My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Islam and forced conversion

What does Islam really teach about forced conversion?

Muslims are called upon to fight unbelievers until they are either dead, converted to Islam or are in a permanent state of submission under Muslim rule. Allowing people of other faiths to live and reverence independently of Islamic rule is not an available option.

Muhammad's efforts to recruit peacefully in Mecca were not really crowned with success. In 13 years, he managed to convince less than 100 followers, mostly friends and family. His tactics changed drastically during his last ten years. As soon as he had sufficient power, he began to force others with the sword-head to recognize him as a prophet and Allah as the only God. In many places in Hadith, he tells his successors that Allah has commanded him to fight unbelievers until they profess their faith in Islam (the Shahada).

During the later years, Muhammad did not appear to be at all disturbed by the fact that conversions were usually carried out under obvious compulsion. These include those of his sworn enemy of Abu Sufyan and his wife Hind. According to Muslim historians, when Abu Sufyan sought peace with Muhammad, he was instead forced to convert to Islam. The exact words which he was to speak in the presence of Muhammad were: "Say and testify that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah before you lose your head" (Ibn Ishaq / Hisham 814).

The entire city of Mecca converted to Islam, although the inhabitants and leaders originally abhorred Muhammad and resisted his sermons. Most of them "converted" to Islam on the day when he entered the city abruptly with an army. Only the most gullible would think that this is a genuine religious epiphany that coincides coincidentally with the time when a sword is held to their necks.

Meccans who did not want to change their religion were forcibly expelled from the city after the last Haj (9:5). The Christians and Jews who lived in Arabia at that time suffered the same fate. The cause was a kind permission of a murder order from Muhammad. They were given the choice either to accept Islam or be expelled from their land (Sahih Muslim 19:4366).

The Jews in Khaybar were not at war with Muhammad when he ordered his jihadis to attack them. Even his faithful son-in-law Ali, who was to lead the mission to Muhammad's instructions, was somewhat confused about the pretext under which he was to attack this peaceful peasant community, far from Medina:

Muhammad said: "Proceed on and do not look about until Allah grants you victory", and Ali went a bit and then halted and did not look about and then said in a loud voice: "Allah's Messenger, on what issue should I fight with the people?"

Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: "Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger" (Sahih Muslim 31:5917)

The Jews were, of course, quite surprised. Their wealth was stolen and their wives and children were taken and sold by the Prophet of Islam and his men as slaves. Muhammad even took a woman, after the death of her husband, for himself.

Before he died, Muhammad sent his warriors against pagan Arab tribes, like the al-Harith, and demanded that they should either be converted to Islam or extinguished. In the great selection which they had, they naturally chose the "religion of peace". He cursed Christians and Jews until his last breath (Bukhari 8:427).

According to al-Shafi from "The ordinances of the Koran", "Muhammad defeated the people until they bend Islam or break". Muslims are taught to follow their prophet. A messenger under Umar's rule has formulated it, "Our Prophet, the messenger of the Lord, has commanded us to fight them until you worship Allah alone or pay Jizya (i.e., tribute)" (Bukhari 53:386).

It also expressed Abu Bakr, Muhammad's closest companion and immediate successor, when he aggressively invaded foreign territory in jihad and protested against people who did not want war and were not a threat. In a letter to the Persians, the Caliph declared bluntly, "You have be converted to Islam, and then you will be safe, if you do not, you must know that I will come to you with an army which loves the same way the death as you love life."

Over the centuries, Muslims have forced Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Gentiles, and others to accept Islam by either offering them death as an alternative or making their lives so miserable (taxes, denial of rights, etc.) that they finally converted to Islam.

There are compulsory conversions among extremists to this day. Recently, a Christian girl was kidnapped in Egypt and told that she would be raped if she did not convert. In 2010, an 11-year-old Christian boy was enslaved in Pakistan by his Muslim landlords. He proudly told the world that he would free the boy if he would convert to Islam.

None of these examples of attempted forced conversion was condemned by Islamic organizations, including in the West. From the Muslim perspective, the victim in any case retains technically the "choice" to convert, even if the only alternative is death. In fact, some even praised the Pakistani slave owner for magnanimous worship of freedom and debt relief to his theme for the embrace of Islam.

Since Muslims believe so sincerely that their religion is truth, they often can't help but feel, on some level, that forced conversion is more of a favor done to the subject - a case of the end justifying the means. As Muhammad said, "Allah wonders at those people who will enter Paradise in chains." (Bukhari 52:254).

After the high-caliber abduction and forced conversion of hundreds of Christian girls of Boko Haram in 2014, a Muslim woman in the United Kingdom proclaimed that the girls had actually been liberated from the "fetters of slavery".

It is also important to note the critical role that Jizya plays in the Islamic world. According to the Quran, the payment of a "tax" to the Muslims is the only way out for those who do not want to deny their religion. This source of income explains why Muhammad and his successor do not force anyone to commit to Islam after a military conquest.

Muhammad realized in the case of the Jews of Khaybar who were allowed to keep their farming as long as they abolished the profits of their labor to him that it was more lucrative to save the local economy in the place than to kill any man who was not converted. This loose rule followed the Muslim armies that swept through Christian, Jewish, Persian, Hindu and Buddhist countries throughout the centuries. Parts of the collected money were used to finance further Islamic military expansions, which in turn produced more income and more "converts".

As Muhammad said it by himself: "My sustenance is under the shade of my spear, and he who disobeys my orders will be humiliated by paying Jizya" (or by another translation: "My provision has been placed under the shadow of my spear, and abasement and humility have been placed on the one who disobeys my command.") This hadith has been quoted by al-Qaeda and is found in the original version of Bukhari and Ahmad (5114 or 4869, depending on the translation).

In fairness it must be said that Muslims generally tend to follow verse 2:256 of the Koran, saying, "There is no compulsion in religion" and it is not right to force others to embrace Islam. But this does not change religion itself. Verse 2:256 was clearly overthrown by later verses, especially of Sura 9, otherwise the practice of killing apostates if they reject their previous creed would not have become an acceptable part of Islamic law.

Another point must be kept in mind. It is an important part of faith in Islam. Muslims are ordered to fight unbelievers until they say they believe in Allah or pay the Jizya. But there seems to be a tacit understanding that faith itself can not be compelled. (Really meant is "compulsion in religion"). However, as soon as a subjugated individual is converted to Islam under the burden of taxes and discrimination, a possible death penalty must also be revoked. The children also have to be educated as Muslims. And if they do not, they are exposed to garbage and killing. Thus, Islam succeeded in spreading successfully within the conquered populations in high percentages.

It is ironic that the Muslim community is most sensitive to a non-Muslim presence in "Muslim countries". Especially if these countries were not originally Muslim until they were conquered by force. The crass double standard is tempered purely rhetorically by explaining that Islam is the original religion practiced by Jews (like Moses) and Christians (like Jesus and his followers). Thus, the conquered populations are "restored". As many Muslims already seem to realize, this trick is neither wise nor even less convincing.

A final point of interest is that Muhammad's practice of obliging people to profess their faith in him was catastrophic for his own family and the legacy of his religion. At the time of his death, his empire comprised a great multitude of people and tribes, who had accepted his rule only to avoid war and bondage. Many of them, after he died, immediately wanted their freedom and self-determination back. There were several wars, causing thousands of deaths. The legacy of violent intolerance was firmly cemented in Islam.

Even Muhammad's sworn enemy, Abu Sufyan, has got a last laugh. So ambitious was the prophet of Islam to expand his empire, forcing his former archenemy to convert with the tip of his sword. Nevertheless, it was Abu Sufyan's own children who ultimately benefited - at the expense of Muhammad's family.

Abu Sufyan's son, Muawiyah, inherited the kingdom after defeating Muhammad's adopted son Ali. He also poisoned Hasan, one of the two dearest grandchildren of the Prophet. Abu Sufyan's grandson, Yazid, became the next caliph and immediately demanded the head of Muhammad's other favorite grandchild, Hussein. This was brought to him on a plate.


Koran 8:38-39

Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning). (8:38)

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do. (8:39)


Koran 9:29

Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Sureas 9 and 5 are the last great chapters that Muhammad narrated, replacing what had come before, including the oft-quoted verse 2:256 - "There is no compulsion in religion ...".

Koran 9:5

Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Prayer and poor tax are among the five pillars of Islam, as salat and zakat. (See below). The Quran thus sanctions violence as a means of forced conversion.

Koran 9:11

But if they repent, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give Zakat, then they are your brethren in religion. (In this way) We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail for a people who know.

In connection with the preceding passage, this confirms that Muhammad speaks of conversion to Islam.

Koran 9:56-57

They swear by Allah that they are truly of you while they are not of you, but they are a people (hypocrites) who are afraid (that you may kill them). (9:56)

Should they find a refuge, or caves, or a place of concealment, they would turn straightway thereto with a swift rush. (9:57)

This refers to people who live with the Muslim tribe, but can not truly be believers. They must pretend to be believing to survive. They have no safe refuge to escape the Muslims. If Islam were a religion of peace, then why are they afraid?

Koran 2:193

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)

The key phrase is here: "and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone)".

Koran 3:83

Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned.


But did not the earlier verse 2:256 say that there is no compulsion in religion? This contradiction is resolved by abolition - where the later verse replaces the earlier one.

These are the dangers of forcing others to recognize you as a prophet. Even if they do not consider it true.


The Koran teaches that every life is sacred

ApologetSome proponents of Islam consider themselves to be especially cunning if they cite only half the truth from the Koran. These apologists do not consider that they are even more unbelievable than they already are. Thus, these professional liars and rejectors have published the following text at the Fiqh Council of North America:

Verse 5:32 promotes the universal principle that all life is sanctified for Allah. It says, "Whoever kills a human being, it is as if he had killed all men, and whoever keeps it alive, it is as if he kept all men alive."

It is what the apologists want non-Muslims to believe and what is not in this form in the Koran, and in contrast to the dozens of other open passages which lead to warfare, decapitation and torture. But also the above-mentioned quote from verse 5:32 is not quite as it appears. There are just a few words missing. The full verse is:

On account of that incident, We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a person, except as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land, it will be written in his book of deeds as if he had killed all the human beings on the surface of the Earth and whoever will save a life shall be regarded as if he gave life to all the human beings on the surface of the Earth. Yet, even though Our Rasools came to them one after the other with clear revelations, it was not long before, many of them committed excesses in the land.

First you notice the gaping gap. Killing is permitted in cases of murder or "for the spread of mischief on the earth". Murder is fairly simple, but "spread mischief"? If anything required a careful and accurate explanation, this would be such a phrase that allows torture. But the generations of Muslims themselves are left to their own interpretation of what "mischief" means - with different standards. Violation of the Sharia (Islamic law) or the sharing of another religious belief seems to qualify. Verse 7:103 of the Koran even shows that the mere rejection of Muhammad and the Quran is considered a "mischief".

Considering the wider context of this verse, it turns out that this is not a divine commandment for Muslims. It is a repetition of a rule given to the Jews (in fact, from the Talmud). It is no warning against killing. It is an imaginary accusation against the Jews because it has violated the law conferred upon them. By "who" is not meant "anyone", but any of the Jews.

Any application to Muslims should apply only to Muslims - as with Muslim-to-Muslim murder within the brotherhood of the Faithful. In fact, the context of the verse is the murder of Abel by Cain. Historically, this verse has never been so interpreted by Islamic scholars that the lives of Muslims and non-Muslims are equivalent to Allah. The Koran says that the reparation of a murder is bound to the law of equality (2:178) and that non-believers are not equal to the Muslims (39:9). Muhammad confirmed that a Muslim can be punished with death for the killing of a fellow Muslim, but a Muslim should never be killed for the killing of a non-believer.

Rather than promote tolerance, Sura 5 as a whole is indeed an incitement to hatred with a touch of violence. Later, in the chapter, Jews and Christians were cursed as "evil" people with "sick hearts" and as hateful "blasphemers". Muhammad also reminds his people that Allah loves only those who "fight" in his ministry - and it is quite obvious who the enemy is.

Even Muslim apologists disregard the fact that verse 5:32 immediately follows a cruel verse, which, in the case of the above-mentioned "disaster," actually prescribes killing-and this was not taken from the Talmud. He even indicates the crucifixion and "cutting off hands and feet from opposite sides". (This arrangement was compulsorily observed by the IS in 2014):

The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter. (5:33)

Although verse 5:32 is a law given to the Jews, the following verse 5:33 counts unambiguously and for the Muslims. (One must imagine that instead of the law against murder and only to let go of anger, Jesus would have said, "You have heard that it is said that all life is holy, but I tell you that those who are waging war against God, should get crucified ... "

Verse 5:33 is the foundation for laws against blasphemy. On this basis, people can get executed for insulting Islam. Ironically, this part of the Koran will be used by apologists to portray Islam as a nonviolent religion. It has long been used as a justification for the punishment of oral capital crimes.

This passage is the best example of the moral side of the Quran. This verse is in fact the basis for the torture and execution of persons who interfere or threaten Islamic hegemony.

In this way, it is the best thing Islam has to offer. Therefore it is not difficult to guess why the religion contributes every year to more than a thousand lethal terrorist attacks on the world.


The Koran and the Law of Abolition

The EvilIn the eternal and unchangeable Koran, which existed since ancient times, even Allah himself had to replace some verses and passages with a "better" version. Of course, this is a contradiction in terms. How can something exist since ancient times in an unchanged version if there are subsequent replacement by a better version?

The statement itself is an evidence that the Quran was not written by an omniscient and omnipotent God, rather by the bloodthirsty and a war hungry self-proclaimed prophet with the name Muhammad. He has shown his people by his success with the creation of Islam how to invent a God (Allah) and can be successful with treachery and insidiousness. Expressed in other words: not Allah sent Muhammad to bring his message among the people, but Muhammad has created Allah to put himself in the center. Which God would put an uneducated criminal illiterate as its Ambassador? The time history shows the result, which an omniscient should know before.

Koran: Even God sometimes replaces verses or passages with a "better" version

Verse 2:106

Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?


Verse 13:39

Allah blots out what He wills and confirms (what He wills). And with Him is the Mother of the Book (Al-Lauh Al-Mahfuz)


Verse 16:101

And when We change a Verse [of the Qur'an, i.e. cancel (abrogate) its order] in place of another, and Allah knows the best of what He sends down, they (the disbelievers) say: "You (O Muhammad) are but a Muftari! (forger, liar)." Nay, but most of them know not.


Verse 16:103

And indeed We know that they (polytheists and pagans) say: "It is only a human being who teaches him (Muhammad)." The tongue of the man they refer to is foreign, while this (the Qur'an) is a clear Arabic tongue.


The above verses, especially verse 16:103 shows that even Muhammad reached with his lies the boundaries of his credibility at this point in time. What helps in such a case better than a new "revelation"?

Although all Muslim scholars believe that God replaced some earlier verses by substitution with later verses, there are great disagreements among them which verses have been replaced by which verses. Nevertheless, most agree on the sura 9: 5, called "the verse of the sword". Sura 9: 5 replaces most of the preceding verses about jihad. Some believe that this verse replaces more than 111 previous verses.

This fact reinforces the assumption that the Koran is nothing more than a loose-sheet collection, which got thrown into the air during a wind, re-collected the sheets and afterwards got a new religion from the hodge-podge created. Would a God ever act in such a way?

This procedure also shows how important the Koran has been for the Muslims in the ancient time. They did not care at all to keep the words of their God for posterity. The contents of the Koran were passed on by oral tradition, which has the same value as the well-known children's game "Silent Message". Thus is the reason for the different versions of the Koran, which existed already shortly after Muhammad's death. Is is not nice from Allah to spread His message in such a way? Would a God really act like that?

Despite this general agreement, many scholars from today cite the preceding superseded verses to validate their perception of Islam as a peaceful religion. As a result, modern, liberal Muslim leaders, particularly in the West, can preach the teachings of the "Islam of Mecca" with emphasis on non-violence and tolerance. At the same time, the "Islam of Medina" in its aggressive and totalitarian nature is taught and practiced by the Orthodox and fundamentalist Muslims in many parts of the Muslim world.

Verse 9:5

Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.


Jihad in the Koran

JihadWhen we look at the number of verses in the Qur'an dealing with the theme of jihad or the struggle in the cause of God, it becomes clear that jihad is one of the main themes of the Koran.

The Arabic word is "Jihad-e-Kabir" (greater jihad). Muslims therefore believe that the physical war is "Jihad-e-Saghir" (smaller jihad), although this term is not expressly mentioned in the Koran (see also 4:74-76).

The 114 Quran suras, chapters, or parts of the Koran are not listed in the chronological order in which Mohammad recited them, but in the order of length, from the longest to the shortest. Instead of listing the verses in the order in which they appear in the Quran, I listed them in the historical order in which they were "revealed" (according to the list of Noldeke). This will help to make the obvious development of Jihad thinking more comprehensible.

The Ka'aba, a rectangular building in the city of Mecca, contained many religious symbols and was the center of the worship of the pagan Arabs at the time of Muhammed. Arabs from all over the Arab world undertook an annual pilgrimage to Mecca to adore these idols.

When Mohammad lived in Mecca in 610, he began to preach the Islam he had invented. His Quraish tribesmen became increasingly angry because of their condemnation of their idolatry. Ninety-eight of the 114 Suren of the Koran came into existence during the 13 years that Muhammed lived in Mecca. These Suras did not contain any instructions to the struggle in spite of the heavy persecution, the striking, the expulsion from their houses, and the death threats to which his small bonds of followers were subject. (See Suras about Jihad in the Koran from phase 1: (in Mecca) - no retribution)

The last 24 Suras are from the time after 622, when Mohammad and his followers had to flee to Medina to escape their persecution in Mecca. There, Mohammad became the political leader of the city, and his followers increased significantly. The doctrine of jihad or the struggle for "Allah" began to develop in these medieval suras.

The number of successors to Muhammad would be small if he had attempted to retaliate immediately. Muhammed was also protected by his uncle until his death. When Muhammad received an invitation to come to Medina, he fled with his followers from Mecca. In Medina he soon received the position of the city's leader and many more Arabs accepted him as a prophet.

Several months after arriving in Medina, the Muslims began attacking the Meccan caravans. (It is very difficult to understand how someone who claimed to be a prophet could take carnal, pagan, Arab practice to deceive the caravans of other tribes, and under the cover of the mantle, to "strive on the way of God" And then say that one-fifth of the prey belongs to God !?). This practice eventually led to the owners of the goods, the tribe of Mecca's Quraish, and several battles against Muhammed. It began with the Battle of Badr in the year 624. At that time, the Muslims were granted permission to defend themselves by fighting and killing. While Muhammed and his followers were themselves the cause of the war, it called Muhammed self-defense. After all, the Quraish simply wanted to protect their own caravans, which were robbed by the Muslims. The only enemies of the Muslims at this time were the "disbelievers" of the tribe of the Quraish of Mecca, who, according to his opinion, had idols instead of Muhammed. (See Suras about Jihad in the Koran from phase 2: (Medina) - self-defense is allowed)

A few months later, a religious obligation was made out of the permission to fight in self-defense. At first, the only enemy images were the "unbelievers" of the tribe of Quraish of Mecca. According to Muhammed, they were in a certain way which had declared war on the Muslims. Starting from the battle of Uhud, they began to regard the hypocrites as enemies, and later also the Christians and Jews as enemies. In the beginning, the Jews were not regarded as enemies, as Muhammed hoped that the Jews would accept him as a prophet in the same way as Moses. (see suras about jihad in the Koran from phase 3: (Medina) - defensive battles are commanded)

Until Phase 4, after the conquest of Mecca, where Muhammed was convinced that assault is the best defense and the attack war is being ordered. Only heathen should get killed and Christians and Jews should get humiliated.

The Muslims have gained strength, they attacked Mecca and the Meccans emerged in the year 630. Most of the heathen of the city converted to the Islam and so Muhammed and his followers were able to take over the city completely. From the Ka'aba got removed around 360 symbols of other religions. At this time new commands were given to adapt to the current situation. It was also obvious that the Jews would not accept Muhammed's claim to be a prophet. Thus the list of enemies was extended to all unbelievers - Jews and Christians as well as the heathen. Now it is no longer just defensive fighting but aggressive jihad against all infidels. Since this is the last doctrine of the Quran on jihad, it is still in force. In other words, Islam and the Muslims have been in the "holy" war since the year 630 of the Christian era with the rest of the world.

On page 538 of Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam, the author describes:

The djihad is a duty. This precept is laid down in all the sources. It is true that there are to be found in the Koran divergent, and even contradictory, texts. These are classified by the doctrine, apart from certain variations of detail, into four successive categories:

  1. those which enjoin pardon for offences and encourage the invitation to Islam by peaceful persuasion
  2. those which enjoin fighting to ward off aggression
  3. those which enjoin the initiative in attack provided it is not within the four sacred months
  4. and those which enjoin the initiative in attack absolutely, at all times and in all places

In sum, these differences correspond to the stages in the development of Muhammad's thought and to the modifications of policy resulting from particular circumstances

The Meccan period during which Muhammad, in general, confines himself to moral and religious teaching, and the Medina period when, having become the leader of a politico-religious community, he is able to undertake, spontaneously, the struggle against those who do not wish to join this community or submit to his authority.

The doctrine holds that the later texts abrogate the former contradictory texts ... to such effect that only those of the last category remain indubitably valid.


Even Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam describes the Koran in this part as a diary of the warlord and mass murderer Muhammed. Muhammed invented Islam as an excuse and designed Allah according to his wishes.

Even Muhammad Muhsin Khan, the translator into the English of the Bukhari Hadith, writes in on page XXIV in his instructions for translation:

So at first ‘the fighting’ was forbidden, then it was permitted and after that it was made obligatory - (1) against those who start ‘the fighting’ against you (Muslims) ... (2) and against all those who worship others along with Allah ...


In summary, the question "Is the Koran merely hate propaganda?" can get answered clearly with a big YES. The status of a religion must urgently get withdrawn from the Islam.


Would God choose a criminal as his ambassador?

Muhammad receives his first revelationAn omniscient and omnipotent God will never choose an uneducated illiterate as his ambassador, who is also a child-molester, robber, and mass-murderer, and who can prove his divine mission with nothing other than his own words.

Supporters of such a degenerate, with the name of Muhammad, try by all means to establish the lies and false accusations spread in the Koran. They also want to use the galactic year, which lasts between 220 and 240 million years of earth. That is, the Sun is moving in orbit around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way, at a speed of 267 km per second (961,200 km/h).

Inside this article the English translation from "The noble Quran" gets used. Another 13 English versions from different translators and from different epoches, the original Arab version and a literal translation to English gets found and can get compared with each other.

In the Koran, the following verses getting found on the topic of earth, sun, moon, and stars:

The sun and the moon run on their fixed courses (exactly) calculated with measured out stages for each (for reckoning, etc.). (55:5)
And He has made the sun and the moon, both constantly pursuing their courses, to be of service to you; and He has made the night and the day, to be of service to you. (14:33)
And He it is Who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating. (21:33)

The word "floating" in the above verse is expressed in Arabic as "sabaha" and explains the movement of the sun in the universe. This word has the meaning that the sun is not uncontrolled while moving in the Universe, that it revolves around its own axis and follows its path at the same time. Also in another verse it is mentioned that the sun is not static and that it runs on a definite path:

And the sun runs on its fixed course for a term (appointed). That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. (36:38)

If, as in this Koran translation, the sun moves to a fixed location, it does not run around an orbit, and there is no galactic year of 220 to 240 million earth years. If you look at the other translations, then only the translators Ahmed Ali, Asad, Muhammad Sarwar talking about an orbit and the others (Khoury [German], Ali Ünal, Amatul Rahman Bubenheim / Elyas [German], Omar, Daryabadi, Faridul Haque, Hamid S. Aziz, Malik, Pickthall , Shakir, Yusuf Ali) are sending the sun like "The Noble Quran" to a fixed place!

What omnipotent and omniscient God can not express unequivocally and unambiguously against man? Someone who is considered omniscient must also be cautious with the consequences of his words. The verses of Muhammad look rather like they were invented by ordinary mortals.

In Sura 36, verse 40, we find the following information which is more or less confirming the Stone Age conception that the moon and the sun revolve around the earth:

It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor does the night outstrip the day. They all float, each in an orbit. (36:40)

After only the moon surrounds the earth and the earth surrounds the sun, how shall there be the possibility of the sun to catch the moon? This would only be possible if they would orbit the earth.

In Sura 10, verse 5 is also highlighted that this heaven points to serve Moon and Sun of the era:

It is He Who made the sun a shining thing and the moon as a light and measured out its (their) stages, that you might know the number of years and the reckoning. Allah did not create this but in truth. He explains the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail for people who have knowledge. (10:5)

The galactic year naturally has no meaning for mankind. Nothing and no one can do something with a period of 220 - 240 million years, since our life expectancy is simply too short for it.

The Koran recalls repeatedly that "God has placed sun and moon in the service, each of the two stars passes through his orbit in a certain time."

Allah is He Who raised the heavens without any pillars that you can see. Then, He Istawa (rose above) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He has subjected the sun and the moon (to continue going round)! Each running (its course) for a term appointed. He regulates all affairs, explaining the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail, that you may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord. (13:2)

The same information gets additional found in the Suras 31:29, 35:13 und 39:5.

According to the laws of physics is no energy source endless. Therefore, also the source of energy which made life on Earth possible, will dry up also in the future. We ourselves will not really recognize it. Probably the mankind has eradicated itself until this time by religious wars and/or pollution.

According to current knowledge, our solar system was created about 4.6 billion years ago by a gravitational collapse of an interstellar gas cloud. With an age of about 12.5 billion years, the sun will probably have turned into a white dwarf surrounded by a planetary nebula. For the case that the humans will not destroy the planet earth earlier there will be a life on Earth only be possible for around 900 million years.

As one of the most important heavenly bodies for mankind and earthly life, the sun enjoyed observing before the beginning of history. Cultures such as Stonehenge were built to determine the position of the sun at specific times, such as solstice. From different cultures, the daily course of the sun including the seasonal fluctuations as well as solar eclipses were carefully observed and documented.

Up to 500 years before Christ, the sun was revered as a god. Only Xenophanes (Greek philosopher, ~ 570 BC - 470 BC) presented the hypothesis that the sun is a natural object. Aristarchus of Samos postulated in the 2nd century BC that the sun was the center of the world. Further advances in astronomy have shown that the sun does not occupy an outstanding position in the universe. Rather, it is one of several hundred billion stars of the Milky Way, which in turn is part of even larger structures of the cosmos.

If one assumes how quickly astronomy has developed, which knowledge has already been gathered in the 1,100 years until the appearance of Muhammad, then one does not need to wonder about the fact that the Qur'an is reported by a deadline which indicates the expiration date of the living conditions at the Earth. Since the moons, planets and stars (sun) are moving, it is also assumed that the galaxies are also moving.

However, Mohammed simply packed the familiar knowledge of his time into his very own invention, the Koran. This would provide further proof that the Qur'an is not a "holy scripture," but was composed only by a normal mortal. An omniscient and omnipotent God has it not necessary to lie to ignorant people.

One of these ignorant scholars of Islam, Sheikh al-Fauzan, has even written a Fatwa (legal opinion) with the number 10348 on this subject in 2008, claiming that the sun is turning around the earth. Because of said fatwa, Sheikh al-Fauzan was made responsible in front of the Al-Azhar Legal Committee, and the fatwa was declared invalid.

Another ignorant scholar and joke figure, Bandar al-Khaibari - a "theologian" and "lawyer", did even not know it in February 2015. He claimed in a mosque on a previously submitted question as to whether the earth is rotating or standing still: "It stands still" and "Of course, the earth does not revolve around the sun, which already got found out from some higher-ranking Islam scholars".

This Fatwa has been so important, that she got translated into German language. At the moment is only a report at the blog from Michael Mannheimer (German language) and in the Google cache (Screenshot from in German language) of this Fatwa still available.