My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

"Alarming" - Vienna: Every 3rd Muslim places religion above laws

Vienna, St. Stephen's CathedralThe results of a youth study commissioned by the City of Vienna on the topic of identity and radicalization are alarming: 27 percent of Muslim respondents reject the West and make their religion through the laws in force in Austria. Homosexuals and Jews are also denied.

On behalf of the City of Vienna, young people aged between 14 and 24 were interviewed. More than half of the young people are Muslim, 36 percent are Christians. There are two similarities: They are getting accustomed in youth centers and are from socially weak families. Therefore, the study is also not representative for Vienna. The numbers are speaking for themselves anyway.

59 percent of Muslims reject homosexuality. Among the Catholics there are 24%, the Christian-Orthodox 50%.

A total of 33% were negative about Jews. Among Muslims, anti-Semitism is seriously high (47%).

Female adolescents evaluate according to the survey of rare and less strong than male. Young people with higher education are also more tolerant. Clear correlations shown therefore between the tendencies of prejudice and concern for the future of vocational and scholastic education.

One focus of the study was the radicalization of the Muslim teenagers. 27% therefore sympathize with jihadism, affirmative violence and hostile to the West.

Should someone soothe that it is only 27%? These are those who are cared for in youth centers, how does it look with those who are not looked after? They openly reject the West. Why are not their applications for asylum rejected? Why these stupid Muslims have been going to a country which they hate and not respect the culture? What are they doing in Europe? What attracts them to the "unbelievers"?

It looks like these uneducated people don't know that they have to accept the local law and order of their host country. They like to take the system with them from which they have been escaping. It looks like they are so perverse and in need to get suppressed and cannot handle any freedom.

The city councilor Sandra Frauenberger said: "Young people talk about things, which they have not yet grown. No risk out of them, on the contrary, they are endangered. We must give protection".

In view of the results, Frauenberger now wants to consider how to reach those affected even more - so that they can defend themselves against the calls of radical adults. The instruments already exist, they should now be sharpened. Thus, topics such as anti-Semitism and homophobia are to be dealt with more strongly by young people.

In addition, young people who were previously difficult to reach, will be addressed by using their community. Especially young people from Chechnya or Afghanistan fall into this group, as it was called. The contact with the parents should get also intensified. The work has been coordinated since 2014 by the Viennese network for deradicalization and prevention.

27% it should be according to a much-publicized study in Vienna. So every fourth. Endangered to slide down in the violence, murder, terror, Jihad. Seduces and indoctrinated, but always voluntarily. Well, and since I now have a problem...

With the term "endangered". For example doctors without borders in war zones and areas of the disease are endangered for me. Or buddy's outdated mines. Or Red Cross workers in Iraq, in Syria. And more recently dealer in Manila.

But not every fourth Vienna Mohammedans, who whistles on integration, our culture neither accepted nor respected and is of the opinion that Islam must defend themselves against his "subjugation" by the "West" by all means. No, these people are not endangered. We are it. Their host country, their fellow citizens, their neighbors, perhaps even our friends.

Because these people, namely plain and poignant - are dangerous. This is the only correct term. But: Endangered sounds just less threatening as dangerous. And, of course, the old left-lined position is based on the fact that the victims are the perpetrators.

The survey, with the result that 27% of Muslims place religion above national laws is a confirmation of a similar survey from Germany. In Germany, naturalized migrants (i.e. German) Turkish origin were interviewed and the result was still devastating with 37%. For realists, there is no question in which direction the train will take in the future. The political leaders will find themselves again only in the history books if there will be this freedom still available.

These migrants are against the West and against the western culture. But they have no problem to take the money from unbelievers which they receive as social assistance. Send them back home if they are not happy here. Oh, yes, there the religion has already destroyed everything or is just happens now. Their rules do not work in their countries of origin (uprisings, civil war, etc.) and will also tear the Western World into the abyss.

But at some point must it even get the dumbest one, that the Western World is sitting on a powder drum where fuse is already burning a long time. The spiral of violence turns faster and faster since the Muslims arrived in the Western World.


Most refugees will not integrate themselves

Syrian RefugeesThe lack of common values makes integration of Muslims almost impossible and their self-imposed demarcation probable.

As the first refugees arrived, many welcome clappers stood at the stations and cheered the new arrivals as a great enrichment. Many of these refugees got teddy bears as a gift, because teddy bears are probably exactly what people need most, after crossing the entire Balkan part by foot.

After all, most of the refugees thought they would be given a house, a car, and a well-paid job right away, and they would soon catch up their families. The whole Refugees Welcome banner, the self-esteem with the German Chancellor, their promise to let everyone into the country and no one to control, while no one will be pushed off, even if his asylum application is rejected, has helped to attract more to Germany as Germany and other EU countries can cope.

In order to increase acceptance, for the millions of refugees, nice stories or better described as simple lies got designed to calm down indigenous people. Supposedly, only academics and highly trained specialists would be the ones who would catapult Germany's economy to the world's peak. So to speak, each Syrian an atomphysicist. It turned out, however, that very many of them were neither atomphysics, nor Syrians. After it became known that Syrians no longer get deported, everybody wanted to be a Syrian and purchased a Syrian Passport at the black market. Syria is therefore probably the only country on this planet, where a quarter of a million people have been murdered in the last few years by Assad's regime and Islamic groups, but the number of citizens is still rising sharply.

In order to take the fears of the population, police reports are being dressed. Thus it is stated that 10% of all refugees (in Germany) are punished at least once, but one should not be worried, because these are only minor offenses, such as black riding or shoplifting. Ten percent of a million will be a whole lot! In other places, there is talk of organized prostitution in some refugee shelters. At the very least, they have learned quickly that supply and demand are related and how to implement it properly. Some of them are business-minded, yes, but someone should finally explain to them that they can not claim to be recognized as a refugee, to flee from the Islamic state, who also kidnapped girls and made women to sex slaves, by doing here exactly the same.

If 80% of all refugees are men, the refugee women will not have it easy. Especially here one can see the differences in the way of thinking. While in Europe women are legally equal in all respects (although some men may see differently, the woman can fight well against real oppression), many of the refugees are thinking that women are subordinated to men and considered of having a lower value. Since fewest of these refugee men are feminists, their image of women should be so simple. Here the man, there the submissive woman who serves the man. So how has it been with Mama always, when they did not have to bend at home a single finger. In refugee shelter, this image is continuing partially. Volunteers, many of them are females, smearing breads and hand out clothes during their leisure time. Many refugee men get boring in the meantime and are making nonsense.

Formed in their home country from Mommy spoiled and disfigured, it continues in Europe. Even the refugee women are even consider as too stupid for such a job and not one even trust them to introduce themselves and to make themselves useful. Smearing sandwiches and distribute donated clothes may seen by some men as low activity. As long as there are Eurpean women who intensify this attitude (unconscious?), we cannot expect that the image of women will get modernized quickly. The angry awakening will come. For the most European (and other living women here) it is indeed too stupid to wear his ass behind the man. Welcome to the Western World! This is usually the case here, even though some refugee assistants may declare the refugees as immature and try to stifle independent behavior from the outset, only for the reason to self congratulations and to celebrate themselves to be a good human, who help these savages not to starve, Because they are probably would go in their home with bow and arrow for hunting and would immediately starve here, if not getting spoiled from prosperity children who are smearing bread for them.

As said already, among the refugee men, not all, but probably damn many from them, are the gender roles simply knitted. The hetero-man and the hetero-woman, who serves him because the hetero-man got already raised from his hetero-mother to be dependent on his mother, who is therefore afraid of women because he is dependent on her care.

And that is only the beginning of all these reasons, why especially immigrants from patriarchal and archaic (Islamic) societies are even not trying to integrate themselves here or somewhere. Either because they are not understanding it all (what you can understand well) or because they feel it ridiculous and cling rather to old traditions or Islam and there get their simple answers to complex questions. There is the man still man and the woman just woman. Everything else is simple and easy to understand.


The Top 5 Excuses from the Muslims

File:Suicide Bomb VestWhenever a suicide bomber blows himself and other innocents by yelling Allahu Akbar and having the Koran in one hand and an ax in the other one, Muslims always use the same and easily refutable standard excuses.

By using these standard excuses the stubborn Muslims even oversee that their religious duty is to convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force. As nobody in the Western World is so stupid and provides himself under a religious dictatorship this religious duty can get only fulfilled by force.

These brainwashed and uneducated Muslims even not get it that they are getting contradicted by their idiotic Imams, who are praying for the terrorists and who are calling their believers to murder.

Under these conditions, these idiots are expecting that others are more stupid than themselves and are believing the following excuses:

  1. This has nothing to do with Islam

    With what does it have to do? Maybe with a beekeeper club? But certainly not with Islam. That the assassins are regular guests in mosques, know more about Islam than the hobby-Muslim next door, that does not matter. It has nothing to do with Islam, because it is not allowed to have for unbelievers something to do with Islam. If you continue annoying, you get marked as Islam hater and for the reason that the word comes from hate, you are already nothing worth and stamped as stalker. The Muslim goes to the next mosque for shaking hands with gay haters, Antisemites and Islamists. Every vote counts. This is true democracy.

  2. These are not true Muslims

    A standard phrase, which you can always hear in pubs and bars when you drink with Muslims one over the thirst. As we all know, Mohammed has preserved his revelations (nicer words for lies and hate speech) in pubs, and was presumed to be dead drunk. How many true Muslims nowadays drink more than they pray? So, in the future, one may continue to listen to the hobby drinkers in the future, that the one who drinks nothing, pursues no gamble and otherwise tries to live as Islam compliant as possible, can not be a true Muslim. If a beer drinking and Shisha smoking Muslim says it, then that is just like that. The fact that the IS, Hamas, the Taliban and other Islamic pacifists rightly justify this prosecution of particularly different Muslims, we would rather not mention. This would be anti-Islamic, anti-Muslim racism and only evil Nazis do. So keep your mouth shut and continue to be good.

  3. This kind of Muslims don't exists

    It is true that the majority of the Muslims form the idea that Muhammad's life should be imitated and the Muslims will take over the world, as Muhammad envisaged. If one imitates the life from Muhammad and cuts off the head from others then it has at first nothing to do with the Islam, at second is this one not a real Muslim and at third such Muslims don't exist. So you can run a double strategy that you deny at the same time that it has not been Muslims at all, but because you do not always come through, such Muslims simply do not exist. So you can excuse himself on a different and less beautiful flow of Islam.

  4. Islam is peace

    Nobody is interested in that the core of Islamic ideology actually means submission. If it is for example interesting for a girl, her brother will exorcise her until she will subjugate herself. Here, the brother forms, that he is Islam, because in fact, Islam is the pretext for a transient wannabe macho, in order to exert power on others. Preferable against weaker ones because against stronger ones will it be hard to win. Who knows, if the 40 cousins have time to beat the one guy?

    It is simple a fact that all countries with a Muslim majority and religious parties are acting in a pacifist way. At least, when you're on drugs and can spot colorful lights in the air. Saudi Arabia beheads, Iran is stoning, Turkey locks away for years, Afghanistan is stoning too (but in even uglier clothing), Indonesia takes the truncheon, Egypt genitally mutilated over 90% of girls and women. Apart from these few exceptions, any Islamic society is truly peaceful and tolerant. Who denies that Islam means peace, must simply be reminded by force. It finally serves a good cause, the world peace.

  5. You son of a bitch, I fuch your mother

    For everything, for which there is (no) excuse, or the old excuses do not work because of the more educated Islamic critics, this sentence fits. But as you hear it from every fourth Muslim and not from all (there are indeed a lot of Muslims that you like), these are only isolated cases.


Misinterpretation - Freedom of Religion: "O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) ..."

Every religion/people think that their religion is superior. Why can't we respect our differences and be respectful? Is religion the only thing what the people have learned in some parts of the world? Is it in this case religion not a brainwashing? If you read in the international news additional about the prayer from the Imam of the Great Mosque in Mecca, what is beginning with "O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) ...", then you know as a normal person the intentions of the followers from this Imam with the name Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais.

Recently I got an invitation to show which reputation the Islam has for the remaining part of the world. The nature of the people is that bad news keeping longer in memory than good ones. The Islam is a totalitarian system and does not really know the word freedom. Examples for the totalitarian system can get found in masses by browsing the news sites where the leaders of the Islam are getting cited. In the same way you’ll find negative news in masses about the crime coming in the name of Allah to the countries of the "non believers".

As everybody participating in the social networks is speaking English and can find understandable news in the Internet and my mother tongue is German, I have decided to bring up an actual case from the German mainstream news sites. Mainstream news sites are the opinion makers of the crowd. The result has been the an article, which I have distributed with the following description and link at the social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter):

Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke?

Some claim that Islam is a religion of peace, and the jihadists are just wacky fringe groups. Extremists precisely. This especially in the West cherished by non-Muslims was wishful thinking now, corrected by Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam and Quran reciter from the "Sacred Mosque" of Mecca. The Salafist and Wahabit Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais applies Sunni Muslims as one of the most reliable and popular interpreters of the Koran.

The basis for the report of the main stream news sites is a prayer from the Saudi Imam Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais of Mecca's Grand Mosque, which is a war declaration from Saudi Arabia against the rest of the world and got live distributed from the Egyptian TV station:

The good news are coming from an Egyptian TV commentator who roasted the Wahhabi Imam of Mecca's Grand Mosque, Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais. As bad news are riding on a jet plane while good news are taking a snail are got this good news, which are showing that not all Muslims are from the same kind, not published in the main stream media. The business from the media site is done with their headlines. Bad news are bringing more readers than good ones. Here is the video of the Egyptian TV commentator:

Here is a transcript from the English sub-titles:

TV Commentator: What does he say in his prayer?

Prayer: O Allah, grant victory, dignity and empowerment to our brothers Mujahideen (Jihadists) in Yemen, in Sham (Syria) and Iraq and everywhere.
O Lords of the Worlds grant them victory over the godless Rafidah (Shia Muslims), grant them victory over the treacherous Jews and over the spiteful Christians and over the untrusted hypocrites.
Oh Allah, grant them victory, help and strength.

TV Commentator: Rafidah (Shia Muslims), Jews, Christians?!!!
And then you wonder when a Mosque is exploded in Najran?!
A Shia’s mosque in Saudi Arabia?!
All the people around the world are their enemies!
All the people are enemies to Salafis!
They are the only saved group!
They’re the only true Muslims, The Wahhabis and Salafis
All the other people are enemies and should be defeated
Rafidah (Shia Muslims), Jews and Christians
We will kill them all. We will fight them all
They’re talking about Muslims and about Jews and Christians in general
Not even the American coalition in which they are part of
No. No.
And then we ask ourselves how Daesh (ISIS) was created. Are you ridiculing us?
Then you say "we will fight terrorism!"
Fighting terrorism?! Are you ridiculous?
You are the source of terrorism. You are the terrorism itself.
Let’s have a break

Here are some links from news sites with a good reputation which have reported about this case in the German speaking countries (Austria, Germany and Switzerland):

The same way as the Muslims do not differ between the subcategories of other religions from the World nobody else will differ between the subcategories of the Islam. Main stream news sites and TV stations are the opinion makers and a war declaration to the rest of the world, which gets done from the Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca is nothing what can get ignored. Such leaders are promoting the image from the Islam to the rest of the world. In civilized countries such hate preachers would end up in jail and would not find some audition any more. Freedom is one of the base values in the Western World. There is also a Freedom of Religion included, but each freedom ends there where the freedom from others will get limited or influenced. Everybody has his right of freedom and not only some.

Abdul Rahman Al-SudaisSuch hate preachers and wannabe warlords like the Imam from the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, are the reputation of the Islam. They like to distribute their totalitarian system all over the world and are stupid enough to think that they can do everything without punishment. Does anyone think that other countries will use millions of dollars everyday for making a firework by throwing their bombs against the Daesh (ISIS) as the Muslims are not able by themselves to stop the terrorists and such preachers? Don't forget the Islamic terror started 1983, more than 33 years ago and not with the Syrian conflict. At WikiPedia you'll find an incomplete list from the Islamic terror attacks. That list and the speeches and hate-prayers from the leading Imams are making the reputation of the Islam in the mainstream media of the world. Such news are remembering others about their own dark history. Each child of the Western World is learning in the school about the history and all children of the Western World have to visit the schools for at least 8 years. This rule is forced by law.

If we take a look at the Muslim Population of the world from the year 2014, then we see that a minority likes to rule the world. The Muslims are even not able to make peace under each other, how they will be able to rule the world?

CC BY-SA 4.0,

As we have seen from the comments from the of the Egypt TV station seems it come to the same situation like the world has been before World War II as Hitler has declared his war against the Jews. I think everybody knows how the story has ended. You need only compare the prayer from Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais with the ideology from Hitler and you'll not find any difference.

Under such circumstances I expected a real shit storm for my article in the social networks. Only in the LinkedIn group Better Future4Earthlings a discussion about the topic has started and got a lot of comments.

The first comment made Zaheer Mirza, the moderator of the group Better Future4Earthlings. I fully agree with the following comments he wrote:

Zaheer MirzaHi Rudolf Faix ... thank you for posting this ... I urge calm discussion in this ... those who agree give reasons rather than be swayed by emotions ... and those that disagree please give reasons based on Quran and Hadith (life of prophet Muhammad PBUH) ... this is not easy ... but essential dialogue if we are to reduce/eliminate divides.

What people believe in is their personal matter ... we should only talk about how it impacts us ... we are not here to discuss merits of theologies and doctrines ... but rather the actions of others that are making our lives unbearable and then understanding the root causes of the behaviour.

An comment which describes situation in the best way has been coming from Pam Stofle:

Pam StofleIt's a difficult conversation. Period. I was raised to believe the holy book of Islam says it is ok to kill infidel. Without anyone to ask, because separation was the way in my neighborhood. It just stuck. Bring in media and it's easy to believe. Dating back for me to fear of leaders in Iran 70s and Libya, we had evidence to perpetuate the belief.
It wasn't until I made a pen pal , OBVIOUSLY before the internet, that I realized the news is not fact. My little friend was from a tiny island Qatar. She asked me the most amazing questions. Do all of you wear cone heads then burn black face people on fire? Do all of you wear mini skirt and show your cleavage to men? Do all of you kill babies? Why to Christ followers hate and kill bombing everyone everywhere? Why does America favor one small place and take land to give to Jews.? Do all Americans kill each other and dance naked at musical events? Why do Americans shoot their police. Why do the divide by white and everyone else?
You get the point
I was in 6th grade.
Sad and certain there was no hope for world peace. As media became more powerful, I questioned everything.
I protested every war, and also became agnostic for decades.
I am back with Christianity, only because I saw the possibilities for mutual aid when Islam and Christian helped after earthquakes or floods.
I'm sorry for us all.
My answer is simple, just keep being you. The light in you shines through. Yes your head coverings may scare us here, but also are you afraid our smutty dressed girls will influence your daughter's. We must find a way to let our children heal. Know, read watch the truth. Just a grandma remembering my little friend

The comment from Pam is correct describing the situation from people, who don't know how everything started - a war which started 33 years ago with terror attacks from a few idiots, who have been thinking that they can rule the world by killing innocent people. Isn't it time to stop this war for the favor of the next generation? Are such power hungry Imams like Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais, whos like to continue a war, which they cannot win, only for killing their own boredom, so important for their followers that they are not able to use their own brain? Are all the Muslims already brainwashed that they even not try to stop their dirty henchmen? After 33 years of terrorism is there no other way available than to put all these terrorists and their leaders into jail. That is the only reason for the alliance fighting against terrorism. If you take away this reason then the alliance has no reason to continue their bombings, which hits innocent people too. There is no way to make some capital out of it. Years ago I have been reading sometimes that the bad US alliance are only fighting for the available oil in the Arabian countries. The problem is only where shall get the oil used? The leading car manufacturers are all already promoting electric driven vehicles. It has been only a wishful thinking from uneducated people that the reason for the war is oil.

A very good comment, which explained how people can coexists with each other has been coming from Dave Aubin:

Thank you for the opportunity to weigh in. I am new to this, before i only listened to what was available. I will admit that it has been a challenge to understand. I have asked and have recieved some insight from friends on this site that are helping me. To understand i found that i had to remove all preconceived thought and start over. Here is what i found to date.
That we are all just human beings. We all have basic needs to live. Human beings who have been abused and/or marginalized will feel and react in a simular way. Here we have many Religions, too many to count, but each retreats to their own group and basically operate and live together but yet isolate themselves as they believe only they know the real truth. I think i do not care that they behave this way as long as they are not harming anyone else. Should they choose to fight among themselves, so be it. I will just watch as i have no interest. My interest is only that all people are the same and i do not condone...

Mistreatment of anyone. Any animal will fight if cornered and feel threatened. I do not expect any less from Human.
The question for me is that at what point did we begin to seperate and believe that we were above nature or could control nature. To understand our mental limits. To move forward we must look in the mirror and ask ourselves some very serious questions. If we were created in her or their image than we must work to prove that we are worthy. To date we have failed. And that is the ultimate challenge. She is not going to help us. She expects us to use the gift she gave us to rise above the primitive. To date we have proved that we have the power to destroy ourselves. Hardly a step in the right direction.

Another comment is showing that some people are thinking that they can make someone else guilty for the fails from their own rows. Some people are searching the failures from others instead from taking a look into the mirror and start by themselves:

Zaheer MirzaDear Rudolf Faix ... why are there refugees in the first place? Could Germany, other European countries or US done something to stop this from happening? Were some of these governments partly responsible to create this situation?

We need to stop addressing symptoms ... we need to go to root causes. What roles did various governments play to stop people becoming homeless?

The refugees are victims from a war started from Islamic terrorists against the rest of the world. It is humanity for taking care for these people. Asking for the root causes is nothing else than a joke. The Islamic terror started during the early 80ths and continues until now - 33 years. It is a problem of the Islamic world to stop these terrorists who are killing in the name of Allah.

Zaheer MirzaThese refugees were living in environments very different to what they have found themselves in post migrating to Europe. It does not take a scientist to conclude that you can't expect very controlled people to find complete freedom and have no negative consequences.

In the above comment gets even confirmed that the Islam religion is a totalitarian system without any freedom and controlled from the religion. Sure that people who are relocating from such a system have problems to find their own way in a free world.

Zaheer MirzaThis is similar to another simple reality that so many seem unable to comprehend - you can't eliminate terrorism by war. We all have seen the picture of the child who was dragged from the rubble - what will he become?

The terrorists have started with their attacks the war against the Western World. Like you see in the prayer from Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais supported from the highest Imams. That shows why the Muslims are not acting against the terrorists, who are killing in the name of Islam. Shall the Western World wait until they are getting slaughtered? Why did you not use it if you know a better method stopping the terrorists? As you don't have any working method found during the last 33 years why others shall wait in fighting against the terrorists? Don't forget that there is a way to reduce the terror coming from one region. The end of the second world war has shown it. The result will be not only one crying child. A lot of innocent people would lose their life and the area will be a desert for thousands of years.

Any comments on comments made by Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq? He made a lot of effort to answer the original question.

Dr. Mohammad Omar has completely failed the topic. Here is the discussion about how to make a better world for all and not about understanding the Islam. Deeds have more weights than words and everybody is free in his own decisions and beliefs. Nobody will ask if the intentions are sincere if someone kills himself with a bomb in the middle of a crowd by yelling "Allahu akbar". The result is still the same. Whom do you like to explain the Islam in this case?

Some others like Nazim Ali misunderstood the topic of the posting and of the group completely wrong:

Nazim Alithough I usually refrain myself the posts and commenting in this group but as Zaheer Mirza has named me so its my responsibility to respond about this .. first of all I would like to as Mr. Rudolf Faix about a few words he used... wahabbism..? what exactly wahabbism means about and how it was originated..? how wahabbism is associated with the roots of ‘house of saud' ..? what the term jihadi, jihad means in comprehensive way..? what is the context of particular phrase in which the word used by imam in a prayer during such communal gathering..?
please answer me these few questions and then I will start explaining it...

well after reading a blurry and staggering response from the person claiming that imam invoked jihadist and prayer for them.... I m done.... because you are also inspired by the similar problem of relying in media though urging others to deny that.... next time before raising a question please take a thorough look on the things you going to post...

The group is named Better Future4Earthlings and not discussion about the exact meanings of some words. It does not matter what I'm understanding about some words. Important is what the crowd is understanding by the named words when they are reading them in the international press. I wish Nizam Ali good luck by explaining some words to the masses while the terrorists are making his explanations to a lie. With neglecting the news from other countries and other opinions nobody can win something. Such comments got expected from narrow minded people. Simple to summarize: "I simple not believe it and for this reason it cannot be".

Dr. Mohammad Omar FarooqA little bit better has been the comment from Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq, but still far away from the real topic. He tried to convince me about the Islam religion. Sorry, but the crowd has a negative view about the Islam, because the actions from the terrorists, who are killing in the name of the Islam are speaking louder than any words. Victims from the Islamic terrorist and their family members are not interested if the terrorist has been a true Islamist or a fake one. That does not change something for them. The result is still the same. These actions are the problems and not the real teaching of Mohammed. Whom do you think you can convince that the Islam is a peaceful religion if your leaders are praying for power for the Jihadists for killing others? Do you think that the crowd in the Western World is the same way uneducated like in the countries of the Islamic world?

One comment from Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq is for me very strange:

Salam, Mr. Faix. If the Saudi Grand Mufti made such a statement, it is something to be deeply concerned. However, before we jump to conclusions, I opened the link and visited the site. Quite interestingly, the "About" button is disabled. Even more interesting is the fact I could not identify a single such report from any of the mainstream media. If it was said, it would be a big news not to be picked up by others. For the credibility of this report, it would be helpful if alternate sources from mainstream media is provided. Thanks and warm regards.

My article has no links inside and my website does not have an About link. My website has a disclaimer box and a link to the full disclaimer including my contact details. As he even did not mention which link he has followed I'm not able to know about which About button he is writing. At this time got provided from only one link to a WikiPedia article and one link to the Austrian newspaper, an old newspaper company with a good reputation. As the content from is written in German, there cannot get an About-Link found. Other links to my sources got provided at the end of the discussion. So I really don't know which website the guy is meaning.

Even some very narrow minded people have left their comments to the posting. One from these people who are believing something only for the reason it is written somewhere is Robert San Miguel / Vasquez. This guy has even not been reading the full article and even don't know the name of the group. He think that he needs only to write some statements and everybody will believe and agree with him. The professional golfer Robert San Miguel / Vasquez is even contradicting himself in his statements. He is simple starting with the words "This is nonsense" without the knowledge what is really written in the article. He like to compensate his missing knowledge with big words:

Robert San Miguel / VasquezThis is nonsense ! Islam isn't the culprit. The true catalyst to all world conflicts are the fake lying Ashkenazi Jews. The real imposters. They love to cause " social disorder ".

These f kers are the filthiest of all in humanity.

Why ? Because they love to cause " social disorder " then they get the boot ... But now with them stealing / occupying a state they are centralized to cause havoc across the Middle East like a wolf in sheep clothing. Isis is Israel ... Israel is Isis.

The world is blind or easily mislead by pure propaganda .... The Hebrew Jews left dark skinned from Israel and now returned " white " ! Really world wake up ! Speak up ! Stop this nonsense of " white washing " history.

We have more than enough American wealth to have them removed its their venom of fangs are biting into all other countries ! They are vile... the children of Satan " their father is the King of lies and deceit.

The Jews declared war on Germany ! Not Germany declaring war ! They lived in Germany and wanted to conquer! Hitler saw it growing up so yes it was his personal mission to rid those vile people off the earth ! And skin color is the racism all humanity is taught daily. It makes a huge difference! It's called being an impersonator to deceive the world with their bs " emotional ideology " of nonsense main stream media propaganda.

John 8:44

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

And the truth isn't hate ..its those that hate the truth that are in denial

The end of humanity is in Revelations and guess who is the culprit causing " social disorder "

Revelation 2:9
I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars--I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.

Even in the Quran they are the evil ones ! Sorry it's in all the holy books of the vile ones in humanity the great imposters of lies and deceit.

Rudolf Faix bro I didn't kill Jesus or any of the holy prophets ..... But I can tell you who did and show you through the Torah Old and New Testament or even the Quran.

Ponder ??

Jesus = Muslims love and recognized Jesus as…

The truth isn't an insult brother ! I love God ! God knows what's in my heart I refuse to conform what others deem correct in society. God lives through me so I will always do my best in speaking and seeking the truth.

Rudolf Faix the holy books are not a lie but they do tell of the " great liars in humanity "

99 percent of Islam is super peaceful and that other 1 percent that are bad are driven by those that cause the social disorder. The world the UN has displaced thousands and thousands of people from the regions of the Middle East so yes cultures will clash but it's all premeditated pre-orchestrated by those occupying Israel !

Religions are man made up first of all. That's the issue for those practicing organized religions. Islam and Christianity are not religions !'s a way of life not what the main stream media ( idiot box / tv ) feeds the masses to indoctrinate.

Rudolf Faix who caused the displacement of those Muslims in Europe ? Of course there will be huge cultures clashed they knew that when they caused the displacements !

I lived for over 10 years of my life serving my country over in the Middle East and when I say I lived .. I adapted to their culture I walked amongst them and even pray with them. Do not believe what you read or see fed through main stream media

As I have asked him: "Robert San Miguel / Vasquez, which Islamic war do you mean with replacement of the Muslim from Europe? Between 1423 and 1878 had happened 10 unsuccessful wars initiated from the peaceful Muslims against Europe. Sorry that Europe did not welcome them." I got the following reply from the deadbeat:

Rudolf Faix heading to play golf I'll catch up with you later. Have a blessed day 🙏🏻

I did not hear something again from the fake profile from Robert San Miguel / Vasquez - the professional golfer who likes to be from the US. LOL

Here you can download the full thread with all comments: Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke.pdf (901.75 kb)


Dr. Saleh al-Saabdoon declares all Muslims to be rapists

Saleh al-SaabdoonThe western world has long been presumed that Muslims are rapists. The percentage of rape increases with the increase of Muslim refugees in the Western world. Now the suspicion got confirmed by the historian Dr. Saleh al-Saabdoon. He tried to justify the nation's ban on female drivers. He said during a TV interview given at the Saudi Rotana Khalijiyya TV that women who drive in other countries, such as the United States, don't care if they're raped and that sexual violence "is no big deal to them."

Saleh al-Saadoon claimed in the interview that women can be raped when a car breaks down, but unlike other countries, Saudi Arabia protects its women from that risk by not allowing them to drive in the first place, according to a translation posted online by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

The intelligence of the historian Dr. Saleh al-Saabdoon seems to be awesome and reflects the education system from the Muslim Universities and countries. He even did not think about it that women can get raped from their drivers too. Asked about this fact he replied: "There is a solution, but the authorities and the clergy refuse to take a note of it. The solution is to hire foreign women drivers for driving our women.". With other words: Only the driving woman will get raped and not the female passenger. Oh Lord, please let brain raining from the sky.

Saudi Historian Dr. Saleh Al-Saadoon at Rotana Khalijiyya TV (Saudi Arabia) January 11, 2015:

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Women used to ride camels, so one might ask what prevents them from driving cars. In Saudi Arabia, we have special circumstances. The city of Arar is 150 km away from Al-Jawf. From Al-Awf to Al-Ha'il it is 400 km. If a woman drives from one city to another and her car breaks down, what will become of her?

Reporter: Well, women drive in America, in Europe, and in the Arab world…

Saleh Al-Saadoon: They don't care if they are raped on the roadside, but we do…

Reporter: Hold on, who told you that they don't care about getting raped by the roadside?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: It's no big deal for them beyond the damage to their morale. In our case, however, the problem is of a social and religious nature.

Reporter: What is rape if not a blow to the morale of the woman? That goes deeper than the social damage.

Saleh Al-Saadoon: But in our case, it affects the family …

Reporter: What, society and the family are more important than the woman’s morale?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Perhaps morale is part of the problem, but it is not the problem itself. There is also the religious aspect. I will give you two examples …

Reporter: The other guests appear to be in shock …

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Well, they should listen to me and get used to what society thinks. If they are really so out of touch with it …

Reporter: You are afraid that a woman might be raped by the roadside by soldiers, but you are not afraid that she might be raped by her chauffeur?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Of course I am. There is a solution, but the government officials and the clerics refuse to hear of it.

Reporter: What is this solution?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: The solution is to bring in female foreign chauffeurs to drive our wives. Why not? Why not? Are you with me on this?

Such men can only get married with children. Normal thinking women would not chose them as their husband. These kind of men are simple too stupid for everything. Accordingly was the reaction of the international press and there was a recent interview about the international reactions:

Reporter: A few days ago, about a month after the interview, excerpts from the interview appeared in Western and European media and other outlets. The international press published detailed excerpts in various languages. Why did the interview raise such a great uproar, and how does Dr. Al-Saadoon respond to the international media coverage of his views on women's driving?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: [The media's response to what I said] was a surprise by any standard. I was especially surprised by the false translation. This was not an objective translation or a simple mistake. This was a deliberate and methodical falsification. I don't know if…

Reporter: How can you talk about falsification? They presented a video excerpt, not just something written. What was written was a detailed translation of the interview.

Saleh Al-Saadoon: They translated what I said. As you recall, sister Nadeen, we talked, but I did not say: "Women who drive cars do not care about being raped." The Daily Mail, for example, wrote: "A Saudi historian says that American women drive cars because rape is no big deal for them." This is not what I said.

I explained that they have no problem [with rape] from the religious and social aspects. Their problem is limited to their morale and to psychological aspects. I continue to maintain this. Western women are liberal. They are not governed by Christianity. They do not believe in Christianity.

Unless they are old, Western women are usually not religious – except for a handful of women who go proselytizing in Africa.

According to Islamic scholars, women are forbidden to ride in a taxi driven by a foreigner. If she does so, and the driver kidnaps and rapes her, she will be partially responsible, because she exposed herself to danger.

This is not my view. I'm just telling you the view of society. Don't blame me for conveying the views of 80% of Arab and Islamic society.

Reporter: Some people turn the victim into the criminal, but these views do not represent 80% of us.

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Many Saudis, Arabs, and Muslims hold this view – regardless of whether it is 70% or 90%.

As the reporter has been a woman does it look like the Muslim men have a defect in their gens. As soon as their little man is standing the body has not enough blood to serve their brain, but we know that the education in the Muslim countries has no quality. They are still at stone-age level as their law, the Sharia, reflects this impression too. Such people cannot get taken serious as long such stupidity does not get replaced from a little bit intelligence.

Here is another video in reaction to the interview above:

Transcription from the video:

Order Mad as Hell on iTunes Available now Now this story is atrocious in a lot of ways but it does have a funny element because the guy talking here what the Saudis call a historian and he's going to talk about why women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia and why they are allowed to drive in West and that's the most interesting part so the middle east media research institute reported this and the Huffington Post wrote about it recently.

His name Saleh al-Saabdoon and he claimed in a recent TV interview that women can be raped when a car breaks down but unlike other countries Saudi Arabia protects its women from that risk by not allowing them to drive in the first place. Oh that's why they can't drive cause if they drove there's a tiny percentage change that they would break down and then they would obviously be immediately raped so here is Saleh al-Saaboon Saudi historian explain the phenomena to us. He says about the westerners they don't care if they are raped on the roadside but we do. OK I was not aware of that but he is a historian so it's hard to argue he says it's no big deal for them beyond the damage to their moral in our cause. However the problem is of a social and religious nature. Isn't that amazing? Man he's saying like oh you got raped. I mean for the western women it's just a moral problem right, but for us it's also a religious problem. So it's much more serious. That's not really how I view rape. I think is the serious part you're religious views about it is a little less important but obviously he doesn't view it that way and even the anchors and one of them was a female anchors covered her head and was like oh my god what do you say? That's cause you can't really justify not allowing women to drive. It makes no sense. Whatsoever right so you have to come up with nonsense things like this. Oh yeah no no western women rape is no big deal to them. So now let's be fair to the guy he apparently did have a solution, because you know one of the anchors asked him. They said well what their male tribers rape. Good question. OK there is a solution but the government officials and the clerics refuse to hear of it. The solution is to bring in foreign chauffeurs to drive our wives. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. They how do you give women more rights give them female chauffeurs of course. Isn't this insane this is one of the top allies of the United States of America that we protect these guys to no end the ISIS they do beheadings so do the Saudis oh Iraq they did 9/11 no they didn't 17 out of the 19 high jackers were Saudis and you have people like this Saudi historian talking about why you should never let women drive and the only reason westerners do is because they don't mind the rape. OK by the way if women do drive what's the punishment. Well Saudi women face serious penalties if they are caught driving including lashing. So get a lot of this their idea of how to protect women. Is we don't want you to get raped. So if you drive we will beat you with a whip. We'll whip you. OK and it's not theoretical right. Now two women who defined the ban on driving last year, Loujain al-Hathloul and Maysa al-Amoundi, who by the way are amazing heroes are being tried in a court that handles terror cases but that is fitting cause for the Saudi royals and the government and the people in power in Saudi Arabia. That is what strikes terror in their hearts a liberated woman. On the lighter side of things we did find the exchange with Saudi government of the issue of women driving and other rights. They might have and this a Young Turks exclusive. So we want to show it to you so you can judge for yourself if Ferengi females could wear cloths in public then they can leave their homes. If they can leave their homes then they can go to work. If they go work they can make profit. What's the matter? Quark afraid of a little competition? OK that might not have been the Saudis, but the Saudis do make similar claims as the Ferengi that the rest of us humans shamelessly cloth our women and want the other to unclothe them. Isn't it sad that there is a legitimate comparison between the Saudis and the Ferengi.