My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

What information might open the eyes of people who want to join terrorist groups?

Terrorist GroupTerrorist groups are not solving problems of the world - they are the problem by themselves. The leaders from these groups are nothing else than cowards which likes to empower themselves by hiding them behind some "religious scripts" for building up their own religious dictatorship. So why you should give your life for such idiots? You have only one life! Life is not a video game, which can get started over again and again. Do you like to give your life for cowards by killing innocent people?

No "hero", but a criminal career is waiting

Participation in a terrorist organization does not solve complex political problems. Thousands of people - religious minorities as well as Muslims - suffer from terrorist regimes like the IS, Boku Harum, Abu Sayyaf, etc.

Extreme brutality also against "own" people

It is already known that any insubordination against the Commander of the extremists in Syria or the Iraq as a betrayal is handled and sometimes immediately will be punished with death.

Loss of humanity

Anyone who is a victim of the radical rat catcher can easily end up as a murderer, a rapist and a robber. How can these crimes ever be reconciled with one's own conscience when this once awakens again?

Destroying one's own future

Radicalization can have criminal consequences. Whoever has decided to go the path of violence and become guilty, the return to a regular everyday life is almost impossible.

No ticket to paradise

Even from the Islamic point of view, crime can not be justified. Whoever thinks of attaining a high position in the hereafter on this way, is seized by a following fallacy. Every alleged leader who promises paradise for this or that act commits a presumptuous blasphemy.

War is not an action movie

What affects some people become so cool like a real computer game, is leg-harsh reality. Whoever gets into it, is not only playing with his own life and anyone else's, but also playing with his soul. As for violence everyone gets made responsible for his deeds at the latest in the hereafter.

Sexual exploitation

For girls it is not the return to the somewhat transfigured early days of the Muslims, but the cruel reality of sexual exploitation. They are married to jihadists and passed on to the next one at their death. It must be clear to them that their men have cruelly killed people when they go to bed with them and see women of the "enemy" as religious and ethnic minorities as "prey" who can rape them.


How can teachers of religion and Muslim clubs counteract terrorism?

Quran SchoolHumans like normally living in peace. Cowards like hate preachers and terrorist leaders like only to empower themselves by hiding themselves behind holy scripts. These idiots even don't know the meaning and the full content of their own scripts the are preaching about. I think that nobody like that his children risks their lives for such stupid war preachers. Responsible people and teachers have to create the opposition to such eggheads for creating a better world in favor for our children. Only educated and critical thinking people can lead the world to a better place.

Support for "diagnose position"

Religious teachers, especially when they are well integrated into the teaching body, can be of assistance in the classification of certain phenomena. If it is to assess conspicuities, they are particularly suited to make a cautious initial assessment of the situation.

Religious knowledge as an immunization against extremist thought

In the analysis of the manipulative methods and in the Islamic arguments, why extremists go a complete misdirection, the key is where to begin the reconnaissance and prevention work first. In this, a work assignment point by point (see the immediately preceding questions) is to assert the interpretative authority over Islamic doctrine through elucidation and information, and to reject extremist thought.

Competence-oriented teaching supports maturity

A teaching style in which it is not only a question of making knowledge reproducible, but rather of developing solutions to it, helps young people to become more mature.

Critical lighting of conspiracy theories

Simplified justifications for complex problems and lump-sum blame assignments to persons or groups provide enemy images that can harm the peaceful coexistence and obscure the view on realistic solutions.

Make the spiritual side of religion experienceable

Behind religious rituals, their spiritual core must stand out. This strengthens the individual in the perception of his own potential and conveys an attitude of love to the world as God's creation, which must be preserved. Extremists, on the other hand, lose their "soul" because they kill this side at themselves.


Above all, groups which themselves prefer a very orthodox lifestyle are particularly challenged to distinguish ideologically from the extremists.

Deconstruction of "longing images" from the past

The extremists are working on an emotional level by addressing longing images of a transfigured early age of Islam. To present this Islamic early history historically more precisely in the Muslim education work helps to deconstruct false notions about the "caliphate".

Living the peace order of Islam

In their inner diversity Muslims agree on the peace order of their religion. These can best be pursued through personal effort, a jihad in the best sense, in their own environment. This also includes peaceful conflict resolution models. Violence begins in the family and in education, as well as in the mosque.

Prospects for own responsibillity for a fairer world

Young people must be taken seriously in their needs. The desire for justice for oppressed people in crisis regions can be positively channeled into options for participation in humanitarian programs, donations, and similar civil society and political activities.

Self Reflection

As already stated, sectarian phenomena can occur in a weakened form, even in "normal" social dynamics. The points "authority faith" and "selectivity" must be considered particularly self-critically. Own complexes due to being excluded from the pulpit: "As Muslims we are the better people" to deepen the complexes and prevent social cohesion in a pluralistic society. Rather, Muslims must take their overall social responsibility and make a positive contribution. Likewise, religious authorities must be careful not to strive towards an absolute bond to the dependence of the faithful, but rather to convey the idea of maturity as value.

Accepting religion as a private matter

All religions got created from peoples and for peoples. A real, almighty and omniscient God does not need humans for fulfilling his wishes. He has more possibilities than all humans together. So accept religion for the reason it got created - as the first law that humans should not kill each other in their greediness and power hungry behavior. The creators of the religion only used a God for avoiding endless discussions. The mighty ones from the ancient time have used and formed the religion into their own favor for increasing their own influence.