Islam is like another religion. The Judeo-Christian tradition preaches universal love and selflessness, so it is expected that the pious Muslims will be the most peaceful and least dangerous ... provided that Islam is based on the same principles.

But among the rosy assurances of proponents of Muslim ideologies that Islam is about peace and tolerance lies a much darker reality that better explains violence and deep-rooted indifference. Quite simply, the Koran teaches supremacy, hatred, and hostility.

Consider the elements that define the hate speech:

  • Distinguish between one's own identity group and those outside
  • The moral distinction to which this comparison is based
  • Devaluation or dehumanization of other groups and the personal superiority of one's own
  • Advocating the different standards of treatment based on identity group membership
  • Call for violence against members of other groups

Unfortunately, and in spite of the best intentions of many respectable Muslims, the Koran qualifies as a hate speech in every respect.

The holiest book of Islam (61% of which refers to non-Muslims) draws the sharpest differences between Muslims (the best people, 3:110) and non-believers (the worst creatures 98:6). The praise is wasted on the former, while the latter are condemned with burning generalizations.

Far from teaching universal love, the Koran continually preaches the inferiority of the non-Muslims, even if he compares them with disgraceful animals and smolks over Allah's hatred against them and his dark plans for their eternal torture. The Muslims are said to be destined to dominate non-believers, against whom hard treatment is promoted.

The Islamic state implements these teachings from the Koran into practice. In Ramadan in 2016 they raided a restaurant. They tortured and killed those who could not recite from the Koran while Muslims were spared.

Polished Muslim scouts in the West love to use the word "Bigot" to describe critics of Islam, but they are rarely challenged about their own view of the Koran. What does the book, which they claim to contain the literal and eternal Word of Allah, really say about non-Muslims?

The pattern of violence and aggressive disregard for human suffering, which is persistent in Muslim history, and the contemporary attitude towards non-believers reflects the message of the Koran, which is a personal superiority and arrogance.

In today's world, Muslim rule is characterized by the oppression and discrimination of non-Muslims, while Muslim minorities in larger societies are distinguished by varying degrees of aggravated demand, discord, and armed rebellion. Only a few Muslims are uncomfortable with this blatant double standard in which Islam, depending on its power position, is either a victim or makes others to a victim - and the reason is obvious.

Islam is a fully dominant ideology in which the role of non-believers is subordinated to the position of Muslims. Those who oppose Islamic rule are to be fought until they are either killed or completely humiliated and forced to acknowledge their subordinate status by committing themselves to Islam or by paying compensation and accepting submission to their own religion.

There is simply no other religion on earth that draws such a sharp distinction between their own members and others. No other religion devotes so much of their holiest text to the condemnation and dehumanization of those who merely decide not to follow their dogma.

So much about Islamic terrorism and the general equivalency of the broader Muslim community against violence makes sense only against this double nature of Islam - as well as the foreign willingness of the followers of Muhammad to tolerate their own subjugation under Ottoman or Arab tyrants such as Saddam Hussein They themselves violently attack other negligent neighbors.

The proponents of Islam do not lie when they say that Islam teaches love and kindness, but they forget to add that this is only for the treatment of those within the Muslim community. Loyalty to one's own identity group is above all appreciated, and empathy for those outside of faith is at best optional - and even explicitly undesirable.

If this is a "misunderstanding" of Islam by modern "radicals", then it is a mistake that the founder of Islam has also made. In Muhammad's time, non-Muslims were killed only for speaking against the new religion and their self-proclaimed prophet. Similarly, the Jews of Qurayza were compelled and killed on Muhammad's orders, even if they had not even fought. Since the life of a non-Muslim is cheap, the actual physical damage to a Muslim is not necessary to justify the murder according to the example of Muhammad.

The Koran fulfills every criterion with which we define hate speech. Not only the message inspires dislike and disregard for others, but the text claims the superiority of Islam, and violence can also be used as a means to achieve the goals.

In his later years, Muhammad directed military campaigns to subjugate other tribes and religions; they were "invited" to Islam with the sword and forced to pay tribute. He launched the aggressive military campaigns that waged war against all five major world religions in the first decades after his death.

Islam involves the ultimate devaluation of non-Muslims by teaching. While a Muslim can be sentenced to death for murdering another Muslim (Bukhari 83:17), no Muslim can be sentenced to death for the murder of a non-Muslim (Bukhari 83:50, 3:111 - Muhammad: "No Muslim can be killed for the murder of a Kafir (unbeliever).") The "law of equality" from the Koran applies only to Muslims. The human values and rights based on gender, religion and status are the exact opposite of equality in the Western liberal tradition in the Koran.

One can always find proponents of Islam who are willing to defuse the hard rhetoric of the Koran with creative interpretation, tortuous explanation or boundless denial. Their words and deeds are almost always a concern for the representation of Islam, which does not extend to the victims of Islam - at least not with the same sense of urgency.

Of course there are also exceptional Muslims who do not agree with the Islamic predominance and sincerely defend secularism and respect for all people. Some even find verses or fragments of it to support their independent beliefs. But for these people, the Koran as a whole will always be a constant challenge as it explicitly teaches the distinctive and subordinate status of non-Muslims.


Koran: Other religions are cursed by Allah

my religion / your religion = warBuddhists in Thailand, Jews in Israel, Christians in Indonesia, Hindus in India ... Why is the Islam at war with any great world religion when none of these religions is at war?

A part of reason is that the Koran is specific about the inferiority of other faiths (see 48:28) and the hate which Allah has for their people.

Although religious Muslims are usually annoyed when someone "offends" their religion, here is what the Koran says about Jews and Christians:

And the Jews say: 'Uzair (Ezra) is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: Messiah is the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouths. They imitate the saying of the disbelievers of old. Allah's Curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth! (9:30 see also Bukhari 8:427; One of the last things that Muhammad said on his deathbed: "May Allah curse the Jews and Christians.")

The Koran refers specifically to Christians, Jews, polytheists (Hindus) and atheists:

Christians are unbelievers (98:5-6) and blasphemers (5:17, 5:73) who have invented a lie about Allah (10:68-69) by sharing Allah's (i.e. trinity) partners call. The worst sin is the invention of a lie about Allah (7:37, 29:68) and for this reason the Christians are condemned to hell (10:70). Although an early-Medinan verse seems to say that just Christians are coming to heaven, this is abolished by later verses that make it very clear that Christians must cease to be Christian (i.e. reject the trinity) or eternal torments for their faith (5:72-73).

Jews are also cursed by Allah in one of the last "pronouncements" of Muhammad (5:13). The Koran assures Muslims that Jews are evil (4:160-162) - so evil that they somehow managed to do the impossible (18:27) and to change the word of Allah (2:75). Jews are "liar" and "devour the forbidden" (5:42). They are the worst enemies of Muslims (5:82)

The Koran assures to the faithful that Jews and Christians have "sick hearts" (5:52). Allah even refers to the position of enmity to them (5:14). Only Jews and Christians who submit to Islamic rule and pay Jizya are protected in this world (9:29 & Ibn Ishaq 956).

Hindus are polytheists. Although Muhammad did not knew Hindus (and apparently Allah did not), the Koran created the foundation for the 1000-year ethnic cleansing action against the Hindu people, which estimated an estimated ten million innocent lives. In Islam, the polytheists are worse than all other religions. Those who connect idols (11:14) with Allah also invent lies (29:17) and will burn in hell. Even believing in other divine units together with Allah is an unpardonable crime (4:48, 40:12).

Atheists believe in no God, which is worse than believing in the wrong (Muhammad and his successors had killed atheists - Bukhari 84:57). But the question of the existence of Allah is a proof of disbelief (25:21). Muhammad answered only questions by telling the requesting party that they would go to hell if they did not believe in him (36:49-64). The Koran discourages Muslims from the intellectual investigation (5:101-102).

Every Muslim who gives up his religion is a "perverted transgressor" (3:82). Pervert is also everyone who denies Allah (40:63) or does not believe to Mohammad (2:99). Conscience does not exist in Islam. Muhammad clearly prescribed the death penalty (Bukhari 52:260).

While the contemporary advocates of the Islam often speak about "dialogue" they do not mean the real meaning of the word. They understand the unilateral arrangement in which they are talking about the Islam, while others are listening. Among other things, the Koran talks about jihad:

So obey not the disbelievers, but strive against them (by preaching) with the utmost endeavour, with it (the Qur'an). (25:52)

What would be the point when you hear something that a non-Muslim has to say ... or even talk to? Allah has already sealed their hearts and condemned them to hell:

Verily, those who disbelieve, it is the same to them whether you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him) warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe. (2:6)
Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearings, (i.e. they are closed from accepting Allah's Guidance), and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be a great torment. (2:7)

For those who ask why Allah has created even unbelievers when their ultimate goal is hell, Muhammad said that the purpose of some (at least Jews and Christians) is to take the place of the Muslims so that they do not suffer in hell (Sahih Muslim 6666).


The "Not all are the same"-Argument

Not all are the sameThe "Not all are the same"-argument is one from the worst ones. Supposedly it is intended to protect the majority of the peaceful Muslims. In fact, however, the extremist minority is not or only insufficiently affected. If a rapist is drifting around, it is not enough to justify the fact that the majority are not rapists. In addition, these 99% of the peaceful Muslims are in anyway nothing else than a lie. Studies and statements from Muslims themselves are proving that although not a majority, but enough of them have an extremist worldview and approve even violence in the name of religion.

If it were only 1%, then

  • Erdogan would not have nearly 50% of the votes and 18% would not vote in Turkey for the right-wing extremists MHP whose members have to take an oath to the Koran

  • the mullahs in Iran could never have seized power

  • the Taliban would not have brought much of Afghanistan into their control

  • Mursi in Egypt would have won not the elections, although he represents the Muslim Brotherhood, hence violence and terror in the name of Islam

  • then the Saudi royal family and the Wahhabi clergy would have been long ago overthrown and the country would have modernized itself already

  • there would not be so many Muslims celebrating every terrorist attack

  • there would be no such problems with the Muslims and the Islam

And even if it were only 1%, the terror attacks from 9/11, Charlie Hebdo, the assassinations in London, Paris, Madrid and the countless other small and big attacks of the extremists on non-Muslims or moderate Muslims are showing clearly that already few are sufficient to cause great disaster. Since it is not only 1% but much more, you can imagine by yourself what will happen when they grab even more power.


Maqsood Ahmad (L.I.O.N) - a Pakistani Muslim Coward

Maqsood Ahmad (L.I.O.N)Maqsood Ahmad declares himself in his LinkedIn profile as Director Lasani Quran (, a website which defines their vision as "Our vision for Lasani Quran is to spread Islamic knowledge throughout the world ...". If such a person like Maqsood Ahmad uses a constructed (photoshopped) more than 12 years old picture for a LinkedIn posting then he has some special intentions with his posting. Every photo is nothing else than a snapshot from a moment and says nothing about it how it has been coming to the situation. If such a picture gets constructed and used for a special purpose then this purpose is very questionable. In such a case you can only speculate about the true background. If such a speculation hits the truth then the author feels himself dismantled and deletes his posting. Maqsood Ahmad has done the same like little children are doing if they are caught in lies, he deleted his posting at LinkedIn.

What can you expect from a Islamic Quran Education institute where the Director from the institute is already a liar?

Maqsood Ahmad posted at LinkedIn with the text "There is no reason whatsoever you can point a gun to kids. Brave Palestinian kids. Salute to the cause" the following constructed picture, which should give you an impression of inhumanity:

The problem of the above picture is:

  • Everything except the person in front is drawn sharp and clear - from the rocks in front until the rocks in the background.
  • By taking a look at right side from the trousers of the person in front you'll see that there are disturbances in the image, which cannot get explained with wrinkles of the clothing. Such disturbances happens when you try to cut something from a picture where a strong contrast is not available. Here has made the guy, who has constructed the picture, some mistakes.
  • Not one photographer will make a picture within this angle if there is war and a gun is pointing to him. He will bring himself first in a secure area and make a picture afterwards.
  • Not one soldier will go down on his knees if he is alone in an insecure area. Soldiers are going in groups and protecting themselves from all directions. The person with the stone can be a red herring too and the soldier can get attacked from another side while he is concentrating himself to the one attacker.

Why is posting Maqsood Ahmad such a fake picture?

One possible answer can get found in the sentence: "Brave Palestinian kids". Instead of calling such kids to be stupid and thinking about the responsibility of the parents he is calling such a child "brave". With other words he is confirming that the Islam is a religion of war and conquest and not a religion like others which are preaching peace and love. Already this answer will make Maqsood Ahmad to one of the hate preachers.

If we are combining the posting from Maqsood Ahmad with the facts that the Muslims are using children as suicide bombers and as terrorists then the content from the posting shall help children in reaching their deadly destination. An actual report from the British Daily Mirror, Disturbing video shows children in Gaza acting out mock terrorist attacks at pre-school graduation, shows what the Muslims are understanding in humanity and the value of a human life for them. Such stupid cowards like Maqsood Ahmad like to use for their war innocent children and women. Such people like Maqsood Ahmad are a dishonor for the human race and showing us what the Islam really stands for. If someone expect that others are handling himself in humanity then he need to show first that he is a human!

Here you see a screenshot from the posting which the coward Maqsood Ahmad has already removed:

One of his friends, who even don't like to provide a manhunt picture by himself, commented:

Abdallah عبدالله عبدالرحمن
I remember this image. this girl got shot

How stupid the hat preacher Maqsood Ahmad is gets shown that he has invited his friends, who shall support him in his fake campaign, in the first two comments. One from them is the Abdallah above. The oldest version from the picture, found in Google picture search, has the date April 11, 2004. At this time in Abdallah's profile is written: "Education: Govt. College of Technology, D.A.E, Civil Engineering, 2002 – 2005". Maybe even his education is a lie like his comment above.

Maqsood Ahamd dismantles the Quran on his website to a script, which needs to get explained by qualified teachers:

This Website helps each student to learn Quran online by qualified teachers.

The sentence above is contradicting the version that the Quran is a holy script. Which God will use words by speaking to his followers which they don't understand and need to get interpreted from human teachers?

The Muslims are thinking that they can dominate the world and that is wrong. They are crying about humanity and are hiding themselves behind children and women. What can they really expect in such case? As long they are only killing each other would it not be a real problem, but as soon as they are trying to export their understanding from humanity (terror attacks) they need not wonder themselves that they'll get an answer from the other countries.

LinkedIn profile of the coward Maqsood Ahmad (L.I.O.N)

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