My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Islam and forced conversion

What does Islam really teach about forced conversion?

Muslims are called upon to fight unbelievers until they are either dead, converted to Islam or are in a permanent state of submission under Muslim rule. Allowing people of other faiths to live and reverence independently of Islamic rule is not an available option.

Muhammad's efforts to recruit peacefully in Mecca were not really crowned with success. In 13 years, he managed to convince less than 100 followers, mostly friends and family. His tactics changed drastically during his last ten years. As soon as he had sufficient power, he began to force others with the sword-head to recognize him as a prophet and Allah as the only God. In many places in Hadith, he tells his successors that Allah has commanded him to fight unbelievers until they profess their faith in Islam (the Shahada).

During the later years, Muhammad did not appear to be at all disturbed by the fact that conversions were usually carried out under obvious compulsion. These include those of his sworn enemy of Abu Sufyan and his wife Hind. According to Muslim historians, when Abu Sufyan sought peace with Muhammad, he was instead forced to convert to Islam. The exact words which he was to speak in the presence of Muhammad were: "Say and testify that there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah before you lose your head" (Ibn Ishaq / Hisham 814).

The entire city of Mecca converted to Islam, although the inhabitants and leaders originally abhorred Muhammad and resisted his sermons. Most of them "converted" to Islam on the day when he entered the city abruptly with an army. Only the most gullible would think that this is a genuine religious epiphany that coincides coincidentally with the time when a sword is held to their necks.

Meccans who did not want to change their religion were forcibly expelled from the city after the last Haj (9:5). The Christians and Jews who lived in Arabia at that time suffered the same fate. The cause was a kind permission of a murder order from Muhammad. They were given the choice either to accept Islam or be expelled from their land (Sahih Muslim 19:4366).

The Jews in Khaybar were not at war with Muhammad when he ordered his jihadis to attack them. Even his faithful son-in-law Ali, who was to lead the mission to Muhammad's instructions, was somewhat confused about the pretext under which he was to attack this peaceful peasant community, far from Medina:

Muhammad said: "Proceed on and do not look about until Allah grants you victory", and Ali went a bit and then halted and did not look about and then said in a loud voice: "Allah's Messenger, on what issue should I fight with the people?"

Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: "Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger" (Sahih Muslim 31:5917)

The Jews were, of course, quite surprised. Their wealth was stolen and their wives and children were taken and sold by the Prophet of Islam and his men as slaves. Muhammad even took a woman, after the death of her husband, for himself.

Before he died, Muhammad sent his warriors against pagan Arab tribes, like the al-Harith, and demanded that they should either be converted to Islam or extinguished. In the great selection which they had, they naturally chose the "religion of peace". He cursed Christians and Jews until his last breath (Bukhari 8:427).

According to al-Shafi from "The ordinances of the Koran", "Muhammad defeated the people until they bend Islam or break". Muslims are taught to follow their prophet. A messenger under Umar's rule has formulated it, "Our Prophet, the messenger of the Lord, has commanded us to fight them until you worship Allah alone or pay Jizya (i.e., tribute)" (Bukhari 53:386).

It also expressed Abu Bakr, Muhammad's closest companion and immediate successor, when he aggressively invaded foreign territory in jihad and protested against people who did not want war and were not a threat. In a letter to the Persians, the Caliph declared bluntly, "You have be converted to Islam, and then you will be safe, if you do not, you must know that I will come to you with an army which loves the same way the death as you love life."

Over the centuries, Muslims have forced Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, Gentiles, and others to accept Islam by either offering them death as an alternative or making their lives so miserable (taxes, denial of rights, etc.) that they finally converted to Islam.

There are compulsory conversions among extremists to this day. Recently, a Christian girl was kidnapped in Egypt and told that she would be raped if she did not convert. In 2010, an 11-year-old Christian boy was enslaved in Pakistan by his Muslim landlords. He proudly told the world that he would free the boy if he would convert to Islam.

None of these examples of attempted forced conversion was condemned by Islamic organizations, including in the West. From the Muslim perspective, the victim in any case retains technically the "choice" to convert, even if the only alternative is death. In fact, some even praised the Pakistani slave owner for magnanimous worship of freedom and debt relief to his theme for the embrace of Islam.

Since Muslims believe so sincerely that their religion is truth, they often can't help but feel, on some level, that forced conversion is more of a favor done to the subject - a case of the end justifying the means. As Muhammad said, "Allah wonders at those people who will enter Paradise in chains." (Bukhari 52:254).

After the high-caliber abduction and forced conversion of hundreds of Christian girls of Boko Haram in 2014, a Muslim woman in the United Kingdom proclaimed that the girls had actually been liberated from the "fetters of slavery".

It is also important to note the critical role that Jizya plays in the Islamic world. According to the Quran, the payment of a "tax" to the Muslims is the only way out for those who do not want to deny their religion. This source of income explains why Muhammad and his successor do not force anyone to commit to Islam after a military conquest.

Muhammad realized in the case of the Jews of Khaybar who were allowed to keep their farming as long as they abolished the profits of their labor to him that it was more lucrative to save the local economy in the place than to kill any man who was not converted. This loose rule followed the Muslim armies that swept through Christian, Jewish, Persian, Hindu and Buddhist countries throughout the centuries. Parts of the collected money were used to finance further Islamic military expansions, which in turn produced more income and more "converts".

As Muhammad said it by himself: "My sustenance is under the shade of my spear, and he who disobeys my orders will be humiliated by paying Jizya" (or by another translation: "My provision has been placed under the shadow of my spear, and abasement and humility have been placed on the one who disobeys my command.") This hadith has been quoted by al-Qaeda and is found in the original version of Bukhari and Ahmad (5114 or 4869, depending on the translation).

In fairness it must be said that Muslims generally tend to follow verse 2:256 of the Koran, saying, "There is no compulsion in religion" and it is not right to force others to embrace Islam. But this does not change religion itself. Verse 2:256 was clearly overthrown by later verses, especially of Sura 9, otherwise the practice of killing apostates if they reject their previous creed would not have become an acceptable part of Islamic law.

Another point must be kept in mind. It is an important part of faith in Islam. Muslims are ordered to fight unbelievers until they say they believe in Allah or pay the Jizya. But there seems to be a tacit understanding that faith itself can not be compelled. (Really meant is "compulsion in religion"). However, as soon as a subjugated individual is converted to Islam under the burden of taxes and discrimination, a possible death penalty must also be revoked. The children also have to be educated as Muslims. And if they do not, they are exposed to garbage and killing. Thus, Islam succeeded in spreading successfully within the conquered populations in high percentages.

It is ironic that the Muslim community is most sensitive to a non-Muslim presence in "Muslim countries". Especially if these countries were not originally Muslim until they were conquered by force. The crass double standard is tempered purely rhetorically by explaining that Islam is the original religion practiced by Jews (like Moses) and Christians (like Jesus and his followers). Thus, the conquered populations are "restored". As many Muslims already seem to realize, this trick is neither wise nor even less convincing.

A final point of interest is that Muhammad's practice of obliging people to profess their faith in him was catastrophic for his own family and the legacy of his religion. At the time of his death, his empire comprised a great multitude of people and tribes, who had accepted his rule only to avoid war and bondage. Many of them, after he died, immediately wanted their freedom and self-determination back. There were several wars, causing thousands of deaths. The legacy of violent intolerance was firmly cemented in Islam.

Even Muhammad's sworn enemy, Abu Sufyan, has got a last laugh. So ambitious was the prophet of Islam to expand his empire, forcing his former archenemy to convert with the tip of his sword. Nevertheless, it was Abu Sufyan's own children who ultimately benefited - at the expense of Muhammad's family.

Abu Sufyan's son, Muawiyah, inherited the kingdom after defeating Muhammad's adopted son Ali. He also poisoned Hasan, one of the two dearest grandchildren of the Prophet. Abu Sufyan's grandson, Yazid, became the next caliph and immediately demanded the head of Muhammad's other favorite grandchild, Hussein. This was brought to him on a plate.


Koran 8:38-39

Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven. But if they return (thereto), then the examples of those (punished) before them have already preceded (as a warning). (8:38)

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do. (8:39)


Koran 9:29

Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allah, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islam) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Sureas 9 and 5 are the last great chapters that Muhammad narrated, replacing what had come before, including the oft-quoted verse 2:256 - "There is no compulsion in religion ...".

Koran 9:5

Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikun (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat, then leave their way free. Verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

Prayer and poor tax are among the five pillars of Islam, as salat and zakat. (See below). The Quran thus sanctions violence as a means of forced conversion.

Koran 9:11

But if they repent, perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat) and give Zakat, then they are your brethren in religion. (In this way) We explain the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) in detail for a people who know.

In connection with the preceding passage, this confirms that Muhammad speaks of conversion to Islam.

Koran 9:56-57

They swear by Allah that they are truly of you while they are not of you, but they are a people (hypocrites) who are afraid (that you may kill them). (9:56)

Should they find a refuge, or caves, or a place of concealment, they would turn straightway thereto with a swift rush. (9:57)

This refers to people who live with the Muslim tribe, but can not truly be believers. They must pretend to be believing to survive. They have no safe refuge to escape the Muslims. If Islam were a religion of peace, then why are they afraid?

Koran 2:193

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)

The key phrase is here: "and (all and every kind of) worship is for Allah (Alone)".

Koran 3:83

Do they seek other than the religion of Allah (the true Islamic Monotheism worshipping none but Allah Alone), while to Him submitted all creatures in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly. And to Him shall they all be returned.


But did not the earlier verse 2:256 say that there is no compulsion in religion? This contradiction is resolved by abolition - where the later verse replaces the earlier one.

These are the dangers of forcing others to recognize you as a prophet. Even if they do not consider it true.


Islam, Koran and terror are inextricably linked

IS MassacreUnlike the fact that Muslims have not killed all non-Muslims in their territory, there is very little else that they are proof that Islam is a peaceful, tolerant religion. Where Islam dominates (as in the Middle East and Pakistan), religious minorities suffer brutal persecution and have little support. Where Islam is in the minority (as in Thailand, the Philippines and Europe), the threat potential is high due to the violence of the Muslim minority as long as their demands are not fulfilled. Every situation seems to be a justification for religious terrorism, which is persistent and endemic to Islamic fundamentalism.

The reasons are obvious and can be found in the Koran, the Holy Scripture of the Muslims. Few verses of the most Islamic sacred text can be interpreted as corresponding to the contemporary virtues of religious tolerance and universal brotherhood. They are the early "Meccan" verses, which are obviously lifted by later ones. They can serve as an example that Islam is a religion of peace when Muslims do not have sufficient power and are in the minority. As soon as this situation changes, their behavior also changes.

Many Muslims are peaceful and do not want to believe what the Koran really says. They prefer a closer interpretation closer to Jewish-Christian ethics. Some ignore harder passages. Others reach the "textual context" over various surprises to subjectively mitigate these verses with others so that the message corresponds to their personal moral preference. Although the Koran itself claims to be clear and complete, these advocates speak of the "risks" of the attempt to interpret verses without their "help". These idiots attribute to an omniscient and omnipotent God that the latter is incapable of expressing himself clearly and clearly so that everyone can understand it. But the truth is elsewhere. The Koran was not written by Muhammad himself, since Muhammad himself was an illiterate, but by his successors. This also contains the reason why the Koran contradicts itself. It was written by man and man, and therefore contains the power of the ruling class and not the words of God.

The violent verses of the Koran played a key role in the very real massacres and genocide. This includes the brutal murder of a hundred million Hindus over five centuries, beginning around 700 AD with Mahmud of Ghaznis of bloody conquest. Both he and the later Tamerlane (Islamic Genghis Khan) murdered an innumerable number, only to defend their temples from destruction.

Buddhism was almost exterminated by the Indian subcontinent. Jews and Christianity suffered the same fate, even slower, in areas conquered by Muslim armies. Including the Middle East, North Africa and parts of Europe, including today's Turkey. Zoroastrianism, the ancient religion of a proud Persian people, is despised by Muslims and can hardly survive in modern Iran.

Violence is so deeply rooted in Islam that it has never really ceased to be in war, whether it be with other religions or with itself.

Muhammad was a military leader, besieged cities, massacred the men, raped their wives, enslaved their children and took the property of others other than his own. On several occasions, he rejected offers of capitulation from the beleaguered inhabitants and even murdered captives. He inspired his followers to fight, if they did not feel that it was right to fight, he promised them slaves, spoils, and threatened them with hell. Muhammad allowed his men to rape traumatized women, who were caught in battle. This usually happened the day their husbands and family members were massacred.

It is important to emphasize that, in most cases, Muslim armies have undergone aggressive assault wars and dramatic military conquests in the name of religion by the actual followers of Muhammad in the decades after his death.

The early Islamic principle of warfare was that the civilian population of a city should be destroyed (men got killed, women and children ended up as slaves) when defending themselves and resisting Islamic hegemony. Although modern advocates of Islam often argue that Muslims are only "attacking in self-defense," this oxymoron is clearly disproved by the reports of Islamic historians and others reporting from the time of Muhammad.

Some modern scholars are more honest than others. One of the most respected Sunni theologians is al-Qaradawi, who justifies terrorist attacks against Western goals by noting that there is no civilian population at a time of war:

It has been determined by Islamic law that the blood and property of people of Dar Al—Harb [ie. non-Muslim people who resist Islamic conquest] is not protected... In modern war, all of society, with all its classes and ethnic groups, is mobilized to participate in the war, to aid its continuation, and to provide it with the material and human fuel required for it to assure the victory of the state fighting its enemies. Every citizen in society must take upon himself a role in the effort to provide for the battle. The entire domestic front, including professionals, laborers, and industrialists, stands behind the fighting army, even if it does not bear arms.

Consider the example of the Qurayza Jews, who were completely extinguished five years after the arrival of Muhammad in Medina. Their leader decided to stay neutral as their city was besieged by a Meccan army, which was to take revenge for Muhammad's deadly caravan raids. The tribe did not kill anyone from either side and even surrendered peacefully to Mohammad after the Meccans were repulsed. But the Prophet of Islam had decapitated every male member of the Qurayza tribe, enslaved every woman and child, even raped one of the prisoners themselves (which Muslim supporters could call "marriage on the same day").

One of the most revered modern scholars of Islam, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, openly condemns jihad:

In the Jihad which you are seeking, you look for the enemy and invade him. This type of Jihad takes place only when the Islamic state is invading other [countries] in order to spread the word of Islam and to remove obstacles standing in its way.

Islam has the right to take the initiative…this is God’s religion and it is for the whole world. It has the right to destroy all obstacles in the form of institutions and traditions … it attacks institutions and traditions to release human beings from their poisonous influences, which distort human nature and curtail human freedom. Those who say that Islamic Jihad was merely for the defense of the 'homeland of Islam' diminish the greatness of the Islamic way of life.

The widely acclaimed dictionary of Islam defines jihad as:

A religious war with those who are unbelievers in the mission of Muhammad.. It is an incumbent religious duty, established in the Qur’an and in the Traditions as a divine institution, and enjoined specially for the purpose of advancing Islam and of repelling evil from Muslims ...

Quoting from the Hanafi school, Hedaya, 2:140, 141:

The destruction of the sword is incurred by infidels, although they be not the first aggressors, as appears from various passages in the traditions which are generally received to this effect.

Dr Salah al-Sawy, the top member of the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America, declared in 2009 that "the Islamic community does not possess the strength to engage in offensive jihad at this time," and reaffirmed legitimacy The cause of violence of Islamic rule - tied only by the ability to succeed. (Source)

Muhammad's mistake to leave a clear line of succession led to an eternal internal war after his death. Those who had known him best fought to prevent distant tribes from leaving Islam and returning to their favorite religion (ridda or "apostasy wars"). The spiral of violence continued to turn.

Early converted Meccans fought later as an enmity had developed between those immigrants who had traveled with Muhammad to Mecca and the Ansar in Medina. Finally, there was also a violent struggle within Muhammad's family between his favorite wife and his favorite daughter - a jagged schism that has left mutual traces on the shafts of the Shiites and Sunnis.

The most alien and untrue thing that can be said about Islam is that it is a religion of peace. If every standard by which the West is judged and condemned (slavery, imperialism, intolerance, misogyny, sexual oppression, war ...) is equally applied to Islam, the verdict would be devastating.

Islam never gives what it has conquered, be it religion, culture, language or life. Neither does he make excuses nor does he make real efforts in moral progress. Islam is the least open to dialogue and mostly self-absorbing. Islam is convinced of its own perfection and prevents brutal self-examination and suppresses criticism immediately.

This is the reason why the Koran verses are so dangerous. They are given the weight of the divine command.

While Muslim terrorists, like everything else in their holy book, literally take, they understand that Islam is incomplete without jihad. The moderates offer little to disagree with their personal opinions. What do they really have? Speaking of peace and love one can win ignorant. But if every twelfth verse of Islam's holiest book either speaks about Allah's hatred of non-Muslims or calls for their death, forced to convert or subjugate, it is hardly surprising that the sympathy for terrorism is so deeply rooted in the broad community. Unfortunately, this also works if most Muslims personally prefer not to interpret their religion in this way.

Also scholars such as Ibn Khaldun, one of the most respected philosophers in Islam, has understood that "the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force". Many other Muslims are either unaware or intentionally ignorant of the lack of verses in universal non-violence in the Koran. Their understanding of Islam comes from what they are taught by others.

In the West it is typical for the faithful that their religion must be like Christianity - preaching the New Testament virtues of peace, love and tolerance - because Muslims are taught that Islam is superior in every respect. They are then surprised and embarrassed to find out that this is disproved by the Koran and the bloody history of the emergence of Islam.

Others simply accept violence. In 1991, a Palestinian couple in America was condemned to have stabbed her daughter because she was too westernized. A friend of the family came to their defense and clarified the jury that they did not understand the "culture" and claimed that the father was following "the religion" and said that the couple "had to discipline their daughter or lose respect." (Source).

In 2011, the Palestinian terrorists who were expressly responsible for the brutal murder of civilians, women and children in the name of Allah were rewarded by the Saudi king with a luxurious "holy pilgrimage" to Mecca. Not a single Muslim voice rose to protest.

The most prestigious Islamic university in today's world is the al-Azhar University of Cairo. While the university is very fast with the condemnation of secular Muslims criticizing religion, it has never condemned the Islamic state (IS) as a group of infidels, despite the terrible slaughter in the name of Allah. When asked about Why, the Great Imam of the University, Ahmed al-Tayeb declared: "Al Azhar cannot accuse any [Muslim] of being a kafir [infidel], as long as he believes in Allah and the Last Day -- even if he commits every atrocity."

The Western liberals would do well not to sacrifice critical thinking to the God of political correctness, or to search for reasons to degrade other religions to the level of Islam, just to avoid the existential truth that this is both different and dangerous.

There are just too many Muslims who take the Koran literally ... and too many others who care less about the violence done in the name of Islam.


Misinterpretation - Freedom of Religion: "O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) ..."

Every religion/people think that their religion is superior. Why can't we respect our differences and be respectful? Is religion the only thing what the people have learned in some parts of the world? Is it in this case religion not a brainwashing? If you read in the international news additional about the prayer from the Imam of the Great Mosque in Mecca, what is beginning with "O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) ...", then you know as a normal person the intentions of the followers from this Imam with the name Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais.

Recently I got an invitation to show which reputation the Islam has for the remaining part of the world. The nature of the people is that bad news keeping longer in memory than good ones. The Islam is a totalitarian system and does not really know the word freedom. Examples for the totalitarian system can get found in masses by browsing the news sites where the leaders of the Islam are getting cited. In the same way you’ll find negative news in masses about the crime coming in the name of Allah to the countries of the "non believers".

As everybody participating in the social networks is speaking English and can find understandable news in the Internet and my mother tongue is German, I have decided to bring up an actual case from the German mainstream news sites. Mainstream news sites are the opinion makers of the crowd. The result has been the an article, which I have distributed with the following description and link at the social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter):

Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke?

Some claim that Islam is a religion of peace, and the jihadists are just wacky fringe groups. Extremists precisely. This especially in the West cherished by non-Muslims was wishful thinking now, corrected by Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam and Quran reciter from the "Sacred Mosque" of Mecca. The Salafist and Wahabit Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais applies Sunni Muslims as one of the most reliable and popular interpreters of the Koran.

The basis for the report of the main stream news sites is a prayer from the Saudi Imam Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais of Mecca's Grand Mosque, which is a war declaration from Saudi Arabia against the rest of the world and got live distributed from the Egyptian TV station:

The good news are coming from an Egyptian TV commentator who roasted the Wahhabi Imam of Mecca's Grand Mosque, Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais. As bad news are riding on a jet plane while good news are taking a snail are got this good news, which are showing that not all Muslims are from the same kind, not published in the main stream media. The business from the media site is done with their headlines. Bad news are bringing more readers than good ones. Here is the video of the Egyptian TV commentator:

Here is a transcript from the English sub-titles:

TV Commentator: What does he say in his prayer?

Prayer: O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) in Yemen, in Sham (Syria) and Iraq and everywhere.
O Lords of the Worlds grant them victory over the godless Rafidah (Shia Muslims), grant them victory over the treacherous Jews and over the spiteful Christians and over the untrusted hypocrites.
Oh Allah, grant them victory, help and strength.

TV Commentator: Rafidah (Shia Muslims), Jews, Christians?!!!
And then you wonder when a Mosque is exploded in Najran?!
A Shia’s mosque in Saudi Arabia?!
All the people around the world are their enemies!
All the people are enemies to Salafis!
They are the only saved group!
They’re the only true Muslims, The Wahhabis and Salafis
All the other people are enemies and should be defeated
Rafidah (Shia Muslims), Jews and Christians
We will kill them all. We will fight them all
They’re talking about Muslims and about Jews and Christians in general
Not even the American coalition in which they are part of
No. No.
And then we ask ourselves how Daesh (ISIS) was created. Are you ridiculing us?
Then you say "we will fight terrorism!"
Fighting terrorism?! Are you ridiculous?
You are the source of terrorism. You are the terrorism itself.
Let’s have a break

Here are some links from news sites with a good reputation which have reported about this case in the German speaking countries (Austria, Germany and Switzerland):

The same way as the Muslims do not differ between the subcategories of other religions from the World nobody else will differ between the subcategories of the Islam. Main stream news sites and TV stations are the opinion makers and a war declaration to the rest of the world, which gets done from the Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca is nothing what can get ignored. Such leaders are promoting the image from the Islam to the rest of the world. In civilized countries such hate preachers would end up in jail and would not find some audition any more. Freedom is one of the base values in the Western World. There is also a Freedom of Religion included, but each freedom ends there where the freedom from others will get limited or influenced. Everybody has his right of freedom and not only some.

Abdul Rahman Al-SudaisSuch hate preachers and wannabe warlords like the Imam from the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, are the reputation of the Islam. They like to distribute their totalitarian system all over the world and are stupid enough to think that they can do everything without punishment. Does anyone think that other countries will use millions of dollars everyday for making a firework by throwing their bombs against the Daesh (ISIS) as the Muslims are not able by themselves to stop the terrorists and such preachers? Don't forget the Islamic terror started 1983, more than 33 years ago and not with the Syrian conflict. At WikiPedia you'll find an incomplete list from the Islamic terror attacks. That list and the speeches and hate-prayers from the leading Imams are making the reputation of the Islam in the mainstream media of the world. Such news are remembering others about their own dark history. Each child of the Western World is learning in the school about the history and all children of the Western World have to visit the schools for at least 8 years. This rule is forced by law.

If we take a look at the Muslim Population of the world from the year 2014, then we see that a minority likes to rule the world. The Muslims are even not able to make peace under each other, how they will be able to rule the world?

CC BY-SA 4.0,

As we have seen from the comments from the of the Egypt TV station seems it come to the same situation like the world has been before World War II as Hitler has declared his war against the Jews. I think everybody knows how the story has ended. You need only compare the prayer from Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais with the ideology from Hitler and you'll not find any difference.

Under such circumstances I expected a real shit storm for my article in the social networks. Only in the LinkedIn group Better Future4Earthlings a discussion about the topic has started and got a lot of comments.

The first comment made Zaheer Mirza, the moderator of the group Better Future4Earthlings. I fully agree with the following comments he wrote:

Zaheer MirzaHi Rudolf Faix ... thank you for posting this ... I urge calm discussion in this ... those who agree give reasons rather than be swayed by emotions ... and those that disagree please give reasons based on Quran and Hadith (life of prophet Muhammad PBUH) ... this is not easy ... but essential dialogue if we are to reduce/eliminate divides.

What people believe in is their personal matter ... we should only talk about how it impacts us ... we are not here to discuss merits of theologies and doctrines ... but rather the actions of others that are making our lives unbearable and then understanding the root causes of the behaviour.

An comment which describes situation in the best way has been coming from Pam Stofle:

Pam StofleIt's a difficult conversation. Period. I was raised to believe the holy book of Islam says it is ok to kill infidel. Without anyone to ask, because separation was the way in my neighborhood. It just stuck. Bring in media and it's easy to believe. Dating back for me to fear of leaders in Iran 70s and Libya, we had evidence to perpetuate the belief.
It wasn't until I made a pen pal , OBVIOUSLY before the internet, that I realized the news is not fact. My little friend was from a tiny island Qatar. She asked me the most amazing questions. Do all of you wear cone heads then burn black face people on fire? Do all of you wear mini skirt and show your cleavage to men? Do all of you kill babies? Why to Christ followers hate and kill bombing everyone everywhere? Why does America favor one small place and take land to give to Jews.? Do all Americans kill each other and dance naked at musical events? Why do Americans shoot their police. Why do the divide by white and everyone else?
You get the point
I was in 6th grade.
Sad and certain there was no hope for world peace. As media became more powerful, I questioned everything.
I protested every war, and also became agnostic for decades.
I am back with Christianity, only because I saw the possibilities for mutual aid when Islam and Christian helped after earthquakes or floods.
I'm sorry for us all.
My answer is simple, just keep being you. The light in you shines through. Yes your head coverings may scare us here, but also are you afraid our smutty dressed girls will influence your daughter's. We must find a way to let our children heal. Know, read watch the truth. Just a grandma remembering my little friend

The comment from Pam is correct describing the situation from people, who don't know how everything started - a war which started 33 years ago with terror attacks from a few idiots, who have been thinking that they can rule the world by killing innocent people. Isn't it time to stop this war for the favor of the next generation? Are such power hungry Imams like Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais, whos like to continue a war, which they cannot win, only for killing their own boredom, so important for their followers that they are not able to use their own brain? Are all the Muslims already brainwashed that they even not try to stop their dirty henchmen? After 33 years of terrorism is there no other way available than to put all these terrorists and their leaders into jail. That is the only reason for the alliance fighting against terrorism. If you take away this reason then the alliance has no reason to continue their bombings, which hits innocent people too. There is no way to make some capital out of it. Years ago I have been reading sometimes that the bad US alliance are only fighting for the available oil in the Arabian countries. The problem is only where shall get the oil used? The leading car manufacturers are all already promoting electric driven vehicles. It has been only a wishful thinking from uneducated people that the reason for the war is oil.

A very good comment, which explained how people can coexists with each other has been coming from Dave Aubin:

Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in. I am new to this, before i only listened to what was available. I will admit that it has been a challenge to understand. I have asked and have recieved some insight from friends on this site that are helping me. To understand i found that i had to remove all preconceived thought and start over. Here is what i found to date.
That we are all just human beings. We all have basic needs to live. Human beings who have been abused and/or marginalized will feel and react in a simular way. Here we have many Religions, too many to count, but each retreats to their own group and basically operate and live together but yet isolate themselves as they believe only they know the real truth. I think i do not care that they behave this way as long as they are not harming anyone else. Should they choose to fight among themselves, so be it. I will just watch as i have no interest. My interest is only that all people are the same and i do not condone...

Mistreatment of anyone. Any animal will fight if cornered and feel threatened. I do not expect any less from Human.
The question for me is that at what point did we begin to seperate and believe that we were above nature or could control nature. To understand our mental limits. To move forward we must look in the mirror and ask ourselves some very serious questions. If we were created in her or their image than we must work to prove that we are worthy. To date we have failed. And that is the ultimate challenge. She is not going to help us. She expects us to use the gift she gave us to rise above the primitive. To date we have proved that we have the power to destroy ourselves. Hardly a step in the right direction.

Another comment is showing that some people are thinking that they can make someone else guilty for the fails from their own rows. Some people are searching the failures from others instead from taking a look into the mirror and start by themselves:

Zaheer MirzaDear Rudolf Faix ... why are there refugees in the first place? Could Germany, other European countries or US done something to stop this from happening? Were some of these governments partly responsible to create this situation?

We need to stop addressing symptoms ... we need to go to root causes. What roles did various governments play to stop people becoming homeless?

The refugees are victims from a war started from Islamic terrorists against the rest of the world. It is humanity for taking care for these people. Asking for the root causes is nothing else than a joke. The Islamic terror started during the early 80ths and continues until now - 33 years. It is a problem of the Islamic world to stop these terrorists who are killing in the name of Allah.

Zaheer MirzaThese refugees were living in environments very different to what they have found themselves in post migrating to Europe. It does not take a scientist to conclude that you can't expect very controlled people to find complete freedom and have no negative consequences.

In the above comment gets even confirmed that the Islam religion is a totalitarian system without any freedom and controlled from the religion. Sure that people who are relocating from such a system have problems to find their own way in a free world.

Zaheer MirzaThis is similar to another simple reality that so many seem unable to comprehend - you can't eliminate terrorism by war. We all have seen the picture of the child who was dragged from the rubble - what will he become?

The terrorists have started with their attacks the war against the Western World. Like you see in the prayer from Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais supported from the highest Imams. That shows why the Muslims are not acting against the terrorists, who are killing in the name of Islam. Shall the Western World wait until they are getting slaughtered? Why did you not use it if you know a better method stopping the terrorists? As you don't have any working method found during the last 33 years why others shall wait in fighting against the terrorists? Don't forget that there is a way to reduce the terror coming from one region. The end of the second world war has shown it. The result will be not only one crying child. A lot of innocent people would lose their life and the area will be a desert for thousands of years.

Any comments on comments made by Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq? He made a lot of effort to answer the original question.

Dr. Mohammad Omar has completely failed the topic. Here is the discussion about how to make a better world for all and not about understanding the Islam. Deeds have more weights than words and everybody is free in his own decisions and beliefs. Nobody will ask if the intentions are sincere if someone kills himself with a bomb in the middle of a crowd by yelling "Allahu akbar". The result is still the same. Whom do you like to explain the Islam in this case?

Some others like Nazim Ali misunderstood the topic of the posting and of the group completely wrong:

Nazim Alithough I usually refrain myself the posts and commenting in this group but as Zaheer Mirza has named me so its my responsibility to respond about this .. first of all I would like to as Mr. Rudolf Faix about a few words he used... wahabbism..? what exactly wahabbism means about and how it was originated..? how wahabbism is associated with the roots of ‘house of saud' ..? what the term jihadi, jihad means in comprehensive way..? what is the context of particular phrase in which the word used by imam in a prayer during such communal gathering..?
please answer me these few questions and then I will start explaining it...

well after reading a blurry and staggering response from the person claiming that imam invoked jihadist and prayer for them.... I m done.... because you are also inspired by the similar problem of relying in media though urging others to deny that.... next time before raising a question please take a thorough look on the things you going to post...

The group is named Better Future4Earthlings and not discussion about the exact meanings of some words. It does not matter what I'm understanding about some words. Important is what the crowd is understanding by the named words when they are reading them in the international press. I wish Nizam Ali good luck by explaining some words to the masses while the terrorists are making his explanations to a lie. With neglecting the news from other countries and other opinions nobody can win something. Such comments got expected from narrow minded people. Simple to summarize: "I simple not believe it and for this reason it cannot be".

Dr. Mohammad Omar FarooqA little bit better has been the comment from Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq, but still far away from the real topic. He tried to convince me about the Islam religion. Sorry, but the crowd has a negative view about the Islam, because the actions from the terrorists, who are killing in the name of the Islam are speaking louder than any words. Victims from the Islamic terrorist and their family members are not interested if the terrorist has been a true Islamist or a fake one. That does not change something for them. The result is still the same. These actions are the problems and not the real teaching of Mohammed. Whom do you think you can convince that the Islam is a peaceful religion if your leaders are praying for power for the Jihadists for killing others? Do you think that the crowd in the Western World is the same way uneducated like in the countries of the Islamic world?

One comment from Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq is for me very strange:

Salam, Mr. Faix. If the Saudi Grand Mufti made such a statement, it is something to be deeply concerned. However, before we jump to conclusions, I opened the link and visited the site. Quite interestingly, the "About" button is disabled. Even more interesting is the fact I could not identify a single such report from any of the mainstream media. If it was said, it would be a big news not to be picked up by others. For the credibility of this report, it would be helpful if alternate sources from mainstream media is provided. Thanks and warm regards.

My article has no links inside and my website does not have an About link. My website has a disclaimer box and a link to the full disclaimer including my contact details. As he even did not mention which link he has followed I'm not able to know about which About button he is writing. At this time got provided from only one link to a WikiPedia article and one link to the Austrian newspaper, an old newspaper company with a good reputation. As the content from is written in German, there cannot get an About-Link found. Other links to my sources got provided at the end of the discussion. So I really don't know which website the guy is meaning.

Even some very narrow minded people have left their comments to the posting. One from these people who are believing something only for the reason it is written somewhere is Robert San Miguel / Vasquez. This guy has even not been reading the full article and even don't know the name of the group. He think that he needs only to write some statements and everybody will believe and agree with him. The professional golfer Robert San Miguel / Vasquez is even contradicting himself in his statements. He is simple starting with the words "This is nonsense" without the knowledge what is really written in the article. He like to compensate his missing knowledge with big words:

Robert San Miguel / VasquezThis is nonsense ! Islam isn't the culprit. The true catalyst to all world conflicts are the fake lying Ashkenazi Jews. The real imposters. They love to cause " social disorder ".

These f kers are the filthiest of all in humanity.

Why ? Because they love to cause " social disorder " then they get the boot ... But now with them stealing / occupying a state they are centralized to cause havoc across the Middle East like a wolf in sheep clothing. Isis is Israel ... Israel is Isis.

The world is blind or easily mislead by pure propaganda .... The Hebrew Jews left dark skinned from Israel and now returned " white " ! Really world wake up ! Speak up ! Stop this nonsense of " white washing " history.

We have more than enough American wealth to have them removed its their venom of fangs are biting into all other countries ! They are vile... the children of Satan " their father is the King of lies and deceit.

The Jews declared war on Germany ! Not Germany declaring war ! They lived in Germany and wanted to conquer! Hitler saw it growing up so yes it was his personal mission to rid those vile people off the earth ! And skin color is the racism all humanity is taught daily. It makes a huge difference! It's called being an impersonator to deceive the world with their bs " emotional ideology " of nonsense main stream media propaganda.

John 8:44

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

And the truth isn't hate ..its those that hate the truth that are in denial

The end of humanity is in Revelations and guess who is the culprit causing " social disorder "

Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Even in the Quran they are the evil ones ! Sorry it's in all the holy books of the vile ones in humanity the great imposters of lies and deceit.

Rudolf Faix bro I didn't kill Jesus or any of the holy prophets ..... But I can tell you who did and show you through the Torah Old and New Testament or even the Quran.

Ponder ??

Jesus = Muslims love and recognized Jesus as…

The truth isn't an insult brother ! I love God ! God knows what's in my heart I refuse to conform what others deem correct in society. God lives through me so I will always do my best in speaking and seeking the truth.

Rudolf Faix the holy books are not a lie but they do tell of the " great liars in humanity "

99 percent of Islam is super peaceful and that other 1 percent that are bad are driven by those that cause the social disorder. The world the UN has displaced thousands and thousands of people from the regions of the Middle East so yes cultures will clash but it's all premeditated pre-orchestrated by those occupying Israel !

Religions are man made up first of all. That's the issue for those practicing organized religions. Islam and Christianity are not religions !'s a way of life not what the main stream media ( idiot box / tv ) feeds the masses to indoctrinate.

Rudolf Faix who caused the displacement of those Muslims in Europe ? Of course there will be huge cultures clashed they knew that when they caused the displacements !

I lived for over 10 years of my life serving my country over in the Middle East and when I say I lived .. I adapted to their culture I walked amongst them and even pray with them. Do not believe what you read or see fed through main stream media

As I have asked him: "Robert San Miguel / Vasquez, which Islamic war do you mean with replacement of the Muslim from Europe? Between 1423 and 1878 had happened 10 unsuccessful wars initiated from the peaceful Muslims against Europe. Sorry that Europe did not welcome them." I got the following reply from the deadbeat:

Rudolf Faix heading to play golf I'll catch up with you later. Have a blessed day 🙏🏻

I did not hear something again from the fake profile from Robert San Miguel / Vasquez - the professional golfer who likes to be from the US. LOL

Here you can download the full thread with all comments: Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke.pdf (901.75 kb)


Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke?

Bad news are spreading the world and unmasks the religion from a lot people to a simple war business. Who should still believe that the Islam is a peaceful religion when one of the key Imams of the Muslims, an Imam of the Holy Mosque of Mecca - Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais - is a hate preacher?

Some claim that Islam is a religion of peace, and the jihadists are just wacky fringe groups. Extremists precisely. This especially in the West cherished by non-Muslims was wishful thinking now, corrected by Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam and Quran reciter from the "Sacred Mosque" of Mecca. The Salafist and Wahabit Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais applies Sunni Muslims as one of the most reliable and popular interpreters of the Koran.

Is someone thinking that his words are really peaceful when such a self-promoter, power-hungry and war horny old idiot is yelling: "Let jihadists malicious Christians defeat!". Does someone think that such words are sounding for others peaceful? For me it seems that such fanatics are on drugs or have been escaped from the madhouse. Is this the understanding of peace? Sorry, but for others is it sounding like a war declaration. Such stupid religious leaders are showing the reason why not support from the Muslim countries is given in the war against the Daesh and will bring you only the next World War. Maybe some uneducated people will believe those preachers that for the case they will die they will come to the paradise. I think more that this preachers and their victims will end up in the torture chamber of the devil instead of the paradise.

My opinion is: If your religion teaches you that you need to kill, then you should change your religion or start with yourself first.

As long as the Muslims are not taking any action against such hate preachers and the terrorists, they will be unbelievable for the rest of the world.

Here a translation from an actual article found in the German speaking press:

Imam rushes in Mecca: "Let jihadists malicious Christians defeat!"

With a true hate sermon shocks the Imam Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais from the main mosque the world. The priest of the Holy Mosque of Mecca, the Kaaba is located in the courtyard pilgrims shouted words: "Oh Allah, give victory, honor, and power our brothers, the jihadists in Yemen, in Syria, in Iraq, around the world. Let them triumph over the treacherous Jews, the malicious Christians and the unreliable hypocrites!"

Hate preacher Abdurrahman shocks ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais

The "Prayer" was held jointly with Egyptian Muslims on September 4 and was broadcast by an Egyptian TV station, as the magazine "Catholic" reported. 1961-born preacher is followers of Salafism particularly conservative and is considered one of the most reliable and popular interpreters of the Koran.

Hate sermon shortly before the Hajj
The meeting took place Hajj pilgrims just before the pilgrimage Central for Muslim, attended again this year millions of people. The Hajj is one to Mecca with the daily prayers, the gift of charity, faith, as well as fasting in the month of Ramadan to the five pillars of Islam. The multi-day pilgrimage to the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammed is one of the religious duties, that every Muslim should - once meet in his life if he is harmless to health and financially capable.

Every year, up to three million pilgrims in the vicinity of the city in Saudi Arabia, which may be entered only by Muslims. Only the great pilgrimage from the 8th to the 13th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah Hajj is considered within the meaning of the pilgrimage duty. Outside this time but a small pilgrimage (Umrah) is possible.

Holy Mosque as the central place of pilgrimage
All pilgrims visit the Holy Mosque, in the middle of which the Kaaba is, a giant, with a black curtain (Kiswa) wrapped cube, in the side of the so-called Black Stone, a meteorite, is immured. According to the Koran the Kaaba by Abraham and his son Ishmael was built. You must hike around seven times, this circumnavigation called Tawaf.