My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Allah himself hinders non-Muslims from understanding

Islam VerständnisIt would make sense if Allah gave the people a chance to avoid his wrath. The Qur'an says that Allah deliberately places obstacles in the path of unbelievers to keep them away from recognizing "truth".

On the one hand, we are dealing with a megalomaniac who turned himself into a "prophet" and on the other hand, a revengeful "god" who hates all, who do not depend on the promises of the mass murderer. As hating and revenge is a sign of weakness, such behavior does not fit to the behavior of an omnipotent God. It rather fits his opponent - the devil. It looks as if the mass murderer and child molester has shaped his god according to his ideas in order to achieve his own goals better in the population.

If Allah wished, he could give guidance to every soul:

And if We had willed, surely! We would have given every person his guidance, but the Word from Me took effect (about evil-doers), that I will fill Hell with jinn and mankind together. (32:13)

But instead, he puts a veil over their hearts and deafness into their ears:

And who does more wrong than he who is reminded of the Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) of his Lord, but turns away from them forgetting what (deeds) his hands have sent forth. Truly, We have set veils over their hearts lest they should understand this (the Qur'an), and in their ears, deafness. And if you (O Muhammad) call them to guidance, even then they will never be guided. (18:57 - see also 17:46 and 45:23)

Allah even uses chains and barriers to prevent unbelievers from believing:

Indeed the Word (of punishment) has proved true against most of them, so they will not believe. (36:7)
Verily! We have put on their necks iron collars reaching to chins, so that their heads are forced up. (36:8)
And We have put a barrier before them, and a barrier behind them, and We have covered them up, so that they cannot see. (36:9)
It is the same to them whether you warn them or you warn them not, they will not believe. (36:10)

For the same purpose, Allah also doubts the hearts of the unbelievers:

It is not for any person to believe, except by the Leave of Allah, and He will put the wrath on those who are heedless. (10:100)


Should the Burka get banned in all Western societies without exception?

BurquaIn the Quran, there are only two passages that indicate the veil of the Muslim women. However, without precise specifications, how exactly this has to look. Everything else has been added in the course of time by Islamic theologians and women's conspirators, and served only to keep the woman in check and make her more controllable.

The most important question should be: What does it matter, whether this is so in the Quran or not, and whether this is true in Islamic law as prescribed?
Freedom of religion does not mean having to tolerate inhuman and anti-democratic matters in the name of religion because this has been demanded since 1400 years by a religious founder and his ideological descendants and is still regarded as exemplary by Orthodox Muslims (Sunnah). In a secular European state, universal human rights are the basis of our ways of thinking and laws, and the main reason why European states became democratic. Also blind adherence to Islamic rules is not contemporary. If reason and individual freedom are rejected as pagan by orthodox Muslims, the logical consequence must be: The modern democracy based on reason and freedom is also rejected by them.

The insistence on the traditions such as the burqa is the inroads within a European State in a reactionary Islamic parallel society. Needless to say, how little our concept of human rights is similar to an islamized conception of the same. We are so far that the women finally found their equitable place next to the man. At the same time, however, accepting burquas or other whole body veils can only be regarded as a mockery of all achievements in the area of women's rights. Already the sight of this form of concealment can cause in an enlightened man only misunderstandings and violent shaking of the head, since our modern image of freedom strongly contradicts it.

The modern European has its own history, which also speaks of a dark time, in which the "voluntary" submission to the Christianity of the churches was so advanced that almost all of the ancient knowledge from Plato to Pythagoras fell victim to it. It was hard to believe that there was an era when Islamic caliphs attempted to reconcile the Hellenistic secular knowledge with Islam (but eventually failed because the dogmatism of Islamic orthodoxy prevailed against reason and Reversed everything). But what is happening today, almost one thousand years later, no longer corresponds to this enlightened image of the caliph from this ancient time. Even today dogmatism is preferred to reason and a strong turn to Islam is preached. What is supposed to mean the salvation of Islam has always led to its decline in history and is now intended to lead to the rise of Muslim countries. The Islamic countries are scientifically and economically on the ground despite huge revenues from the sale of oil and their location on geostrategically important routes and seem to be incapable or unwilling to allow these billions of income to benefit science and their own population. As is often the case in Islamic history, wealth is divided within the ruling class. Magnificent palaces and mosques often adorn the cityscape. What the average Muslim can experience of this richness is the prayer among the vaults of the material wealth of decorated mosques.

In order to obscure this social injustice and the failure of Islamic societies, an external enemy gets used, which is sometimes rightly called, but often wrongly, as the cause of all existing problems. This is only to be explained by an anti-knowledge and authority, which alone recognizes the Islamic discourse as the only authority and fights discourses as "foreign" and liberal, Islam-threatening ideas. Thus the oppressed by the Islam becomes the greatest advocate of his own oppression, without understanding it. The fanatical belief in the inviolability of Islam makes him a blacksmith and a preserver of his own misery. The lack of rational thought led to a lack of self-critical thought makes him incapable of recognizing this.

The expansion of Islam over the whole world was the goal of Muhammad already 1400 years since he viewed Islam as the successor religion of all monotheisms known to him. Never was it as easy as today, one could think of spreading such an intolerant movement. And this, although the people (in the West) were never as enlightened as they are today. In the middle of Europe, a pretext for why this is to be tolerated is the reason why Islam is said to be good, although history could never confirm this. The criticism of Islamic imperialism and its goal of bringing Western societies under its influence is generally regarded as racism or "Islamophobia" - which seems completely absurd in the historical context. Several Western groups and ideologies based in Europe seem to have found an ally in Orthodox Islam, which has been lost in recent decades. In order to combat the alleged US imperialism, for example, Islamism is preferred as a partner, who now speaks openly about the world as soon as the chances for it exist. But there will not be much left of democracy, freedom of opinion and freedom of religion. The only common ground between Islamic and European anti-Western ideologies is the common enemy image. There can be no question of common values, since they do not exist.

It is worth pointing out the particularly high interest of the policies of various European countries with a relatively high proportion of Muslim immigrants who can play a decisive role in democratic elections. Once again, Orthodox Islamic associations, which are entitled to represent the Islamic municipalities, are once again the contact point. As a clientele they are granted a certain immunity in the form of religious propaganda. In order to win the Muslims votes, they are hardly openly criticized, even if there are obvious reasons for this. Thus the attempt to procure the majority necessary in democracies is weakened very consciously. This in turn means that trust in democracy is dwindling.

So why it is important to pronounce a burqua ban is now clear. As a visible element of Orthodox Islam, a prohibition would be an important sign. A clear denial of intolerance. A rejection of the obvious suppression of the (Muslim) woman and the religious immaturity of the Muslims, which here too are increasing proportionally and, as the majority creator of various parties, this rampant backwardness can spread unhindered to the whole society. As a further step, it will be necessary to provide the large group of secularized people from Islamic countries of origin with the possibilities and the help to organize and decisively oppose Islamic orthodoxy together with the enlightened Europeans. Up to now, these aid is only guaranteed to the Islamic associations, since religion, however serious it may be, enjoys state protection and is given an inviolable status in our democracies through the so-called "blasphemy paragraphs". Although it is usually no racism to reject intolerant religious representatives, Islam criticism is today used synonymously with racism and agitation and rejected.

Anti-Western racism among Muslims is widespread and leads to the secular "Muslims" being prevented from joining together with secular Europeans and forming a broad front. The most intolerant representatives of Islam are only too glad to rely on the "racism" against Europeans, in order to suppress any criticism of their approach and to prevent a necessary shoulder closure among the secular ones. With the pretext of racism, they live their own racism against Western, because non-Islamic ways of thinking. If they do not drive a wedge between people, they lose their own importance.

This assumption of racism is seldom questioned and gladly taken up by "anti-racist" groups in politics and media. These groups live from racism. If there were no racism, these groups would not exist, and they would lose their importance. All their campaigns are based on real but often also invented racism. For example, the already mentioned equality of all Islamic criticism with racism. In some cases even the self-evident requirement of a burqua ban is declared a racism.

As long as burqas and other conflicting symbols of extremist thinking are not get prohibited, they continue to remain as propaganda instruments of dubious groups, which are used only as pretexts and overshadow really important debates, while they at the same time they are weakening the democracy.

Alone in a so long to debate why the burqa, the symbol of backward thinking, should be prohibited at all, should show us that the anti racism debates of the "anti-racists" and Orthodox Islam societies drifted off already long ago in the absurd and is missing any enlightened thinking. That are only apparent debates and red herrings. Those who are boundlessly tolerant of accepting even the most intolerant ideas will ultimately only promote intolerance and give up tolerance.

If a man is not able to stand the view of a woman, he should wear blindfolds and not the woman a veil!!!


Amazon offered "sexy Burka" as a Halloween costume

Rarely has a piece of clothing provided for more conversation and was so vehemently controversial - the burka. But what has driven the online-shop giant Amazon recently on its British Web site, meets with many skepticism. So there was actually a "sexy burka" offered as a party outfit. Muslim believers romped up.

This fact shows already the intolerance and the missing integration capability from the Muslims in Europe. Why have they been coming here if they cannot adapt themselves to the culture here? They are bringing their problems from which they have been escaping to others and think that others have to respect their believes and wishes. Sorry, but if you cannot accept the Western culture why the Western culture shall accept yours?

Actually, the burka should serve the full veil of the body, but the offered "clothing piece" would obviously not have been able to fulfill this purpose. The tight dress covers just the most necessary here, leaves a lot of leg freedom and also gives deep insights at the level of the cleavage. Just the arms are comparatively chaste hidden under long sleeves.

Screenshot Amazon offer "Sexy Burka"

For the one or the other perhaps quite amusing - glances attract the piece of fabric with certainty - but for believers, the orderly "sexy Burka" was a very big affront.

Some Muslim Amazon customers placed displeasure immediately in the reviews below of the product. "You’re all disgusting racists. My culture is not your costume", was to read in one of the reviews.

Another commented: "A person’s culture is NOT a fancy dress costume".

Whereas another user took the item for sale very personally, commenting: "Whoever you are fear Allah. It’s not a joke."

If the outfit already stands on the wish list for the upcoming Halloween party, then you have to be disappointed at this point. For the "sexy Burka" has now been removed from the Amazon side, but you can order the sexy burka at AliExpress. The case can have some consequences for the third-party supplier, who placed the outfit on the sales platform. A spokesman for the online giant told to the British news agency SWNS: "All Marketplace sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who don’t will be subject to action including potential removal of their account."

However, if you do not want to miss a costume for Halloween, a completely unholy nun costume or a seductive priest's outfit is still available:

Screenshot Amazon offer "unholy nun costume" and "seductive priest's outfit"

Here gets shown the double standard from Amazon. It looks like that Amazon is a Muslim shop, so don't buy in such a shop. If they like to make business and respect only the Muslim culture then they have to make their business only with Muslim buyers. In such a case they will get removed from the market very fast. Even Amazon needs to understand the basic rule in business the customer is king. If only the Muslims are their kings, then they should take only the money from Muslims.


Imams in Denmark are open calling Muslims to murder

If you religion teaches you to kill someone than you need to change your religion or start with yourself!

Imam Abu Bilal Ismail open called in Denmark the stoning of women who commit fornication. (Screenshot: YouTube/MEMRITVVideos)

The research of "Mosques behind the veil" ensures fierce reactions in Denmark. The television channel TV2 has recorded with hidden cameras several events in the Grimhøj mosque. The mosque is in Aarhus, the second largest city in the country, and their imams openly calling the believers to murder.

"Women who commit fornication must be put to death if they are no longer virgins," said Imam Abu Bilal Ismail. If they were still virgins, it is enough to whip them out. Even converts who turn away from Islam would have to be killed.

The problem is only that what this idiot speaks is against the law from the European countries. If one of his believers is following him then he will end up for the rest of his life in jail. In this case even not Allah is not able to help him because the local law is the primary law on which he get sentenced.

At another meeting in the mosque, women, learn what they should do with their children if they are disobedient and not want to pray. "Fear of Allah" is good for the little ones, says Imam Abu Bilal Ismail.

A woman asks him how to beat her child best. In no case too hard, so the Imam. Children's bones could break faster. It is also not allowed to throw children "on the wall" or "cut them with a knife". The children were beaten for training purposes and not for the sake of violence.

He is again ignoring the European law, because you are not allowed to beat your children. If the authorities get it that you are beating your children then your children get taken away from you and you'll end up in front of a law court. Again your religious believes will not be able to help you, because the law of the nation comes before any religious believes. You'll see your children never again in such a case. So why shall you follow such idiots? If you follow their instructions you'll get into troubles and the idiotic imam will laugh about you.

"I have the greatest pleasure to raze the Grimhøj mosque to the ground", the newspaper Berliner Morgenpost quoted the civil integration Minister, Inger Støjberg. However, it would be legally difficult. In addition, these Muslims would then simply continue underground.

According to Danish law, preachers of violence can not be expelled from the country and mosques can not be closed, even if they spread popular incitements like the Grimhøj Mosque.

More than 50 percent of the Danes are against Muslim immigrants. During the last EU elections, they made the country's strongest political force, the Danish People's Party.

The Imams from Aarhus defend their violence messages. According to Sharia law, stoning and flogging are permitted. Measures, on the other hand, were a repression of religious freedom which was unconstitutional.

In 2014, the Grimhøj Mosque in Aarhus expressed its support for the Islamic State (IS) fighters. And Imam Abu Bilal Ismail has prayed to Allaah in 2014 for the destruction of the Jews to Allah: "Count them and kill them to the very last one."


Double standard: This Islamic country is the new world-Sex-center

So far, Thailand was considered the global center of cheap sex. Now another country prepares to become the red center of the world. It is just there preached particularly loud morality.

Flashing neon signs in sultry tropical night, music which penetrates from bars and massage parlors. In between women who are stalking around with a swinging butt on high heels. Her short skirts and tight tops have a clear view of a lot of skin.

"Happy Massage" is on welcoming signs. This is not Bangkok, whose sex industry enjoys a legendary reputation. This is Bukit Bintang, an entertainment district in Kuala Lumpur. The Islamic Malaysia is well on the way to Thailand and the Philippines as a red light center of the world to outdo.

Two contradictory faces of the same country: Malaysia with its multicultural society prides itself while still being one of the more moderate Muslim nations of the earth, at the same time; however, take the orthodox tendencies, such as the number of head veil on the streets of Southeast Asian state.

Female stimuli are taboo. Like Sex

At public buildings across the country emblazoned posters urging a "dress appropriately". Free shoulders and bare knees for women are not allowed to offices. Tight outfits from a woman can cause a national outcry, as happened recently in the case of successful gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi. Although they took in the Southeast Asia Games last summer home six shiny medals for Malaysia, but was still vilified publicly.

The Minister of Islamic Affairs, Jamil Khir Baharom wanted, has recognized under her skimpy leotard "the shape of her vagina," and so he called shrilly for "stricter observance of the Islamic dress rules for sports and other areas". For me it looks like the Malaysian Minister of Islamic Affairs seems to be a sex maniac because he shows with his observations where he is looking during a sports contest. I would like to recommend him urgently to search help in a psychiatric clinic. Other, even the Chair of the Women Wing at the National Muslim Youth Association, Roszida Kamaruddin, joined in with the Minister of Islamic Affairs. Female stimuli are taboo. Just as sex.

Smooching and other intimacies in public are prohibited and will be severely punished. Those caught in sexual conduct in a public place, not only has up to 20 years in prison count, but also by caning.

Prostitution is illegal, but the sex trade flourishes

Three young women have made 2010 headlines, because they were sentenced as first "delinquents" of this kind to blows. They had slept before marriage with men. Meanwhile, arranged by the sharia corporal punishment for similar offenses are hardly special messages in Malaysia.

Prostitution is - in contrast to other countries - in Malaysia illegally. Yet the trade flourishes with sex than in almost any other country. The Malaysian sex industry is worth the equivalent of over 960 million dollars, it is said on the website of Havocscope Global Black Market information that examines the global black market.

Even 200 years ago found foreign loggers, sailors and miners on the Malaysian peninsula ladies who hawked their bodies. But these prostitutes worked mainly in clearly defined sin miles in the big cities. Today there is are small brothels, the love hotels and "massage parlors" have everywhere spread in the country - even in regions where the ultra-conservative Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) is in charge. And the Internet erotic services are quite open. The authorities look somewhere else, while simultaneously preaching morality, whenever they can.

In Germany, where prostitution is not immoral since 2001, coming in section 49 prostitutes at 10,000 people. Even Thailand is by far not as a cesspool, as many believe the West: There are only 45 sex workers per 10,000 people. But in Malaysia with so many demurely veiled women and strict regional sharia, there are even 52.

The commercial sex was visible to all. But nobody talks about it. On the contrary: The ruling party United Malays National Organization (Umno) of Prime Minister Najib Razak is located chaste and puritanical. Najib is accused of corruption. His coalition has plugged a low blow after another. She needs every voter, they can get. And therefore it curries favor of the Conservatives and uses the religion for their election campaign.

"Women are punished, but no one thinks to their customers"

"Politicians are afraid that it calls into question their piety, because then they annoy voters or could lose," said the woman activist Ivy Josiah. She had defended a prostitute last year, which was arrested by an undercover policeman and sentenced in court to six months in prison because they had offered him sexual services. One should not condemn sex workers, said Ivy Josiah. "It is always sad that women are constantly punished for such acts while not given a thought to their customers."

Malaysian women prostitute themselves mostly out of necessity. Many are single mothers. In addition, an increasing number of students who can pay for their education or a little luxury of suitors, because there are hardly any scholarships or even something like student loans.

Over the past decade also flow women and girls from poorer neighboring countries of Burma, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, in Malaysia's brothels. The US has set the country on the black list of states with particularly nasty trafficking and even child prostitution. According to reports, even police officers involved in human smuggling. Again, the politicians mostly closed eyes.

Instead, they discuss publicly whether their home the "Hudud", the strict Sharia criminal law, is intended to introduce, and flare up further on to scarce jerseys their sports stars. Simultaneously, the streetwalker evening walks further lasciviously over the sidewalks. Demand is high: A roaring trade in a bigoted society.