My Opinion

nothing but my opinion

The Koran teaches that every life is sacred

ApologetSome proponents of Islam consider themselves to be especially cunning if they cite only half the truth from the Koran. These apologists do not consider that they are even more unbelievable than they already are. Thus, these professional liars and rejectors have published the following text at the Fiqh Council of North America:

Verse 5:32 promotes the universal principle that all life is sanctified for Allah. It says, "Whoever kills a human being, it is as if he had killed all men, and whoever keeps it alive, it is as if he kept all men alive."

It is what the apologists want non-Muslims to believe and what is not in this form in the Koran, and in contrast to the dozens of other open passages which lead to warfare, decapitation and torture. But also the above-mentioned quote from verse 5:32 is not quite as it appears. There are just a few words missing. The full verse is:

On account of that incident, We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever kills a person, except as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land, it will be written in his book of deeds as if he had killed all the human beings on the surface of the Earth and whoever will save a life shall be regarded as if he gave life to all the human beings on the surface of the Earth. Yet, even though Our Rasools came to them one after the other with clear revelations, it was not long before, many of them committed excesses in the land.

First you notice the gaping gap. Killing is permitted in cases of murder or "for the spread of mischief on the earth". Murder is fairly simple, but "spread mischief"? If anything required a careful and accurate explanation, this would be such a phrase that allows torture. But the generations of Muslims themselves are left to their own interpretation of what "mischief" means - with different standards. Violation of the Sharia (Islamic law) or the sharing of another religious belief seems to qualify. Verse 7:103 of the Koran even shows that the mere rejection of Muhammad and the Quran is considered a "mischief".

Considering the wider context of this verse, it turns out that this is not a divine commandment for Muslims. It is a repetition of a rule given to the Jews (in fact, from the Talmud). It is no warning against killing. It is an imaginary accusation against the Jews because it has violated the law conferred upon them. By "who" is not meant "anyone", but any of the Jews.

Any application to Muslims should apply only to Muslims - as with Muslim-to-Muslim murder within the brotherhood of the Faithful. In fact, the context of the verse is the murder of Abel by Cain. Historically, this verse has never been so interpreted by Islamic scholars that the lives of Muslims and non-Muslims are equivalent to Allah. The Koran says that the reparation of a murder is bound to the law of equality (2:178) and that non-believers are not equal to the Muslims (39:9). Muhammad confirmed that a Muslim can be punished with death for the killing of a fellow Muslim, but a Muslim should never be killed for the killing of a non-believer.

Rather than promote tolerance, Sura 5 as a whole is indeed an incitement to hatred with a touch of violence. Later, in the chapter, Jews and Christians were cursed as "evil" people with "sick hearts" and as hateful "blasphemers". Muhammad also reminds his people that Allah loves only those who "fight" in his ministry - and it is quite obvious who the enemy is.

Even Muslim apologists disregard the fact that verse 5:32 immediately follows a cruel verse, which, in the case of the above-mentioned "disaster," actually prescribes killing-and this was not taken from the Talmud. He even indicates the crucifixion and "cutting off hands and feet from opposite sides". (This arrangement was compulsorily observed by the IS in 2014):

The recompense of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and do mischief in the land is only that they shall be killed or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on the opposite sides, or be exiled from the land. That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter. (5:33)

Although verse 5:32 is a law given to the Jews, the following verse 5:33 counts unambiguously and for the Muslims. (One must imagine that instead of the law against murder and only to let go of anger, Jesus would have said, "You have heard that it is said that all life is holy, but I tell you that those who are waging war against God, should get crucified ... "

Verse 5:33 is the foundation for laws against blasphemy. On this basis, people can get executed for insulting Islam. Ironically, this part of the Koran will be used by apologists to portray Islam as a nonviolent religion. It has long been used as a justification for the punishment of oral capital crimes.

This passage is the best example of the moral side of the Quran. This verse is in fact the basis for the torture and execution of persons who interfere or threaten Islamic hegemony.

In this way, it is the best thing Islam has to offer. Therefore it is not difficult to guess why the religion contributes every year to more than a thousand lethal terrorist attacks on the world.


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