My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Islamization or secularization?

ReligionsIn Germany, the church receives 19 billion Euro annually from the state. Why? Because they are churches and religions in this country have always been financed by taxpayers, although their assets are estimated to be about 500 billion euros (all property, land, property, etc.).

The Islamic associations are now yelling: STOP STOP, NOW I SPEECH! And also demand money and are immediately screaming discrimination, if they do not get it. Since the two Christian churches are trying to prevent any debate about the legality of this welfare-State benefits, they figure dairymaid-like, it is still most profitable for them if you mass tax money also the associations of Islam get (they don't pay it finally), that they voluntarily give up "their" money.

This is the main reason why the Islamic associations are pushing open doors, and the churches are at the forefront of equating Islam in every respect before they give up billions of euros in taxpayers' money. This also means that the Islam in the schools will be that imams and Islamic religion teachers will get financed by the government and of course, that they eventually get their own Islamic labor law and legally covered, who is not a Muslim, which simply doesn't get the jobs allocated by them in their institutions. Against this nothing can get done otherwise the Christian churches will loose their privileges too.

The state is thus trying to breed its own Euro-Islam, which he believes he can direct. Only the Islamic associations, however, are firmly linked with the foreign countries, with partly anti-democratic countries and governments, which are only too willing to use this privilege to subvert and influence. And also here the state will not intervene, because he would tangle in this case with the churches, which don't want to renounce no cent of tax money. Anyway others are paying it and with the often negative effects the population must come alone clear. If not, they are supposed to be "Islamophile" or "Islamophobia", in order to make them guilty and subordinate intolerance.

Even if Christians do not like it, the churches are mainly responsible for the fact that there is an Islamization. And with Islamization, we do not understand that all are forced to Islam, but that Islam is going to clash all the privileges that the churches already have. Including the non-criticism of their practices. The only rational way against Islamization and the excessive influence of foreign Islamic governments is therefore secularization and rethinking the privileges of the religions. All religions!

The bottom line it looks namely, that as Turkey gets here a big co-right and this co-right get even paid from the German tax payers, because many associations of Islam by the dominance of the Turkish members are Turkey enslaved. Germany, however, does not have any co-right in Turkey and other Islamic countries. In such a case it would get spoken about colonialism, Hitler and any right of scrutiny gets rejected.

As long as the churches are only keen on the tax money, they will always look away, whenever everywhere else Christians are getting persecuted, while they themselves contribute to this, that Islamic groups, who are advocating the Christian persecution in their homelands are rising their influence.


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