My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Dr. Saleh al-Saabdoon declares all Muslims to be rapists

Saleh al-SaabdoonThe western world has long been presumed that Muslims are rapists. The percentage of rape increases with the increase of Muslim refugees in the Western world. Now the suspicion got confirmed by the historian Dr. Saleh al-Saabdoon. He tried to justify the nation's ban on female drivers. He said during a TV interview given at the Saudi Rotana Khalijiyya TV that women who drive in other countries, such as the United States, don't care if they're raped and that sexual violence "is no big deal to them."

Saleh al-Saadoon claimed in the interview that women can be raped when a car breaks down, but unlike other countries, Saudi Arabia protects its women from that risk by not allowing them to drive in the first place, according to a translation posted online by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

The intelligence of the historian Dr. Saleh al-Saabdoon seems to be awesome and reflects the education system from the Muslim Universities and countries. He even did not think about it that women can get raped from their drivers too. Asked about this fact he replied: "There is a solution, but the authorities and the clergy refuse to take a note of it. The solution is to hire foreign women drivers for driving our women.". With other words: Only the driving woman will get raped and not the female passenger. Oh Lord, please let brain raining from the sky.

Saudi Historian Dr. Saleh Al-Saadoon at Rotana Khalijiyya TV (Saudi Arabia) January 11, 2015:

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Women used to ride camels, so one might ask what prevents them from driving cars. In Saudi Arabia, we have special circumstances. The city of Arar is 150 km away from Al-Jawf. From Al-Awf to Al-Ha'il it is 400 km. If a woman drives from one city to another and her car breaks down, what will become of her?

Reporter: Well, women drive in America, in Europe, and in the Arab world…

Saleh Al-Saadoon: They don't care if they are raped on the roadside, but we do…

Reporter: Hold on, who told you that they don't care about getting raped by the roadside?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: It's no big deal for them beyond the damage to their morale. In our case, however, the problem is of a social and religious nature.

Reporter: What is rape if not a blow to the morale of the woman? That goes deeper than the social damage.

Saleh Al-Saadoon: But in our case, it affects the family …

Reporter: What, society and the family are more important than the woman’s morale?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Perhaps morale is part of the problem, but it is not the problem itself. There is also the religious aspect. I will give you two examples …

Reporter: The other guests appear to be in shock …

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Well, they should listen to me and get used to what society thinks. If they are really so out of touch with it …

Reporter: You are afraid that a woman might be raped by the roadside by soldiers, but you are not afraid that she might be raped by her chauffeur?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Of course I am. There is a solution, but the government officials and the clerics refuse to hear of it.

Reporter: What is this solution?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: The solution is to bring in female foreign chauffeurs to drive our wives. Why not? Why not? Are you with me on this?

Such men can only get married with children. Normal thinking women would not chose them as their husband. These kind of men are simple too stupid for everything. Accordingly was the reaction of the international press and there was a recent interview about the international reactions:

Reporter: A few days ago, about a month after the interview, excerpts from the interview appeared in Western and European media and other outlets. The international press published detailed excerpts in various languages. Why did the interview raise such a great uproar, and how does Dr. Al-Saadoon respond to the international media coverage of his views on women's driving?

Saleh Al-Saadoon: [The media's response to what I said] was a surprise by any standard. I was especially surprised by the false translation. This was not an objective translation or a simple mistake. This was a deliberate and methodical falsification. I don't know if…

Reporter: How can you talk about falsification? They presented a video excerpt, not just something written. What was written was a detailed translation of the interview.

Saleh Al-Saadoon: They translated what I said. As you recall, sister Nadeen, we talked, but I did not say: "Women who drive cars do not care about being raped." The Daily Mail, for example, wrote: "A Saudi historian says that American women drive cars because rape is no big deal for them." This is not what I said.

I explained that they have no problem [with rape] from the religious and social aspects. Their problem is limited to their morale and to psychological aspects. I continue to maintain this. Western women are liberal. They are not governed by Christianity. They do not believe in Christianity.

Unless they are old, Western women are usually not religious – except for a handful of women who go proselytizing in Africa.

According to Islamic scholars, women are forbidden to ride in a taxi driven by a foreigner. If she does so, and the driver kidnaps and rapes her, she will be partially responsible, because she exposed herself to danger.

This is not my view. I'm just telling you the view of society. Don't blame me for conveying the views of 80% of Arab and Islamic society.

Reporter: Some people turn the victim into the criminal, but these views do not represent 80% of us.

Saleh Al-Saadoon: Many Saudis, Arabs, and Muslims hold this view – regardless of whether it is 70% or 90%.

As the reporter has been a woman does it look like the Muslim men have a defect in their gens. As soon as their little man is standing the body has not enough blood to serve their brain, but we know that the education in the Muslim countries has no quality. They are still at stone-age level as their law, the Sharia, reflects this impression too. Such people cannot get taken serious as long such stupidity does not get replaced from a little bit intelligence.

Here is another video in reaction to the interview above:

Transcription from the video:

Order Mad as Hell on iTunes Available now Now this story is atrocious in a lot of ways but it does have a funny element because the guy talking here what the Saudis call a historian and he's going to talk about why women are not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia and why they are allowed to drive in West and that's the most interesting part so the middle east media research institute reported this and the Huffington Post wrote about it recently.

His name Saleh al-Saabdoon and he claimed in a recent TV interview that women can be raped when a car breaks down but unlike other countries Saudi Arabia protects its women from that risk by not allowing them to drive in the first place. Oh that's why they can't drive cause if they drove there's a tiny percentage change that they would break down and then they would obviously be immediately raped so here is Saleh al-Saaboon Saudi historian explain the phenomena to us. He says about the westerners they don't care if they are raped on the roadside but we do. OK I was not aware of that but he is a historian so it's hard to argue he says it's no big deal for them beyond the damage to their moral in our cause. However the problem is of a social and religious nature. Isn't that amazing? Man he's saying like oh you got raped. I mean for the western women it's just a moral problem right, but for us it's also a religious problem. So it's much more serious. That's not really how I view rape. I think is the serious part you're religious views about it is a little less important but obviously he doesn't view it that way and even the anchors and one of them was a female anchors covered her head and was like oh my god what do you say? That's cause you can't really justify not allowing women to drive. It makes no sense. Whatsoever right so you have to come up with nonsense things like this. Oh yeah no no western women rape is no big deal to them. So now let's be fair to the guy he apparently did have a solution, because you know one of the anchors asked him. They said well what their male tribers rape. Good question. OK there is a solution but the government officials and the clerics refuse to hear of it. The solution is to bring in foreign chauffeurs to drive our wives. I don't know why I didn't think of that before. They how do you give women more rights give them female chauffeurs of course. Isn't this insane this is one of the top allies of the United States of America that we protect these guys to no end the ISIS they do beheadings so do the Saudis oh Iraq they did 9/11 no they didn't 17 out of the 19 high jackers were Saudis and you have people like this Saudi historian talking about why you should never let women drive and the only reason westerners do is because they don't mind the rape. OK by the way if women do drive what's the punishment. Well Saudi women face serious penalties if they are caught driving including lashing. So get a lot of this their idea of how to protect women. Is we don't want you to get raped. So if you drive we will beat you with a whip. We'll whip you. OK and it's not theoretical right. Now two women who defined the ban on driving last year, Loujain al-Hathloul and Maysa al-Amoundi, who by the way are amazing heroes are being tried in a court that handles terror cases but that is fitting cause for the Saudi royals and the government and the people in power in Saudi Arabia. That is what strikes terror in their hearts a liberated woman. On the lighter side of things we did find the exchange with Saudi government of the issue of women driving and other rights. They might have and this a Young Turks exclusive. So we want to show it to you so you can judge for yourself if Ferengi females could wear cloths in public then they can leave their homes. If they can leave their homes then they can go to work. If they go work they can make profit. What's the matter? Quark afraid of a little competition? OK that might not have been the Saudis, but the Saudis do make similar claims as the Ferengi that the rest of us humans shamelessly cloth our women and want the other to unclothe them. Isn't it sad that there is a legitimate comparison between the Saudis and the Ferengi.


Would your God lie to you?

Why he should? He is omniscient. He can not win something if he lies to you. It would be hard to believe again if you catch someone telling you a lie. If someone would find a contradiction in the holy scripts then it would be a transcription, translation error or an interpretation failure. The religious leaders found at the world are protecting the word of their God. You should think that they are very well educated and are knowing how to interpret the holy scripts by knowing the exact meaning of the old language. How can it happen in this case that a lot of the religious leaders are failing in exact the case where they should be the masters of the holy scripts?

Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn BaazA very big fail made the Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz, the Chancellor of the Islamic University of Medina (1970-1975), and the Chairman of Saudi Arabia's Department of Scientific Research from 1975. He issued a based-on-the-Koran "fatwa" (pronouncement concerning Sharia law) in 1976, which claimed that the Earth is flat, and anyone, who said otherwise, was blaspheming.

I think I need not bring here some links for proofing the statement form the Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz. If you are using your favorite search engine and enter islam flat world, you'll find enough results in this case and you can also find the "fatwa". You'll also be able to find the different interpretations for the idea of the Grand Mufti. In any case it shows the quality of education the Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz got and the quality of education from the University of Medina if such a person has been their Chancellor. What the students could have learned from such a deadbeat?

He even had issued 1966 another Koran-based fatwa, which said that the Earth did not revolve, or orbit the Sun; instead the Sun orbited the Earth. He issued yet another fatwa in 1982, which reiterated his belief that the Sun orbited the Earth, and that anyone, who did agree with him, would be declared an infidel.

If such a nonsense would really be written in the Quran then it would be a proof that the Quran does not contain the words from Allah. Allah has no reason to distribute wrong information to his followers. It is more a sign that your religious leaders are even not understand the words written in the Quran. How can you trust into their words? Is it not time to use your own brain in such a case?

A Saudi cleric becomes online laughing stock after telling student the sun rotates around the Earth as otherwise planes would not be able to fly:

  • Sheikh Bandar al-Khaibari claimed Earth is stationary and the sun rotates
  • Offered religious statements and clerical comments to back up his belief
  • Also launched into baffling explanation about airliners never being able to reach their destination if the earth was truly moving
  • Also claimed NASA moon landings are the stuff of Hollywood fabrication

You don't believe that someone is so stupid - here is the online video from the year 2015 and it is not only published in the Western World only, you'll even find it at Al Arabiya:

How someone can give his life for a religion where the teaching is proven wrong? Do you really think that such idiots have not changed the word of God into their own favor over the time? If we remember the content from the video I published yesterday in the article Mullah Krekar in Norway gives chilling and honest interview about Islam and the West, there the Mullah said: "We will defend our religion with your own blood." I can understand that uneducated people will believe in such stupid teachings from uneducated leaders. Such uneducated and power horny people like to rule the world? I think that before this can happen, Allah will come back and kill these idiots by himself.

Here are some more examples why educated people will not take any Muslims for serious:

In 2010, Sheikh Abdul Mohsin al-Abaican, a consultant at the Saudi royal court, was also widely mocked in Western media for issuing a breast-feeding fatwa, which said that women can get around Saudi Arabia's ban on unrelated men and women mixing by feeding their breast milk to men, as doing so would make those men sons of those women.

The Sheikh said that women should not breastfeed men, just feed them their breast milk, but another Saudi cleric, Sheikh Abi Ishaq Huwaini, quickly disagreed with the fatwa, because, in his opinion, women had to actually breastfeed a man like she would breast her baby.

Gamal Abdel Nasser might have thought that such primitiveness was confined to Saudi Islamist circles, but in 2007, an Egyptian cleric, Dr. Izzat Attiyah of Egypt's Al-Azhar University – the most prestigious educational institutions in the Sunni Islam world – also issued a fatwa, which too said that women can breastfeed men to get around the Islamist ban on the mixing of sexes.

Sheikh Muhammad al-Munajid, who may have partly learned his gift for making hilarious statements from Grand Mufti Abd al-Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz, under whom he studied Islamic law, was widely mocked in Western media in 2008 when he said that Mickey Mouse was a soldier of Satan, who should die along with Jerry of the "Tom and Jerry" cartoon, because Sharia law calls for all mice to be killed. He also issued a fatwa, which discussed whether it was permissible to eat mermaids.

Another fatwa by an unnamed Saudi cleric, translated by the New York Times from the Saudi newspaper "Al-Watan", recommended 15 ridiculous changes to the international rules of football to ensure that Saudis do not play that game as people of other religious beliefs do. For example: "6. Do not play in two halves. Rather play in one half or three halves in order to completely differentiate yourselves from the heretics, the polytheists, the corrupted and the disobedient."

Moreover, in 2001, Egypt's top Islamic cleric, Grand Mufti Sheikh Ali Gomaa, issued a fatwa, which said that drinking the urine of the prophet Mohammed was a blessing. He did not explain how a man, who has been dead since 632, could produce urine for people to drink.

It is not that only Sunni Islamic clerics issue such ridiculous statements. In 2010, Iranian Shi'ite cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi blamed scantily clad women for earthquakes, as this Los Angeles Times article explains.

It seems that even Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh has been not even only mentally deranged. He has been one of the pedophiles too, because he stated it's an injustice to NOT marry girls aged 10, says Saudi cleric.

Who will be able to recognize a religion with such leaders as a serious one? But don't worry because a few hundred years ago the Christian leaders have acted the same way. So it will take a few hundred years until the Muslim will recognize that such leaders are not really mental healthy and will go on distance to such incompetent leaders and send them there where should be already - to a madhouse.

Who should take a religion as an serious teaching if their leaders are such big fails?


Mullah Krekar in Norway gives chilling and honest interview about Islam and the West

The following video shows an interview from Mullah Krekar given to a Norwegian TV station. It shows clearly the the intentions from the Muslims to rule the world and how they are using the Quran for their own purpose. Instead of integrating themselves into the community of the country where they have been coming they try to bring their system from which they have been running away to their destination country and expect that others have to respect their beliefs and their stone-age system. Such people are not accepting other cultures or beliefs but this narrow-minded people are expecting that the other 70% of the world will respect them. The Muslims have even not learned until now that respect has to get earned and cannot get demanded. Respect can get only earned with good deeds and by respecting the local law.

These people are nothing else than parasites, which like to get all the advantages from the Western World and like to give terror, war and killings in exchange. Are the Muslims thinking that the Western World has only perverts living there?

If the Mullah Krekar and his followers are enjoying the Sharia, then they have to relocate to a country where the Sharia is state law and not to a country with a different law system. I would recommend to bring him immediately to such a country for the reason of peace in Norway.

Here is the interview wit Mullah Krekar from the Norwegian TV station:

Here is a transcription from the questions (Q) and answers (A) given in the video:

Q: For someone who burns the Koran, the punishment, according to Islam, is death, is that correct?

A: If you burn the Koran, which is an insult, then the answer is clearly yes.

Q: You sat in prison for threatening [?] and the Prime Minister, now one of the [?] says that you have threatened him again. Is that correct?

A: No, that is not correct. He can go the way of the courts and try to prove that.

Q: But that man who has burned the Koran, would it be right that he loses his life even though he lives in Norway?

A: I know absolutely that he has committed a criminal offense where the punishment is death.
The responsibility for carrying out the punishment is on the Ummah, our Muslim brotherhood (Ummah).
Regardless if he lives in Norway or if he is Barack Obama. I am not myself threatening the person. I am telling you what is stated in the law. I have told you what is in the Koran and in the Hadith. I have not pointed at one specific person and said “You we must kill.”

Q: One of those who burned a Koran is afraid because somebody who listens to you might want to kill him. Because you have said that that is the punishment according to the Koran, isn’t there the risk that somebody would listen to you?

A: He must fear the Somalis, the Indonesians, the Africans, the Chechens – anybody who follows the Koran. He doesn’t have to be afraid of me, but will have to fear – the crime he has committed and fear that his punishment will be executed.

Q: Doesn’t that mean that you, with your religious interpretations, as a matter of fact sentence him to death, even if you won’t personally do the deed then somebody else will do it?

A: Not only those who listen to me. Anybody who knows of his punishment can kill him. Anybody. We will defend our religion with your own blood. Our only limits are limits of blood, limits made of explosives. Those who insult our religion must know that one of us will die. Those who insult our religion and our honor must understand that this is a matter of life and death.

Q: But would you be satisfied if this man gets killed?

A: Yes, I would send a gift to the person who kills him. Why wouldn’t I be happy about that?

Q: Does that mean that you are happy about the attack on Charlie Hebdo in France and also the attack against Lars Vilks in Denmark?

A: I know little about the attack in Denmark. But of course I am happy about what happened in France.

Q: Those who attacked Charlie Hebdo, how would you describe them?

A: They were defending their honor, they were defending their holiness.

Q: Those who attacked Charlie Hebdo in France, where they heroes?

A: Yes, of course. They where Jihadists.

Q: Would you wish to also find heroes like that in Norway?

A: No, I don’t hope for that. Not because I live in Norway, but because France deserve it. But if the Scandinavians also go down the same path as France, then they would deserve it.

Q: If, for example an artist draws a Muhammad cartoon in Norway, for the first time, that is, the first one to make it, would it then be all right for an Islamist to find that person and blw himself up to kill the cartoonist?

A: It is not I who gives permission to do this. But the cartoonist would have become an infidel warrior whom it is then permitted to kill. Still, explosives must not be used as it could also then kill innocents.

Q: But if he is alone then that is OK?

A: Wipe him out, wipe him out. Because he has stepped on our dignity our principles and our belief, he will have to die. Those who do not respect 30% of the earth’s population (Muslims) have no right to live.

Q: But there are also Norwegian newspapers and TV stations amongst others, who have published some of these cartoons!

A: It is the first action that matters. For example, when Jyllands-Posten published those despicable cartoons in 2005 in Denmark, then those are the ones that count. Later 13 other countries who also published the drawings to lessen the pressure on Denmark. This is also not the right thing to do but still is the first action that deserves a reaction. We live in an open time. Those who mock our religion have to know that we are not like the Jews – who keep silent and bow down before international “drawing-terror”. No. We will die for our religion and we live for our religion. Nothing is more holy than our religion. Those who insult our religion must know that we will meet them with our bombs. There will be no indulgence, no understanding or negotiations in this case. We do not live for the sake of our own lives, we do not live for our wives. We live only for our religion.

Q: Is it good that Norwegian Islamic youth travel abroad to strengthen both their belief but also to learn fighting skills in order to fight for Islam?

A: Youth, girls and boys who take off to do Jihad should carefully consider and study the fighting, and the area he is going what he wishes to accomplish there. Then he should go. And if he goes he should not regret it. If he comes back after six months then he would be looked upon with suspicion even if he just went down to be a street sweeper. Those who leave to do Jihad must not return but have to stay. If he comes back, there will be lots of trouble and difficulties for Muslims and international intelligence will scrutinize him. And the pressure on the Muslims here will increase. I don’t support that.

Q: The war that right now is happening in Syria and Iraq, is it important?

A: Yes, of course it is important. What is happening in Syria is right. The people want to remove the old regime which has done criminal things nobody had ever done before. The West stood silent and watched while their consciences were either dead or on vacation. So the only real thing for Syria is Jihad, despite what the West might think.

Q: How important is the establishment of a Caliphate with a Caliph that is of Muhammad’s own family?

A: This is an important point which I do no think the West fully understands. Some politicians understand but they do not really wish to understand. And that is that Islam is not like Christianity. Our Islam is a political movement. The Bible is not the same as the Koran. The Koran has 500 verses about politics and ruling, about its Sharia laws and its justice system. You don’t find that in the Bible. There is a big difference; therefore we cannot in Islam separate politics on the one side and religion on the other. Religion and politics go hand in hand in Islam. So, the establishment of a Caliphate is both a legal and a religious event. From the deepest part of our religion. What is happening in Syria where Dr. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi proclaimed the establishment of a Caliphate, a regime the West fears. Two important points about al-Baghdadi: Firstly, Obama and all who are with him fear the Caliphate because we Muslims support it, right from Indonesia to Morocco, from Chechnya to South Africa if we think he is the rightful Caliph. Because that would mean that the old borders are wiped out. The Sykes-Picot-line that we do not acknowledge.

Q: Are you ready to swear allegiance to the Caliph?

A: I am not yet ready. This is because I don’t know him and the Caliphate well enough. Which rules they follow. In our religious books there are seven conditions for a Caliphate. But if I recognize him as the Caliph then yes, I would swear allegiance to him in front of the Norwegian parliament and I would endure and accept all sorts of reactions from the rest of the world.

Q: Do you think that this Caliphate or another Caliphate will take over dominion of the world?

A: Not the whole world. But I think that within the next 20 years we will again have our Caliphate. And it will play a big role in the international community. I mean that our Islamic community (Ummah) has reached 70%. We need then only 30%, and in my opinion we will reach this within 20-25 years. God willing, then we will our own Islamic state which everybody will have to swear allegiance to whether the West likes it or not.

Freedom of speech was won for criticism of religious authority.
Without that freedom, all other freedoms will be labeled as a religious matter and will be lost to us.
Criticizing religion, and even ridiculing it, is not just a freedom. It is a profound obligation.

Already the fact that not one original version from the Quran is today available makes it impossible to find out the original teaching and what has been added by other humans. The Quran was recorded on tablets, bones, and the wide, flat ends of date palm fronds. Most suras were in use amongst early Muslims since they are mentioned in numerous sayings by both Sunni and Shia sources, relating Muhammad's use of the Quran as a call to Islam, the making of prayer and the manner of recitation. However, the Quran did not exist in book form at the time of Muhammad's death in 632. There is agreement among scholars that Muhammad himself did not write down the revelation. More information about the history of the Quran can get found at WikiPedia.

Nobody needs to wonder himself that such people like Mullah Krekar are not getting welcomed in the Western World. Such people are only depress the hospitality underfoot.

Which people the Muslims are get shown in their deeds and war crimes. They have even destroyed in the last days the truck convoy which should bring help to the innocent people from the Syrian conflict. The trucks have been marked with the Red Crescent and Red Cross. Even their own people are not counting for these power horny leaders who are only using the religious beliefs of the crowd in their own favor. In reality they are nothing else than barbarians.


Is the sentence that the Islam is a peaceful religion only a bad joke?

Bad news are spreading the world and unmasks the religion from a lot people to a simple war business. Who should still believe that the Islam is a peaceful religion when one of the key Imams of the Muslims, an Imam of the Holy Mosque of Mecca - Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais - is a hate preacher?

Some claim that Islam is a religion of peace, and the jihadists are just wacky fringe groups. Extremists precisely. This especially in the West cherished by non-Muslims was wishful thinking now, corrected by Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais, the imam and Quran reciter from the "Sacred Mosque" of Mecca. The Salafist and Wahabit Imam Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais applies Sunni Muslims as one of the most reliable and popular interpreters of the Koran.

Is someone thinking that his words are really peaceful when such a self-promoter, power-hungry and war horny old idiot is yelling: "Let jihadists malicious Christians defeat!". Does someone think that such words are sounding for others peaceful? For me it seems that such fanatics are on drugs or have been escaped from the madhouse. Is this the understanding of peace? Sorry, but for others is it sounding like a war declaration. Such stupid religious leaders are showing the reason why not support from the Muslim countries is given in the war against the Daesh and will bring you only the next World War. Maybe some uneducated people will believe those preachers that for the case they will die they will come to the paradise. I think more that this preachers and their victims will end up in the torture chamber of the devil instead of the paradise.

My opinion is: If your religion teaches you that you need to kill, then you should change your religion or start with yourself first.

As long as the Muslims are not taking any action against such hate preachers and the terrorists, they will be unbelievable for the rest of the world.

Here a translation from an actual article found in the German speaking press:

Imam rushes in Mecca: "Let jihadists malicious Christians defeat!"

With a true hate sermon shocks the Imam Abdurrahman ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais from the main mosque the world. The priest of the Holy Mosque of Mecca, the Kaaba is located in the courtyard pilgrims shouted words: "Oh Allah, give victory, honor, and power our brothers, the jihadists in Yemen, in Syria, in Iraq, around the world. Let them triumph over the treacherous Jews, the malicious Christians and the unreliable hypocrites!"

Hate preacher Abdurrahman shocks ibn Abdulaziz as-Sudais

The "Prayer" was held jointly with Egyptian Muslims on September 4 and was broadcast by an Egyptian TV station, as the magazine "Catholic" reported. 1961-born preacher is followers of Salafism particularly conservative and is considered one of the most reliable and popular interpreters of the Koran.

Hate sermon shortly before the Hajj
The meeting took place Hajj pilgrims just before the pilgrimage Central for Muslim, attended again this year millions of people. The Hajj is one to Mecca with the daily prayers, the gift of charity, faith, as well as fasting in the month of Ramadan to the five pillars of Islam. The multi-day pilgrimage to the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammed is one of the religious duties, that every Muslim should - once meet in his life if he is harmless to health and financially capable.

Every year, up to three million pilgrims in the vicinity of the city in Saudi Arabia, which may be entered only by Muslims. Only the great pilgrimage from the 8th to the 13th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah Hajj is considered within the meaning of the pilgrimage duty. Outside this time but a small pilgrimage (Umrah) is possible.

Holy Mosque as the central place of pilgrimage
All pilgrims visit the Holy Mosque, in the middle of which the Kaaba is, a giant, with a black curtain (Kiswa) wrapped cube, in the side of the so-called Black Stone, a meteorite, is immured. According to the Koran the Kaaba by Abraham and his son Ishmael was built. You must hike around seven times, this circumnavigation called Tawaf.


The conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran downgrades the Islam to a game of the mighty ones

MeccaThe conflict between Saudi Arabia and the Iran about the Hajj, the annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, is looking like a kindergarten game than a serious issue between educated people. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the leaders of Saudi Arabia "unbeliever", a commander put the Kingdom on the same level with the arch-enemy Israel.

Already this fact shows that the self-appointed leaders of the Islamic religion cannot get taken serious. This leaders are using only the religion from the crowd for their own favors and by doing this they forget their own teachings. They are clearly stating with their behavior that their own rules are only valid for masses but not for themselves.

It also shows that these leaders are not able learn from the mistakes of others and only want to extend their own claim to power. The history from other and older religions shows clearly the results for such a conduct. For example have been the religious wars in Europe a few hundred years ago, which got started for the reason of intrigues done by the church. It resulted in a strict separation between church and state without any power of the religion. Some countries have even forbidden the religion.

As long as the crowd will believe their power-hungry leaders, there will no peace in their area. As soon the crowd will start to use their own God given brain such irresponsible leaders will have an easy game with their own propaganda. Maybe it will take a few hundred years until the crowd is ready to send their stupid leaders to the counterpart of God, however they will call him. Not one religion teaches that unbelievers needs to get killed. That is only an invention from irresponsible, stupid and power-hungry people. Don't forget such people have copied the holy scripts over more than 1,000 years and changed the content to their own favor. Normal people could even not read or write during the old time.

Khamenei, the religious and political leader of Iran called on to rethink the management of the annual Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca by Saudi Arabia. He argued on Monday, among others, the death of thousands of pilgrims in the past year. In a stampede over 2,000 people were killed. Moreover Khamenei berated the leaders of Saudi Arabia as infidels and murderers. "The Muslims should the blasphemous and (world powers) dependent nature of the Saudis recognize world," Khamenei said in his annual message of Hajj.

Saudi Arabia and Iran are regional rivals. Iran considers itself as a protector of the Shiites, Saudi Arabia as a protector of the Sunnis. The leadership in Tehran supported the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the royal family in Riyadh, however, the rebels fighting against Assad.

Riyadh broke off diplomatic relations with Tehran after applied protesters stormed the embassy of the country in Tehran. Previously, 47 people in Saudi Arabia got executed as "terrorists", among them the prominent Shiite cleric Nimr al-Nimr. His beheading sparked massive tensions between the two Islamic powers.

The source from the conflict shows exactly that mighty ones are using the religion for their own favor and are thinking that they have the same level as God - masters of life and death - while they are even using the real terrorists for increasing their own influence. Do you really think that you'll meet such people in paradise? Such people will end up in the hell - in the torture chamber from the devil.

Nobody is asking you here to change your believes. You'll are only asked to use your own brain and rethink about the basic teaching from each holy script, where is written that you shall live in peace, accept the opinion from others and don't kill.