My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Jihad in the Koran

JihadWhen we look at the number of verses in the Qur'an dealing with the theme of jihad or the struggle in the cause of God, it becomes clear that jihad is one of the main themes of the Koran.

The Arabic word is "Jihad-e-Kabir" (greater jihad). Muslims therefore believe that the physical war is "Jihad-e-Saghir" (smaller jihad), although this term is not expressly mentioned in the Koran (see also 4:74-76).

The 114 Quran suras, chapters, or parts of the Koran are not listed in the chronological order in which Mohammad recited them, but in the order of length, from the longest to the shortest. Instead of listing the verses in the order in which they appear in the Quran, I listed them in the historical order in which they were "revealed" (according to the list of Noldeke). This will help to make the obvious development of Jihad thinking more comprehensible.

The Ka'aba, a rectangular building in the city of Mecca, contained many religious symbols and was the center of the worship of the pagan Arabs at the time of Muhammed. Arabs from all over the Arab world undertook an annual pilgrimage to Mecca to adore these idols.

When Mohammad lived in Mecca in 610, he began to preach the Islam he had invented. His Quraish tribesmen became increasingly angry because of their condemnation of their idolatry. Ninety-eight of the 114 Suren of the Koran came into existence during the 13 years that Muhammed lived in Mecca. These Suras did not contain any instructions to the struggle in spite of the heavy persecution, the striking, the expulsion from their houses, and the death threats to which his small bonds of followers were subject. (See Suras about Jihad in the Koran from phase 1: (in Mecca) - no retribution)

The last 24 Suras are from the time after 622, when Mohammad and his followers had to flee to Medina to escape their persecution in Mecca. There, Mohammad became the political leader of the city, and his followers increased significantly. The doctrine of jihad or the struggle for "Allah" began to develop in these medieval suras.

The number of successors to Muhammad would be small if he had attempted to retaliate immediately. Muhammed was also protected by his uncle until his death. When Muhammad received an invitation to come to Medina, he fled with his followers from Mecca. In Medina he soon received the position of the city's leader and many more Arabs accepted him as a prophet.

Several months after arriving in Medina, the Muslims began attacking the Meccan caravans. (It is very difficult to understand how someone who claimed to be a prophet could take carnal, pagan, Arab practice to deceive the caravans of other tribes, and under the cover of the mantle, to "strive on the way of God" And then say that one-fifth of the prey belongs to God !?). This practice eventually led to the owners of the goods, the tribe of Mecca's Quraish, and several battles against Muhammed. It began with the Battle of Badr in the year 624. At that time, the Muslims were granted permission to defend themselves by fighting and killing. While Muhammed and his followers were themselves the cause of the war, it called Muhammed self-defense. After all, the Quraish simply wanted to protect their own caravans, which were robbed by the Muslims. The only enemies of the Muslims at this time were the "disbelievers" of the tribe of the Quraish of Mecca, who, according to his opinion, had idols instead of Muhammed. (See Suras about Jihad in the Koran from phase 2: (Medina) - self-defense is allowed)

A few months later, a religious obligation was made out of the permission to fight in self-defense. At first, the only enemy images were the "unbelievers" of the tribe of Quraish of Mecca. According to Muhammed, they were in a certain way which had declared war on the Muslims. Starting from the battle of Uhud, they began to regard the hypocrites as enemies, and later also the Christians and Jews as enemies. In the beginning, the Jews were not regarded as enemies, as Muhammed hoped that the Jews would accept him as a prophet in the same way as Moses. (see suras about jihad in the Koran from phase 3: (Medina) - defensive battles are commanded)

Until Phase 4, after the conquest of Mecca, where Muhammed was convinced that assault is the best defense and the attack war is being ordered. Only heathen should get killed and Christians and Jews should get humiliated.

The Muslims have gained strength, they attacked Mecca and the Meccans emerged in the year 630. Most of the heathen of the city converted to the Islam and so Muhammed and his followers were able to take over the city completely. From the Ka'aba got removed around 360 symbols of other religions. At this time new commands were given to adapt to the current situation. It was also obvious that the Jews would not accept Muhammed's claim to be a prophet. Thus the list of enemies was extended to all unbelievers - Jews and Christians as well as the heathen. Now it is no longer just defensive fighting but aggressive jihad against all infidels. Since this is the last doctrine of the Quran on jihad, it is still in force. In other words, Islam and the Muslims have been in the "holy" war since the year 630 of the Christian era with the rest of the world.

On page 538 of Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam, the author describes:

The djihad is a duty. This precept is laid down in all the sources. It is true that there are to be found in the Koran divergent, and even contradictory, texts. These are classified by the doctrine, apart from certain variations of detail, into four successive categories:

  1. those which enjoin pardon for offences and encourage the invitation to Islam by peaceful persuasion
  2. those which enjoin fighting to ward off aggression
  3. those which enjoin the initiative in attack provided it is not within the four sacred months
  4. and those which enjoin the initiative in attack absolutely, at all times and in all places

In sum, these differences correspond to the stages in the development of Muhammad's thought and to the modifications of policy resulting from particular circumstances

The Meccan period during which Muhammad, in general, confines himself to moral and religious teaching, and the Medina period when, having become the leader of a politico-religious community, he is able to undertake, spontaneously, the struggle against those who do not wish to join this community or submit to his authority.

The doctrine holds that the later texts abrogate the former contradictory texts ... to such effect that only those of the last category remain indubitably valid.


Even Brill's Encyclopaedia of Islam describes the Koran in this part as a diary of the warlord and mass murderer Muhammed. Muhammed invented Islam as an excuse and designed Allah according to his wishes.

Even Muhammad Muhsin Khan, the translator into the English of the Bukhari Hadith, writes in on page XXIV in his instructions for translation:

So at first ‘the fighting’ was forbidden, then it was permitted and after that it was made obligatory - (1) against those who start ‘the fighting’ against you (Muslims) ... (2) and against all those who worship others along with Allah ...


In summary, the question "Is the Koran merely hate propaganda?" can get answered clearly with a big YES. The status of a religion must urgently get withdrawn from the Islam.


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