My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

Amazon offered "sexy Burka" as a Halloween costume

Rarely has a piece of clothing provided for more conversation and was so vehemently controversial - the burka. But what has driven the online-shop giant Amazon recently on its British Web site, meets with many skepticism. So there was actually a "sexy burka" offered as a party outfit. Muslim believers romped up.

This fact shows already the intolerance and the missing integration capability from the Muslims in Europe. Why have they been coming here if they cannot adapt themselves to the culture here? They are bringing their problems from which they have been escaping to others and think that others have to respect their believes and wishes. Sorry, but if you cannot accept the Western culture why the Western culture shall accept yours?

Actually, the burka should serve the full veil of the body, but the offered "clothing piece" would obviously not have been able to fulfill this purpose. The tight dress covers just the most necessary here, leaves a lot of leg freedom and also gives deep insights at the level of the cleavage. Just the arms are comparatively chaste hidden under long sleeves.

Screenshot Amazon offer "Sexy Burka"

For the one or the other perhaps quite amusing - glances attract the piece of fabric with certainty - but for believers, the orderly "sexy Burka" was a very big affront.

Some Muslim Amazon customers placed displeasure immediately in the reviews below of the product. "You’re all disgusting racists. My culture is not your costume", was to read in one of the reviews.

Another commented: "A person’s culture is NOT a fancy dress costume".

Whereas another user took the item for sale very personally, commenting: "Whoever you are fear Allah. It’s not a joke."

If the outfit already stands on the wish list for the upcoming Halloween party, then you have to be disappointed at this point. For the "sexy Burka" has now been removed from the Amazon side, but you can order the sexy burka at AliExpress. The case can have some consequences for the third-party supplier, who placed the outfit on the sales platform. A spokesman for the online giant told to the British news agency SWNS: "All Marketplace sellers must follow our selling guidelines and those who don’t will be subject to action including potential removal of their account."

However, if you do not want to miss a costume for Halloween, a completely unholy nun costume or a seductive priest's outfit is still available:

Screenshot Amazon offer "unholy nun costume" and "seductive priest's outfit"

Here gets shown the double standard from Amazon. It looks like that Amazon is a Muslim shop, so don't buy in such a shop. If they like to make business and respect only the Muslim culture then they have to make their business only with Muslim buyers. In such a case they will get removed from the market very fast. Even Amazon needs to understand the basic rule in business the customer is king. If only the Muslims are their kings, then they should take only the money from Muslims.


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