My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

What happens if stone age culture meets the Western World?

Oktoberfest Munich GermanySome uneducated and intolerant people leaving their own country for living in freedom and without persecution. They are even too stupid informing themselves first to which direction they should escape. These people are thinking that the world is turning around them and the Islam and are expecting that others are changing their own views into their favor.

One of these uneducated people is Morad Almuradi, who is now living at the Netherlands and is expecting that the government of Munich will stop one of their largest party - the Munich Oktoberfest. The deadbeat is thinking that local people have to change their lifestyle only for the reason he and some other Moslem can get offended from the local customs. If someone leaves his country for any reason for living in another country then this have to change his lifestyle and accept the local rules and not opposite round. If someone expect that he can continue his living on the traditional way then he has to chose a country where this is possible and not expecting from others that they will change themselves into his favor. Such narrow minded people like Morad Almuradi are only destroying the helpfulness from the local people and are converting their mind into xenophobia. Morad Almuradi is only one example from these narrow minded people who has chosen the wrong destination for his escape. There are getting 56 Muslim countries found at the world. Why has he not chosen one of them for his escape?

With his own intolerance against other cultures he likes to get accepted? Sorry, but such people need to get sent back to the hole where they have been coming from. If such people are getting prosecuted in their own country then would it be for the same reason for what they are trying to do in foreign countries.

Let's take first a look at the online petition what Morad Almuradi has started at

Morad Almuradi - the idiot who is thinking that the world is turning around the Islam and himselfBan the Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event of Oktoberfest

Dear City council of Munich,

I am writing this letter to bring to your attention something that I and many Muslims believe is unfair and requires attention. I would like to inform you that the Oktoberfest is an Intolerant and Anti-Islamic event. We tried to ignore the event, but there too many Un-Islamic acts done at the Oktoberfest. Such as alcohol consumption, public nudity etc.

We understand that the Oktoberfest is a yearly German tradition, but we, Muslims, can not tolerate this Un-Islamic event, because it offends us and all Muslims on the earth. We are requesting the immediate cancellation of the upcoming Oktoberfest event.

We also believe that the Oktoberfest might also offend all the Muslim refugees coming from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan. The cancellation of the Oktoberfest event will help refugees not to forget their Islamic history. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Morad Almuradi


Dear Morad Almuradi,

I have a few questions to you:

  • Why have you chosen Europe for your relocation?
  • Did you not know that government and religion are in Europe strictly separated?
  • Did you not know that religion is in other countries a private matter?
  • Do you not know that you have been coming to Europe and not Europe has been coming to you?
  • Do you not like to build up the same situation here from which you have been running away?
  • You are expecting that others shall respect your wishes. On the other site you are so closed minded that you are not able to accept the lifestyle from others. Do you think that your behavior is a basement for building up a relationship with European people?
  • Why did you not chose one of the 56 Muslim countries for your escape? I think that you only like to take advance from the European social system without paying one Cent into it. The local people have built up and paid into this social system, which is now paying your expenses and the expenses of the refugees arriving in Europe. In my opinion are you nothing else than a parasite. Do you think that parasites are welcome in any country?
  • If your religion does not allow you to drink some alcohol then do not drink it. But open minded people will even not let themselves influence from your views and your religion. Why do you not go home or to a country where your views are matching with your religious believes, if you are getting offended in your religious views from the tradition and behavior of others? Nobody has called or invited you coming here and nobody will keep you back if you like to leave us.
  • Do you not think that you are overstrain the patience from the people who have welcomed you in Europe?
  • Do you not think that you are the best example for these political parties, who has as their slogan "Foreigners go home"? You and others with the same views are one of their arguments!
  • grilled rear pork legDo you really think that others will stop eating their favorite food only for respecting your religious views? Don't forget you have to integrate yourself into the community here and not others have to accept your narrow minded views.
    At the picture on the right site you'll see one of my favorite dishes - grilled rear pork leg with salads and beer. 

Morad Almuradi you have to integrate yourself into the community of the country where you are living and not the community has to change their traditions! If you not understand this fact then it would better for you to search for a country which is matching your expectations. Nobody keeps you back. If you are not welcome there then it is your fault and not the fault of others. So don't overestimate yourself.


"Allahu akbar" - and what an unbeliever thinks about it

KaabaI can understand how bad it must be for a peace-loving, believer when murdered somewhere in the world in the name of his god. "Allahu akbar" means "God is great" and is simply an act of faith, which probably pronounce every Muslim at prayer or at different occasions.

Every time a suicide bomber calls "Allahu akbar!" before he ignites his explosive belt or with the machete man starts, like a stitch must for a believer feel the heart. One harmless but important religious phrase is robbed the innocence, it is made to their war cry. The situation is already as bad as you cannot bring the sentence itself, without getting suspicious.

If you once whisper innocently "Allahu akbar" in the tram, bus or at a public place, all the bystanders wince overlook a suspiciously or take even panicky flight. No, it cannot be pleasant. Probably wants to be on some days when ruling on all channels the terrorist messages prefer crawl home.

I can also understand how much it must annoy a peace-loving, devout Muslim, to be pushed back again and again after each attempt to distance himself from the assassins. "Well, what do you say?", You will probably demand a challenging tone several times a day - from close friends as well as by casual acquaintances, in the work break in the cafeteria, in the school yard and on Facebook.

So, as if you are related to the terrorists, like as if one had only yesterday phoned them or as it is otherwise responsible somehow for the behavior of wild strangers. I can understand why the questions getting asked. Why should have a devout Muslim to violence a different opinion as a devout Christian, a staunch atheist or else a normal sentient human? Assuming that not already the question is from a kind which makes a Muslim co-responsibility and pushes him accusingly in a corner from which it is hard to disentangle, without getting moral scratches?

What I completely cannot understand is that not much more vigorously defend the million peace-loving, righteous, devout Muslims throughout the world against what terrorists do with their faith.

I imagine ungodly before, strange guys would kidnap my God, in his alleged order to commit the most atrocious crimes, they would all that I hold sacred twist, pervert and abuse for their own destructive purposes and then then even claim they have the for "all Muslims", i.e. done for me - then you can make it happen without objection that yet! If one has because if one is a believer, not the heartfelt desire to take his God in protection?

Will you not defend your God against his perverted fans? Is it not necessary to protect your God and his name against the murders and rapists? Why are you allowing to burn down in his name? "Nobody kills in my name!", takes a stand on the banners that Muslims around the world millions of times held in the height (at least where it is safe to do so). "Our God is not your God!", would preachers, politicians, scholars or other tribunes call the IS. Or: "You are not Muslims!"

People of faith will not do all this to make themselves popular to unbelievers or distance themselves from their God. They would do it because their God and their religion would be so important for them. Are people not only using their religion for their own purpose if they are not distance themselves from terrorists and criminals? Which value has the religion really for such people? Which value can have a religion with such a kind of followers? Who will trust into the teachings from such a religion? Isn’t it a nice kind of promotion for a religion?

But perhaps all that follows merely a logic that can occur only from an unbeliever…


Double standard: This Islamic country is the new world-Sex-center

So far, Thailand was considered the global center of cheap sex. Now another country prepares to become the red center of the world. It is just there preached particularly loud morality.

Flashing neon signs in sultry tropical night, music which penetrates from bars and massage parlors. In between women who are stalking around with a swinging butt on high heels. Her short skirts and tight tops have a clear view of a lot of skin.

"Happy Massage" is on welcoming signs. This is not Bangkok, whose sex industry enjoys a legendary reputation. This is Bukit Bintang, an entertainment district in Kuala Lumpur. The Islamic Malaysia is well on the way to Thailand and the Philippines as a red light center of the world to outdo.

Two contradictory faces of the same country: Malaysia with its multicultural society prides itself while still being one of the more moderate Muslim nations of the earth, at the same time; however, take the orthodox tendencies, such as the number of head veil on the streets of Southeast Asian state.

Female stimuli are taboo. Like Sex

At public buildings across the country emblazoned posters urging a "dress appropriately". Free shoulders and bare knees for women are not allowed to offices. Tight outfits from a woman can cause a national outcry, as happened recently in the case of successful gymnast Farah Ann Abdul Hadi. Although they took in the Southeast Asia Games last summer home six shiny medals for Malaysia, but was still vilified publicly.

The Minister of Islamic Affairs, Jamil Khir Baharom wanted, has recognized under her skimpy leotard "the shape of her vagina," and so he called shrilly for "stricter observance of the Islamic dress rules for sports and other areas". For me it looks like the Malaysian Minister of Islamic Affairs seems to be a sex maniac because he shows with his observations where he is looking during a sports contest. I would like to recommend him urgently to search help in a psychiatric clinic. Other, even the Chair of the Women Wing at the National Muslim Youth Association, Roszida Kamaruddin, joined in with the Minister of Islamic Affairs. Female stimuli are taboo. Just as sex.

Smooching and other intimacies in public are prohibited and will be severely punished. Those caught in sexual conduct in a public place, not only has up to 20 years in prison count, but also by caning.

Prostitution is illegal, but the sex trade flourishes

Three young women have made 2010 headlines, because they were sentenced as first "delinquents" of this kind to blows. They had slept before marriage with men. Meanwhile, arranged by the sharia corporal punishment for similar offenses are hardly special messages in Malaysia.

Prostitution is - in contrast to other countries - in Malaysia illegally. Yet the trade flourishes with sex than in almost any other country. The Malaysian sex industry is worth the equivalent of over 960 million dollars, it is said on the website of Havocscope Global Black Market information that examines the global black market.

Even 200 years ago found foreign loggers, sailors and miners on the Malaysian peninsula ladies who hawked their bodies. But these prostitutes worked mainly in clearly defined sin miles in the big cities. Today there is are small brothels, the love hotels and "massage parlors" have everywhere spread in the country - even in regions where the ultra-conservative Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) is in charge. And the Internet erotic services are quite open. The authorities look somewhere else, while simultaneously preaching morality, whenever they can.

In Germany, where prostitution is not immoral since 2001, coming in section 49 prostitutes at 10,000 people. Even Thailand is by far not as a cesspool, as many believe the West: There are only 45 sex workers per 10,000 people. But in Malaysia with so many demurely veiled women and strict regional sharia, there are even 52.

The commercial sex was visible to all. But nobody talks about it. On the contrary: The ruling party United Malays National Organization (Umno) of Prime Minister Najib Razak is located chaste and puritanical. Najib is accused of corruption. His coalition has plugged a low blow after another. She needs every voter, they can get. And therefore it curries favor of the Conservatives and uses the religion for their election campaign.

"Women are punished, but no one thinks to their customers"

"Politicians are afraid that it calls into question their piety, because then they annoy voters or could lose," said the woman activist Ivy Josiah. She had defended a prostitute last year, which was arrested by an undercover policeman and sentenced in court to six months in prison because they had offered him sexual services. One should not condemn sex workers, said Ivy Josiah. "It is always sad that women are constantly punished for such acts while not given a thought to their customers."

Malaysian women prostitute themselves mostly out of necessity. Many are single mothers. In addition, an increasing number of students who can pay for their education or a little luxury of suitors, because there are hardly any scholarships or even something like student loans.

Over the past decade also flow women and girls from poorer neighboring countries of Burma, Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, in Malaysia's brothels. The US has set the country on the black list of states with particularly nasty trafficking and even child prostitution. According to reports, even police officers involved in human smuggling. Again, the politicians mostly closed eyes.

Instead, they discuss publicly whether their home the "Hudud", the strict Sharia criminal law, is intended to introduce, and flare up further on to scarce jerseys their sports stars. Simultaneously, the streetwalker evening walks further lasciviously over the sidewalks. Demand is high: A roaring trade in a bigoted society.