My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

The Top 5 Excuses from the Muslims

File:Suicide Bomb VestWhenever a suicide bomber blows himself and other innocents by yelling Allahu Akbar and having the Koran in one hand and an ax in the other one, Muslims always use the same and easily refutable standard excuses.

By using these standard excuses the stubborn Muslims even oversee that their religious duty is to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. As nobody in the Western World is so stupid and provides himself under a religious dictatorship this religious duty can get only fulfilled by force.

These brainwashed and uneducated Muslims even not get it that they are getting contradicted by their idiotic Imams, who are praying for the terrorists and who are calling their believers to murder.

Under these conditions, these idiots are expecting that others are more stupid than themselves and are believing the following excuses:

  1. This has nothing to do with Islam

    With what does it have to do? Maybe with a beekeeper club? But certainly not with Islam. That the assassins are regular guests in mosques, know more about Islam than the hobby-Muslim next door, that does not matter. It has nothing to do with Islam, because it is not allowed to have for unbelievers something to do with Islam. If you continue annoying, you get marked as Islam hater and for the reason that the word comes from hate, you are already nothing worth and stamped as stalker. The Muslim goes to the next mosque for shaking hands with gay haters, Antisemites and Islamists. Every vote counts. This is true democracy.

  2. These are not true Muslims

    A standard phrase, which you can always hear in pubs and bars when you drink with Muslims one over the thirst. As we all know, Mohammed has preserved his revelations (nicer words for lies and hate speech) in pubs, and was presumed to be dead drunk. How many true Muslims nowadays drink more than they pray? So, in the future, one may continue to listen to the hobby drinkers in the future, that the one who drinks nothing, pursues no gamble and otherwise tries to live as Islam compliant as possible, can not be a true Muslim. If a beer drinking and Shisha smoking Muslim says it, then that is just like that. The fact that the IS, Hamas, the Taliban and other Islamic pacifists rightly justify this prosecution of particularly different Muslims, we would rather not mention. This would be anti-Islamic, anti-Muslim racism and only evil Nazis do. So keep your mouth shut and continue to be good.

  3. This kind of Muslims don't exists

    It is true that the majority of the Muslims form the idea that Muhammad's life should be imitated and the Muslims will take over the world, as Muhammad envisaged. If one imitates the life from Muhammad and cuts off the head from others then it has at first nothing to do with the Islam, at second is this one not a real Muslim and at third such Muslims don't exist. So you can run a double strategy that you deny at the same time that it has not been Muslims at all, but because you do not always come through, such Muslims simply do not exist. So you can excuse himself on a different and less beautiful flow of Islam.

  4. Islam is peace

    Nobody is interested in that the core of Islamic ideology actually means submission. If it is for example interesting for a girl, her brother will exorcise her until she will subjugate herself. Here, the brother forms, that he is Islam, because in fact, Islam is the pretext for a transient wannabe macho, in order to exert power on others. Preferable against weaker ones because against stronger ones will it be hard to win. Who knows, if the 40 cousins have time to beat the one guy?

    It is simple a fact that all countries with a Muslim majority and religious parties are acting in a pacifist way. At least, when you're on drugs and can spot colorful lights in the air. Saudi Arabia beheads, Iran is stoning, Turkey locks away for years, Afghanistan is stoning too (but in even uglier clothing), Indonesia takes the truncheon, Egypt genitally mutilated over 90% of girls and women. Apart from these few exceptions, any Islamic society is truly peaceful and tolerant. Who denies that Islam means peace, must simply be reminded by force. It finally serves a good cause, the world peace.

  5. You son of a bitch, I fuch your mother

    For everything, for which there is (no) excuse, or the old excuses do not work because of the more educated Islamic critics, this sentence fits. But as you hear it from every fourth Muslim and not from all (there are indeed a lot of Muslims that you like), these are only isolated cases.


"Allahu akbar" - and what an unbeliever thinks about it

KaabaI can understand how bad it must be for a peace-loving, believer when murdered somewhere in the world in the name of his god. "Allahu akbar" means "God is great" and is simply an act of faith, which probably pronounce every Muslim at prayer or at different occasions.

Every time a suicide bomber calls "Allahu akbar!" before he ignites his explosive belt or with the machete man starts, like a stitch must for a believer feel the heart. One harmless but important religious phrase is robbed the innocence, it is made to their war cry. The situation is already as bad as you cannot bring the sentence itself, without getting suspicious.

If you once whisper innocently "Allahu akbar" in the tram, bus or at a public place, all the bystanders wince overlook a suspiciously or take even panicky flight. No, it cannot be pleasant. Probably wants to be on some days when ruling on all channels the terrorist messages prefer crawl home.

I can also understand how much it must annoy a peace-loving, devout Muslim, to be pushed back again and again after each attempt to distance himself from the assassins. "Well, what do you say?", You will probably demand a challenging tone several times a day - from close friends as well as by casual acquaintances, in the work break in the cafeteria, in the school yard and on Facebook.

So, as if you are related to the terrorists, like as if one had only yesterday phoned them or as it is otherwise responsible somehow for the behavior of wild strangers. I can understand why the questions getting asked. Why should have a devout Muslim to violence a different opinion as a devout Christian, a staunch atheist or else a normal sentient human? Assuming that not already the question is from a kind which makes a Muslim co-responsibility and pushes him accusingly in a corner from which it is hard to disentangle, without getting moral scratches?

What I completely cannot understand is that not much more vigorously defend the million peace-loving, righteous, devout Muslims throughout the world against what terrorists do with their faith.

I imagine ungodly before, strange guys would kidnap my God, in his alleged order to commit the most atrocious crimes, they would all that I hold sacred twist, pervert and abuse for their own destructive purposes and then then even claim they have the for "all Muslims", i.e. done for me - then you can make it happen without objection that yet! If one has because if one is a believer, not the heartfelt desire to take his God in protection?

Will you not defend your God against his perverted fans? Is it not necessary to protect your God and his name against the murders and rapists? Why are you allowing to burn down in his name? "Nobody kills in my name!", takes a stand on the banners that Muslims around the world millions of times held in the height (at least where it is safe to do so). "Our God is not your God!", would preachers, politicians, scholars or other tribunes call the IS. Or: "You are not Muslims!"

People of faith will not do all this to make themselves popular to unbelievers or distance themselves from their God. They would do it because their God and their religion would be so important for them. Are people not only using their religion for their own purpose if they are not distance themselves from terrorists and criminals? Which value has the religion really for such people? Which value can have a religion with such a kind of followers? Who will trust into the teachings from such a religion? Isn’t it a nice kind of promotion for a religion?

But perhaps all that follows merely a logic that can occur only from an unbeliever…